
Active Member
Sep 6, 2019
Honestly, I can sort of understand where he is coming from theoretically, but his take is also stupid.
The idea of the player being corrupted in a porn game is honestly great, but requires a shit ton of effort, testing, game design and other factors to achieve. Most of the times - it happens simply because the player gets inpatient.

I remember playing a RenPy Light Management game. When I started - I tried to play it safe, achieving the objective but not pushing too much. Not that I could, as scenes are locked behind some stats. So I took it slow - tried to gradually build it without risking too much. But... well, at some point I lost it, realized that I won't get any spice hot content that way any time soon and just started to not care about the female PC and began grinding the lewd stats to unlock new scenes, repeating content that gives stats, ignoring some of the mechanics the game has that do not benefit for lewd scenes e.t.c.

I got to the same phase with CoC2 as well, but it wasn't as good. In the beginning, I tried to stick to the characters I like, doing the thing I wouldn't mind doing. But eventually I sort of reached the point where I just stopped caring and excepted whatever the hell is going to happen simply because there is often no alternative way that isn't annoying. I remember I wanted to see Leoran Cait TF and spend like, 20 minutes trying to get Vari's encounter, running away for entire days to get her to show up, only to realize it's actually locked behind some time limit.

The only real corruption that happened is me no longer caring about roleplay, game's logic, or any sort of lack of meta gaming to see content. Can I justify my character running away for several hours? Sleeping several days in a room to see a specific dream? Especially in the game that tells you to hurry up and stop Kassyra as fast as possible? Not really. Sure, fuck me in the ass while I was going to safe zone because running away failed, I don't care anymore cause I ain't save-scumming because I got one corruption point.

And then we have him telling us it's our fault that Brint gets genderbend and we did it on purpose because we are corrupted as the players. Yeah, sure, that's a huge ass stretch that assumes waaaay to much, but believe what you want to believe.
Funny thing is, corrupted as the players doesn't even mean anything lmao. We are playing a smut game with horse cocks, child grooming, rape, and too many other fetishes to list. Yet they draw the line because we don't want a useless character? Because if you don't like big burly dudes with a horse cock, Brint is just useless because that's how it is in porn games. If the player doesn't like the content, said content is useless to the player. Like I'm sorry that I, as a straight man, would prefer to see women rather than men, devs. God forbid, I actually see the content I want to see. No that makes me, "corrupt".

What the fuck does the player even being "corrupted" even mean, anyway? Does TOBS think this silly ass video game meter of morality exist in real life? And that your choices in a fucking smut game would influence that in ANY way? Like you'd think they'd be making some Shakespearean-level shit with how they're talking about this, but it literally just boils down to: Would you rather have a cowgirl or a cowdude to sex?

Why are they trying to act like changing someone's gender in a smut game is some kind of taboo and evil act...

this one makes sense tho cause wolf milfs are god's gift to this world
Normally I'd agree. Hell, I wouldn't even mind Gwyn being a psycho if I could fuck her.

But I can't fuck the wolf milf that pegged her husband. Thus, she is useless to me and I hate her.
DK route where you cuck Garth and steal his wife from him when? :BootyTime:


Active Member
Sep 6, 2019
woah now

Brint's a pretty cool dude even if you aren't banging him.
Yeah, but I can go play a non-smut game like persona 4 or 5 and have actual dudebro time with a dudebro. If I could pull a Brienne on every dude in the game, I honestly would lmao.

Imagine the scenes with Fem-Garret. Lawd have mercy on my soul, that'd be some snu-snu worth dying for.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2016
Yeah, but I can go play a non-smut game like persona 4 or 5 and have actual dudebro time with a dudebro. If I could pull a Brienne on every dude in the game, I honestly would lmao.

Imagine the scenes with Fem-Garret. Lawd have mercy on my soul, that'd be some snu-snu worth dying for.
Eh, I think it would get pretty boring. I actually like having characters around I don't neccesarily want to fuck.

Personally, one of my biggest asks for this game are more non-sexual scenes with companions and such.

I would love some scenes with just your entire party hanging out in the tavern shooting the shit with each other.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Yeah, but I can go play a non-smut game like persona 4 or 5 and have actual dudebro time with a dudebro. If I could pull a Brienne on every dude in the game, I honestly would lmao.

Imagine the scenes with Fem-Garret. Lawd have mercy on my soul, that'd be some snu-snu worth dying for.
As a straight man, I too would like to impregnate all my bro friends.


