Say, anyone else likes to play a support when they play as a Whitemage? just realized my build barely attacks when i play as a Whitemage and i tend to just keep everybody in top shape,My spells are:
At-Will: bolstering Dance (restoring everybody's resolve on automatic each turn is just great.)
Recharge 1: Whitefire (even as a level 6 character,My plan isn't to be the DPS but to use it to annoy enemies with full health/finish off enemies with little health, the fact it takes just 1 turn to recharge makes it a perfect spell for that and NOTHING in-game resists both Fire and Holy damage so it ALWAYS deals damage.)
Recharge 2: Group Heal (healing everybody by 20% their max health is great, combined with the Whitemage's Healer Hand perk that heals me whenever i heal others it means i can regain all my health easy-peasy ontop of keeping everybody alive.)
Encounter: Summon Flame Dancer (She is the best DPS summon i could find and the fact she has Fireball & can hit flying enemies make her a sight to behold, she can perfectly deal damage in my place while i'm busy healing others.)
Ultimate: Revive (to complete my support motiff and negate the enemy's victory no matter how small it is, cuz i'm petty that way.)
Funny, now i put this out i see that other than Whitefire i don't use my Willpower much for this, everything else uses my Presence (Bolstering Dance and Summon Flame Dancer) and Group Heal is fixed on the party's Max HP (so my Willpower doesn't matter.)
You guys think a 17 Toughness, 17 Willpower, 20 Presence Whitemage (starting as a Charmer then switching obviously) would be a better fit for this set? makes me recover everybody's Resolve better (15 per turn, 25 for EVERYBODY if i just cancel and enter the dance again if things look bad), makes my summon more powerfull and also makes my Leadership go up to 40 (Leadership acts as bonus physical and magical damage for your party's attacks so this mean everybody in my party would have a +40 damage bonus to their attacks...+50 if i equip Helm of Heroes.)