Holy shit. Finding this forum of... porn games? Whatever this is? After looking for what people were saying about the kitsune content in CoC2 has me feeling SO vindicated. As someone who is a complete outsider to this entire community, it's incredibly obvious to even me how poorly written the kitsune content is, and how genuinely out of place it seems in the game as a whole.
It seemed really suspect to me when... literally all of the content in this area was written by the same guy, and how... unsexy? it all was. The dude just goes on and on and his porn scenes are SO boring, and once I got to like the third character who was explaining how complicated their culture is, and how I could NEVER grasp how awesome they are even once their god turned me into one of them (gigantic mistake), I understood how far up his own ass the writer must be. Who does this content appeal to? People who play their porn games for the political intrigue of boring japanese foxes?
And what is up with him adding characters that don't have porn scenes? Like, no offense, but in a game like CoC2, I think it's pretty reasonable to expect every character to be fuckable (minus children, although idk why those are really in the game to begin with, and even then I still think Kinu should be fuckable). This dude adds a shortstack MILF fox, and she's completely unfuckable. I went through the entire kitsune den hoping beyond hope to unlock the ability to fuck that fox and was sorely disappointed.
At least it has Rindo. The only character I like (besides the MILF). But even her content is filled with stupid bullshit and even when I take this poor fox as my ""concubine"" the writer feels the need to remind me that "erm actually, this is just temporary and you shouldn't take it serious. It's just political." oh well, at least there are a bunch of poorly written sex scenes involving her where the writer keeps retreading the same "shes beautiful BECAUSE of her scars" bullshit. Yeah, I know. So write good porn and not gigantic walls of text with like 3 lines of dialogue from the character I'm supposedly fucking. She seems real into it, man.
Also, I like Cait. Just felt like I needed to get that out there because it seems like a lot of people dislike her for admittedly reasonable reasons, but I think she's alright. I do wish her writer would stop with the weird cuck shit though, it feels weird for characters to be fucking when the PC isn't involved to some extent. I don't even mind cucking content being in the game, as long as the player themselves chooses to engage with it. Also her spiel about non-monogamy before you fuck her for the first time is just cringe and unnecessary. No other character goes "hey before we fuck I'm not exclusive to you, I'm going to fuck whoever I want whenever I want" like man if I'm not cool with that I just won't click on the sex scenes that involve you and another character. I don't get how the game doesn't understand shoving that content in the players face without them really choosing is stupid. Also also Salwah is insufferable and the worst character in the game, which sucks because her art is really hot.
And add more Berwyn content.
Anyway, needed to get this out there. Been having a great time reading through this gigantic thread. Sorry for making this so long.