Nov 24, 2020
Keyword is "trying". It's called Cuck in files and it specifically mentions you not being able to do anything like it's the selling point, so I'd be a fool to deny that whoever wrote this scene tried going for it. But unless you have formed some special attachment to Lusamine, there aren't any major NTR points present. The only real NTR thing that happens is that you get cockblocked and if you go with the crowd you are prevented from doing anything.
You can literally keep the same sex content, but switch it so that it was Brint who caused it and now it's just voyeurism

About the pink slut
Yeah, I can get where you are coming from. I like Cait, but I can see how much she get annoying if you don't. It feels like the issue of her and Brint being probably one of the most common team composition (since they are the starter companions). It feels like she, Ryn and Brint are the only companions that have major relevance to the main storyline (Prologue, Winter City, KM), so they have the most interactions between each-other, despite the fact that there are a bunch of other party members who you've discovered by sidetracking.

Or write some NPCs to have romance paths where MC can preclude them from sex other than the MC. People like to be The Fucker, who FUCKS but you also want a sweet someone to go home to. I think it's more people have developed attachments for a character and would like to not share specifically them, which is understandable.
This is why I sort of feel that with multiple writers there are cases of identity crisis, where some scenes can be considered NTR by one person and won't by another because they have a very different perspective on the game and writers sometimes have entire unique systems for their characters. So sometimes characters are prevented from the corruption nature of the game (aka everyone are horny), sometimes not (so your waifu suddenly gets fucked by other characters and you can't do shit about it because the writer didn't even think you'd care about it).

But overall, Lusamine Cuck scene is just... weird. I am not sure what they were going for with it.


Active Member
Sep 6, 2019
I just wanted to express my interest in fucking the wolf milf and then all this talk about NTR happened, what the fuck man. :HideThePain:

All I'm gonna say is that all the NTR/Cuck(or whatever you wanna call em) scenes in the game are unnecessary and pointless. The fact that they're all one-off scenes that don't affect anything else just reinforces this idea. It is just potentially upsetting and divisive content that is in the game for no real reason. Does it add anything to these characters? Does it make the player feel good? Does it have enough appeal for a good chunk of people to give a shit about it? The answer to all of these is no, and these are the most important things to consider when making a porn game like this.

I'm curious what goes on in the writer's head when they decide to sit down and write this stuff. What are they thinking that compels them to put this kind of content in the game? Then again, maybe they're just thinking with their dicks.


Jan 13, 2019
I'm the worst to ask with male characters, because I'd take any (except C as I don't understand what you mean, but more Nakano is a no). UB if it's handled like all other UB and he blackmails the PC (with the added route of turning the tables for those that desire it) is good, more traps (maybe some that aren't dominant with their dicks free? Because you get Ryn and Wyn, one tops and one literally can't), and more muscles obviously. Not just because an adventurer would probably have some sort of muscle, but because if I can get with a triple H-cup cowgirl, I want to also be able to get with the muscle-bound wolfman. But noooo, he doesn't like men lmao

Honestly, they should lean into what they're trying to force with what they're saying about Brint/Brienne. You want PC corrupting NPCs? Write it as such. Let me corrupt Brint to be a subby muscle guy, or smooth away those muscles so he's a little subby cowboi. Let me overdrive his libido and tap into his bestial rage. Turn him from a cool dudebro, to someone actually corrupt. Making the corruption just being female feels... a wee bit sexist. Let me corrupt Garret to wanna bang me, forcing him to be into something that he normally wouldn't have been. Let me be corrupted by a blackmailer, as cliche as it is. Don't just tick up my score for having sex with a corrupted individual, make it meaningful.
First thanks to everyone who participated and I think this game is better than CoC for M/M content specifically so credit where credit is due for that to the CoC 2 team.

I am replying to you Tau specifically just to clear up what I meant with Nakano. I meant in terms of looks not personality when it comes to personality I think I can agree with the others of having a more monogamous less slutty male and very devoted to the MC.
True if everyone submits by becoming feminine it implies that women are submissive by nature which imo isn't really true. I think agree with both Monte and yourself it would be interesting to see the opposite like submissive masculation or devotion out of gratitude to the MC improving their quality of life. Some interesting ideas about UB category I also do agree especially in hentai the blackmail route is over used it will need a little extra spice to make it stand out. An alternative would be a more wholesome route where a low confidence UB is made into a confident studly boy toy as you put his giant tool to use and he becomes more confident and experienced in bed.