Feb 14, 2018
Brienne isn't even remotely corruption. The Kelt transformation quest from CoC1 was hardcore mind break shit, Brint just goes whatever lol and rolls with it.
Kelt fucking deserves it too. He a genuine piece of shit. I don't like Brint in part cause I don't like lunch moochers or think he is a good friend but Kelt should not be allowed to roam anywhere.


Aug 22, 2018
They don't understand what it feels to have a SIGMA bro on your side.
Brint is the ultimate bro because he meets you, asks to join, you explain you're fighting a demon, and he just says "...Okay, so what are we waiting for?" Man wastes no time in wanting to help, just immediately on-board to save the world. No side quest to convince him, no fetch quest. Just "Aight man, ready when you are." And then he is, and can hard carry the whole game lmao

On the other hand, Quint literally needs you to wait a week and then get him all of his gear. Dude won't even let you top him, but you literally own most of the adventuring shit he has. Smh, at least Brint lets you top after he gets to know you


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2016
What really bugs me about the male companions is that two out of the three are basically self-obsessed horndogs.

Not that I don't like Berwyn anyway ( hate Quint though ) but Brint is the only guy in your party who isn't...well, a dick.

The ladies of the party have a decent amount of variety, but the guys...don't.

Heck, even if you filled it out with Arona (who I also like) for the "dicks in general"'s now just three self-obsessed horndogs. And one pretty cool dude.

It's kinda annoying, and I imagine it's probably even more so for people who want to bang them.
Last edited:


Jan 13, 2019
Brint is the ultimate bro because he meets you, asks to join, you explain you're fighting a demon, and he just says "...Okay, so what are we waiting for?" Man wastes no time in wanting to help, just immediately on-board to save the world. No side quest to convince him, no fetch quest. Just "Aight man, ready when you are." And then he is, and can hard carry the whole game lmao

On the other hand, Quint literally needs you to wait a week and then get him all of his gear. Dude won't even let you top him, but you literally own most of the adventuring shit he has. Smh, at least Brint lets you top after he gets to know you
Quint was very disappointing to me as well. Lacks variety and the only chemistry he has with other party members is Cait. I know there are some Quint fans in this thread sorry to shit on your boi but I would have felt Garret would have made more sense as a party member given his personality. I also hate how Garrett will go adventuring once the game ends like he doesn't give a crap about the kids he can have with the MC or go adventuring with us right now. Just remembered Garrett is a ToBS character which explains everything :LUL: .

Question for those in the thread that like their male on male content.

What type of M/M characters would you like added?

A: Traps (Berwyn)
B: Muscular/Bara (Garrett he isn't gay I know just giving examples of body types)
C: Bi-shounen/Fujo/yaoi (Nakano)
D: Ugly Bastard (Benny the hill troll)

Also with each category would prefer switch,top or bottom?

For me personally I think some more A where MC is top and B where MC is bottom. Wouldn't be against the opposite either.
Haven't seen much interest in pure F/F without futa in this thread. So I am not sure if I should bother asking the same question.

Anyone into straight content can join in too if they want to gender swap/corrupt any of the above male types.Or for anyone like Skandranon who want more bro type characters and don't care about the sexual nature just male companionship. I know some have shown interest in gender swapping Nakano and even Garrett as Moneyman 181 mentioned a few comments back.


Aug 22, 2018
What type of M/M characters would you like added?
A: Traps (Berwyn)
B: Muscular/Bara (Garrett he isn't gay I know just giving examples of body types)
C: Bi-shounen/Fujo/yaoi (Nakano)
D: Ugly Bastard (Benny the hill troll)

Also with each category would prefer switch,top or bottom?

For me personally I think some more A where MC is top and B where MC is bottom. Wouldn't be against the opposite either.
Haven't seen much interest in pure F/F without futa in this thread. So I am not sure if I should bother asking the same question.
I'm the worst to ask with male characters, because I'd take any (except C as I don't understand what you mean, but more Nakano is a no). UB if it's handled like all other UB and he blackmails the PC (with the added route of turning the tables for those that desire it) is good, more traps (maybe some that aren't dominant with their dicks free? Because you get Ryn and Wyn, one tops and one literally can't), and more muscles obviously. Not just because an adventurer would probably have some sort of muscle, but because if I can get with a triple H-cup cowgirl, I want to also be able to get with the muscle-bound wolfman. But noooo, he doesn't like men lmao

