The problem is that they're locked in an echo chamber. They don't take to criticism on the forum, constructive or otherwise. I used to be on there and it was often difficult for the writers to admit that they made a mistake or maybe took a wrong turn. And sometimes it felt like they saw someone pointing out something as a personal attack against them.
There's prioritising your fetish, which is a fair stance to have, its something you want to see, but there comes a point where your fetish starts to push others away. The prime example I've seen is the kitsune colony and Kiyoko in particular. In the case of the latter, you help bring her back to life, reunite her with her retainer and earn Keros' favour. And literally everyone in the colony, including your own daughter, treat you as something that got dragged into the colony on someone's shoe. They're polite about it, but no matter what happens, no matter what the Champion can do, that will never change.
I get that Tobs likes Japanese culture, but there's no need to copy everything about it, right down to the insular attitude. You can do so much for the colony, but when the best you get is cold acknowledgement, it's offputting to say the least.
It's very much going to remain "What the writers want, the writers get" and what they're going to find out one day is that they'll be the only ones wanting to play it.