Only the first 4 are Mayternity related, and the rest could have happened any other month. Plus, two of those are with literal whos and so far they all are pretty lacking in extra interactions when they’re pregnant. I can think of many characters I’d rather have preg content of: Ahmri, Azyrran, Clementine, Solvieg, Valencia, Lusina, Naiyana, Kohaku, Shar, or Vatia.We got...
1) Eubicha pregnancy
2) Arona pregnancy
3) Elthara pregnancy
4) Sally pregnancy
5) The opportunity to finish the Temple of Mallach and meet Mallach himself
6) Magicock for Cait
7) Cait and Valencia threesome
8) Two new fuckable male characters
9) Taeleer Ranger fight/sex
10) More storage space
Pretty good month, IMO.
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