Hmm a corrupt Brint going wild on the MC's rear does sound pretty hot not goint to lie. Gives me ideas like what corrupt submission would be like for a character to go from a female supremacist respecting rationale, chastity and intellect become the opposite. Such as a muscle bound male meat head who has submitted to their lusts to where only the MC can get them off. Despite being physically far superior, you run circles around them in intellect and control of your own desires where you assert your dominance through intellect and experience.

It has got me thinking more about the different types of submission rather than everything being about losing physical strength.
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Aug 22, 2018
I am replying to you Tau specifically just to clear up what I meant with Nakano. I meant in terms of looks not personality when it comes to personality I think I can agree with the others of having a more monogamous less slutty male and very devoted to the MC.
Some interesting ideas about UB category I also do agree especially in hentai the blackmail route is over used it will need a little extra spice to make it stand out. An alternative would be a more wholesome route where a low confidence UB is made into a confident studly boy toy as you put his giant tool to use and he becomes more confident and experienced in bed.
These are both excellent ideas, and I especially applaud the wholesomeness of turning the UB on its head.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
I'm curious what goes on in the writer's head when they decide to sit down and write this stuff. What are they thinking that compels them to put this kind of content in the game? Then again, maybe they're just thinking with their dicks.
Well, I can't imagine that there is literally only ONE person in the whole playerbase who prefers NPCxNPC content. Tobs would certainly prefer we were just a floating eye within the Kitsune Den to witness but not interrupt his magnum opus. I would question why they would choose a game that is markedly not that but who am I to tell people what they can do with their time?


Mar 24, 2019
I'm curious what goes on in the writer's head when they decide to sit down and write this stuff. What are they thinking that compels them to put this kind of content in the game? Then again, maybe they're just thinking with their dicks.
You're overthinking it, simply. It's two fold; first, getting a rib on the people who get real mad about this sort of thing, and given the venn diagram overlaps pretty closely with the people who demand/suggest being able to kill NPCs they don't like like psychopaths it's a pretty easy W for a giggle and a couple of hours work. Second, and the real thing, it's easier to write. Faceless cardboard cutout PC that could be any number of things is exhausting to do, while in contrast two characters who are, well, characters, is incredibly refreshing and basically writes itself.

Or in the case of tobs it's because he sucks


Active Member
Sep 6, 2019
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The art is good as fuck until you realize Brienne is supposed to be completely out of the frame since she's 3 and a half feet taller than Rina. :KEK:

You're overthinking it, simply. It's two fold; first, getting a rib on the people who get real mad about this sort of thing, and given the venn diagram overlaps pretty closely with the people who demand/suggest being able to kill NPCs they don't like like psychopaths it's a pretty easy W for a giggle and a couple of hours work. Second, and the real thing, it's easier to write. Faceless cardboard cutout PC that could be any number of things is exhausting to do, while in contrast two characters who are, well, characters, is incredibly refreshing and basically writes itself.

Or in the case of tobs it's because he sucks
So basically they write dumb shit instead of doing something people actually want. Huh, the more you know.


Active Member
Sep 6, 2019
A lot of this stuff is commissioned, so somebody wants it.

Money talks, etc.
They accept commissions to put stuff in the game? What happened to artistic integrity? Like I get they might need the money, but just do it outside the game then. I could maybe understand doing patreon polls and going off of stuff like that, but this just seems... wrong to me. Unless the project is in dire straits, I can't ever see this as anything other than some kind of cash grab, even if they have strict rules on what is allowed to be commissioned.

I dunno, just kind of feels like when a publisher supports a game dev team and then makes them change things to get more profit. This kinda thing just doesn't sit well with me.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2016
They accept commissions to put stuff in the game? What happened to artistic integrity? Like I get they might need the money, but just do it outside the game then. I could maybe understand doing patreon polls and going off of stuff like that, but this just seems... wrong to me. Unless the project is in dire straits, I can't ever see this as anything other than some kind of cash grab, even if they have strict rules on what is allowed to be commissioned.

I dunno, just kind of feels like when a publisher supports a game dev team and then makes them change things to get more profit. This kinda thing just doesn't sit well with me.
Commissions have been a thing since the first game. It's been a huge part of their model for the last decade or so. I think it's a big reason CoC/TiTs/CoC2 got as big as they are is the community aspect.

Technically, it'd not a commission to get stuff put in the game, it's just a commission for a writer to wrote something for you. Then it goes through the review process like normal.

But if you're getting a commission from someone who regularly writes for thr game already, chances are it's going to pass quality standards because they know how to do it.

