To the community that once embraced this game with passion, but now seems consumed by bitterness,
I get it. I do. There was a time when this game meant something special to you, when it was the highlight of your day, the thing you looked forward to, and the joy you shared with friends. The developers were your allies, the community your family, and every new patch felt like a fresh chapter in a story you were all writing together. But somewhere along the line, things started to change. Whether it was a few bad updates, an unpopular feature, or just a shift in direction that didn’t align with your expectations, it felt like the game you loved was slipping away from you.
But here’s the thing: that doesn’t give you the right to tear the game down with baseless vitriol and fabricated complaints. For too long, I’ve watched as some of you have transformed from passionate players into relentless haters, spreading falsehoods, exaggerating problems, and taking every opportunity to decry the game’s developers, as though they have some sort of sinister agenda.
You’ve turned your frustration into a crusade, not to make the game better, but to drag it through the mud. You create stories, stretch truths, and fuel this narrative that the developers have “ruined” the game on purpose. Every decision is a conspiracy. Every change is a betrayal. But it’s hard to take seriously when it’s clear that half the complaints are born from assumptions, misinformation, or personal disappointment, rather than any actual harm done. You’ve made this into something more than just dissatisfaction – you’ve made it a vendetta.
You know what’s the saddest part? You’re not hurting the developers, you’re hurting yourselves. You’re allowing your anger to fester, to become so overwhelming that it consumes all the joy that game once brought you. You’re chasing down a fantasy of the past, ignoring the present and the potential future, all while poisoning the well for anyone who dares to enjoy the game in its current form. Instead of accepting that things change, you cling to a nostalgia that blinds you to the possibility of what the game could still be, even if it’s not exactly what you want.
Let’s be real – if you really care about this game, it’s time to stop lashing out and actually engage in meaningful conversations about what you dislike, rather than resorting to hyperbole and hatred. Offer constructive feedback, ask for the things you want, but don’t drag this community into the mud with you. The game doesn’t need to be perfect for everyone, but it needs to be a place where people can come together, share ideas, and enjoy the experience.
And if you can’t do that? If all you can muster is bitterness and bile, then maybe it’s time to step away. Find something else that brings you joy, something that doesn’t come with a side of resentment. Find a hobby, a passion, a new challenge that doesn’t require you to tear something down to feel good about yourself. Life’s too short to waste it being angry. The game will evolve, the developers will move on, and so will the people who love it.
But you? You’ll still be stuck, bitter and alone, in a world of make-believe outrage.
So, take a step back. Breathe. And let go of the negativity. It’s time to find something you can actually enjoy again, without the cloud of bitterness hanging over it.
Now i will wait patiently for the hotfix and pop in occasionaly to mention it in case someone who can upload it sees it.