//this first part bypasses the level block only for the pc
key: "canLevelUp",
value: function() {
var e = this.exp >= GLOBALS.LVL_EXP[this.level] && (this.isPC() ? this.level < 10 : this.level < maxLevel);
return e && PlayerParty.has(this) && CodexManager.unlock(GLOBALS.CDX_GAME_LEVEL), e
//this section fixes the first critical error
var t = function() {
//the specific fix is in this line wherein its original form included 7,8,9,10
if (clearOutput(), clearMenu(), [2, 4, 5, 6].includes(pc.level)) {
var t = "";
2 === pc.level && (t += textify(l)), t += "\n\n<i>You've more fully mastered your class's talents. Choose one of the options below to add to your power deck:</i>";
var o = (a(u = {}, GLOBALS.CLASS_WARRIOR, (a(n = {}, 2, [POWERS.AmazonStrike, POWERS.Cleave, POWERS.Warcry]), a(n, 4, [POWERS.SteadyStrike, POWERS.Vanguard, POWERS.DualBlitz]), a(n, 5, [POWERS.Unbreakable]), a(n, 6, [POWERS.pcEviscerate, POWERS.ShieldedStance, POWERS.BullRush]), n)), a(u, GLOBALS.CLASS_THIEF, (a(s = {}, 2, [POWERS.ShellCracker, POWERS.ShadowStrike, POWERS.MarkForDeath]), a(s, 4, [POWERS.DuelistsStance, POWERS.DastardlyTrick, POWERS.Garrote]), a(s, 5, [POWERS.Assassinate]), a(s, 6, [POWERS.EstrusFlask, POWERS.SneakAttack, POWERS.DeadlyShadow]), s)), a(u, GLOBALS.CLASS_WMAGE, (a(i = {}, 2, [POWERS.GroupHeal, POWERS.EntropicWinds, POWERS.Blessing]), a(i, 4, [POWERS.ChargeWeapon, POWERS.ShieldOfLight, POWERS.SmiteEvil]), a(i, 5, [POWERS.Revive]), a(i, 6, [POWERS.GreatHeal, POWERS.HolyWard, POWERS.CelestialSmite]), i)), a(u, GLOBALS.CLASS_BMAGE, (a(r = {}, 2, [POWERS.ShadowMagic, POWERS.BlightOrb, POWERS.Grease]), a(r, 4, [POWERS.RayOfFrost, POWERS.Fireball, POWERS.SoulArrow]), a(r, 5, [POWERS.Banishment]), a(r, 6, [POWERS.PrimalScar, POWERS.PsychicBlast, POWERS.VitalityReap]), r)), a(u, GLOBALS.CLASS_CHARMER, (a(h = {}, 2, [POWERS.CharmSpell, POWERS.Allure, POWERS.BlindingBeauty]), a(h, 4, [POWERS.SoothingDance, POWERS.SongOfSplendor, POWERS.SongOfCourage]), a(h, 5, [POWERS.Inspiration]), a(h, 6, [POWERS.ResplendentAria, POWERS.Dischord, POWERS.GrandFinale]), h)), u)[pc.class][pc.level];
if (!o) return e();
powerTrainSelect(o, e, null, 0, t.trim())
} else e();
var n, s, i, r, h, u
//this fixes the second critial error
o = function() {
//the specific spot is here in its original form it contained 7,9
if (clearOutput(), clearMenu(), [3, 5].includes(pc.level)) {
var e = O()[pc.class][pc.level];
pc.createPerk(e), output(textify(u, (new e).name, (new e).desc)), addButton(0, "Next", t, "", "")
} else t()