Honestly, they should lean into what they're trying to force with what they're saying about Brint/Brienne. You want PC corrupting NPCs? Write it as such. Let me corrupt Brint to be a subby muscle guy, or smooth away those muscles so he's a little subby cowboi. Let me overdrive his libido and tap into his bestial rage. Turn him from a cool dudebro, to someone actually corrupt. Making the corruption just being female feels... a wee bit sexist. Let me corrupt Garret to wanna bang me, forcing him to be into something that he normally wouldn't have been. Let me be corrupted by a blackmailer, as cliche as it is. Don't just tick up my score for having sex with a corrupted individual, make it meaningful.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2016
Making the corruption just being female feels... a wee bit sexist.
Eh, it's a little more than that.

Briennes also now super subby and devoted towards you. If I had to guess where Wsan is going with this plotline, it kinda seems like the armor might turn people into willing sex slaves because that's basically what Brienne is, to the point where she wants to feed her whole family to your dick.


Aug 22, 2018
Eh, it's a little more than that.

Briennes also now super subby and devoted towards you. If I had to guess where Wsan is going with this plotline, it kinda seems like the armor might turn people into willing sex slaves because that's basically what Brienne is, to the point where she wants to feed her whole family to your dick.
A fair point, but it fails to take into consideration other characters and their family dynamics. Post-purified Queen Nyzerrah has no problem with you dicking her with her family involved. There's no corruption involved that they've made clear. I might be wrong; but we don't know the normal family dynamics of minotaurs, so it could possibly just be something that they do. By changing his gender, his brain chemistry rewires to be that of a female minotaur and thus wants you to be the Stud of the family. It could be a perfectly normal thing, given that grooming children to work at brothels is also a normal thing and is totally not corrupt or evil in any way.

Edit: Side note, I fail to see how Kasyrra is the bad guy if all she claims to want is to have children. How much more corrupt can a world get if child-grooming is an accepted religion?


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2016
A fair point, but it fails to take into consideration other characters and their family dynamics. Post-purified Queen Nyzerrah has no problem with you dicking her with her family involved. There's no corruption involved that they've made clear. I might be wrong; but we don't know the normal family dynamics of minotaurs, so it could possibly just be something that they do. By changing his gender, his brain chemistry rewires to be that of a female minotaur and thus wants you to be the Stud of the family. It could be a perfectly normal thing, given that grooming children to work at brothels is also a normal thing and is totally not corrupt or evil in any way.
Well, if we're talking physiology, given that the bugs are bugs I'd assume their family dynamic is a bit different; literally the entire hive is related to her.

But also Brienne is not just okay with you banging her family. Brint is okay with you banging his family. Brienne is salivating over the idea of you impregnating and dominating all of them in a way that seems pretty damn over the top. And we don't really see similar from the other two either.

Edit: Side note, I fail to see how Kasyrra is the bad guy if all she claims to want is to have children. How much more corrupt can a world get if child-grooming is an accepted religion?
All she wants is not solely to have children. That is one of the things she wants. She also wants to take over the world.

She says pretty constantly stuff like turning the world into lust-filled chaos and making the gods into her personal fuck pets.

Also...not to get too crass, but actual child molestation, let alone grooming, has been part of our real world culture when we were at similar levels of technological development as this game at many periods of history. This game is actually really tame at that kinda stuff.

But for comparison to Kass' world-to-be: think about the forest. Think about the alraune, and the bees before you purify them.

Think about what happens to an actual child accidentally making their way into said forest for a good idea of the difference. And then think that Kass wants that but literally everywhere.


Apr 24, 2020
All she wants is not solely to have children. That is one of the things she wants. She also wants to take over the world.

She says pretty constantly stuff like turning the world into lust-filled chaos and making the gods into her personal fuck pets.

Also...not to get too crass, but actual child molestation, let alone grooming, has been part of our real world culture when we were at similar levels of technological development as this game at many periods of history. This game is actually really tame at that kinda stuff.

But for comparison to Kass' world-to-be: think about the forest. Think about the alraune, and the bees before you purify them.

Think about what happens to an actual child accidentally making their way into said forest for a good idea of the difference. And then think that Kass wants that but literally everywhere.
Meh if it leads to killing all the foxes but leaving Kohaku alive then i'm all for it.


Feb 21, 2018
a question regarding using the save editor, what do I change for the stat values?
the stats themselves or the mod value? like the str stat or str mod value?
because leveling up breaks the game.
2.80 star(s) 107 Votes