Welcome people in my magic box, and put on you tin foil hats for today's segment of "Insane Shower Thoughts"
Today's segment is about Cait which is just fucking cat with a letter who despite being from a religion about whoring and "renting wombs", being the first companion, the creators have seemingly actively refused to allow the PC to impregnate. Now this might be because of a one possible fact, Cait is the writer's OC. Now you might say the game is full of OC characters and stand ins from various writers, and you would be correct, however Cait is different, for Cait can be considered a Tier 0 OC. What I mean by Tier 0 is that this isn't just some character the writer cares about, but is one the writer feels connected to, sometimes too connected too as is the case for our writer Fen, Fen writes Cait right or is that savin? , for you see the world of CoC2 is their little playhouse with their OCs, with one major exception the PC, who they have very limited control of in their eyes. So in essence by the PC impregnating Cait to Fen it is essentially him cucking himself by allowing the PC to impregnate his super special OC, and he doesn't consider himself a cuck, no thats the PC's job to be a cuck and watch his OC do others in front of them, in his mind at least. Anyways to summarize the situation, no we will never be able to impregnate Cait because Fen believes it will make him a cuck.
Thank you for tuning into today's segment of "Insane Shower Thoughts"
And remember every 60 seconds in Africa a Minute passes, but with your help we can put a stop to that.
The fuck did I just write.