New to the game, sorry for digressing from the Kiyoko discussion but having abit of a tough time beating some bosses, anyone has any helpfull advice in how to manage stats/ min-max a character for combat? a Charmer would be great but i'd settle for any of the classes if i can get some helpfull advice in how to build a character (i named Charmers first because i swear to god if i don't start every fight with Bolstering Dance my team's out of all resolve in like 3 fights, it feels as if i cannot use ANY OTHER AT-WILL POWER OTHER THAN BOLSTERING DANCE IF I WANT TO GRIND FOR EXP)
With charmers in particular I've found you need to make your own class since most of their native powers are highly situational buffs, helpful in boss fights but not so much with mobs, and you'd often run into a scenario where nothing you can do would be helpful. I focused my bard character on being an archer with a couple of black and white spells to round them out.
Getting heal is something that benefits everyone, especially rogues (their starting kit kinda sucks but quickly improves, ditch its default once-per-encounter power as soon as you can), and if you're doing any kind of melee then it can be helpful to pick up a few warrior or rogue attacks.
Beyond rounding out their skillset be sure you understand how threat works. The more damage a character does or heals the likelier they are to be targeted, so it's a good idea to have Brint or someone who can take some hits start things off with a big attack to draw the focus to them.
If you're getting resolve KOed that quickly you're probably trying to fight harpies or hornets at low levels. The forest has easier encounters to grind