If commissions didn't exist, there'd be no steady community writers...which means no William, which would be pretty damn sad.


Active Member
Sep 6, 2019
Commissions have been a thing since the first game. It's been a huge part of their model for the last decade or so. I think it's a big reason CoC/TiTs/CoC2 got as big as they are is the community aspect.

Technically, it'd not a commission to get stuff put in the game, it's just a commission for a writer to wrote something for you. Then it goes through the review process like normal.

But if you're getting a commission from someone who regularly writes for thr game already, chances are it's going to pass quality standards because they know how to do it.

If commissions didn't exist, there'd be no steady community writers...which means no William, which would be pretty damn sad.
Well then I guess I just don't approve of their standards then. The problem with TiTS games is massive content bloat so it was a situation where the game was as wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle. It seems like this is going to have the same problem(although to a lesser degree), judging how some useless spiteful Lusamine gangbang scene is in the game and the entirety of the kitsune den being a thing. I just wish the writers could actually fucking harmonize rather than stick to their own individual niches all the time. Allow more than one writer to work on a companion/story and stick with one tone. I get that they might be hesitant to allow other people to touch their creations(rightfully so when it comes to TOBS and Brienne), but as it stands the game sort of just feels like a mash-up of different fanfics of varying quality put into one game.

TiTS had this same exact problem. The tone and style of writing changes drastically from one character to the next to the point where it feels like a slot machine of whether you'll like it or not. The best example of this in CoC 2 is how the PC acts when TOBS writes and around Cait. The fact that I can instantly pick out all the main writers style just by reading the first paragraph or so just ruins any sort of cohesion the game could have. Having commissions able to be put into the game with no real changes to the writing or anything just exacerbates this problem. Why would Cait get so upset at being called a whore by Lusamine when that's literally what she is? A giant branch of her religion is dedicated just to that. Wouldn't it make more sense for her to just think of it as a neutral term considering she grew up in a fucking religious whore house? If this is the only time we see her upset about this, is it some kind of addition to Cait's personality? Why does pressing gossip even lead to Lusamine getting gang-banged? Somehow we're not allowed to participate in the gangbang, because it's supposed to teach her she's a slut? What fucking sense does that make? That is not the case in any other instance of the game, so why here? The author couldn't even be fucking bothered to write a varying opening paragraph for these spiteful Cait scenes for christ's sake.

What I'm getting at is that the game already has enough whiplash between the different writing styles of the writers that commissions just add even more to that problem since they're probably not put through rigorous enough vetting.

Maybe this is all a subjective thing. I just wish the devs could actually work together and write in an at least somewhat defined style rather than all of them just sticking to their own way and mashing it together like some ball of play-doh that has 10 different colors in it. Commissions really don't help with that.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2016
Community submissions are kinda the basis of the whole game, tbh. To avoid the problem you're talking about, you'd not only have to eliminate commissions, youd have to kill ALL content submissions, even the free ones - for instance, the whole corrupt Lupine plotline, and the upcoming Drifa character was a community submission, no commission involved, written by a non staff author.

If you wanted tonal consistency, you'd probably have to eliminate all community submitted content in general, and keep the writing to a small pool of authors.

At that point you're talking about a completely different model and a completely different game, and probably a much smaller, much less successful one.
Which would also translate to less staff, less writing, etc.

The issues you're talking about are the reasons they've made it to a third game at all, imo. Without community stuff, this game basically just doesn't exist.
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Engaged Member
Jun 22, 2019
Community submissions are kinda the basis of the whole game, tbh. To avoid the problem you're talking about, you'd not only have to eliminate ALL content submissions - for instance, the whole corrupt Lupine plotline, and the upcoming Drifa character was a community submission, no commission involved, written by a non staff author.

If you wanted tonal consistency, you'd probably have to eliminate all community submitted content in general, and keep the writing to a small pool of authors.

At that point you're talking about a completely different model and a completely different game, and probably a much smaller, much less successful one.
Which would also translate to less staff, less writing, etc.

The issues you're talking about are the reasons they've made it to a third game at all, imo. Without community stuff, this game basically just doesn't exist.
You could keep community submissions, but at least focus on giving the core of the game, which is handled by the same mostly consistent team of writers, a clearer artistic direction and tone.

Or community submissions could be reworked by the core team (in collaboration with the submitter) to better fit with the cohesive whole the game should be trying to achieve.

That might be what's missing here, some sort of art director role.
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