but Tobs publicly admitted he didn't like player choice so.
What the actual fuck?
He said what? Then why the fuck is he writing for a game?
Yeah no kidding, i wonder wtf Savin is doing hiring this guy.
Well to be somewhat fair writing with player choice in mind can be bitch you have to develop content for all the options the player can take. and with more choices it's more work for content that not everyone is going to experience. And people are going to complain about the lack of content even though there is a decent amount of content it's just divided amongst all the player choices.
Nobody said making a game is easy, if you want to make one anyway then you should be prepared for all the implications otherwise wth are you even doing in game industry if you can't take the heat?
Nobody asking for a thousand choices there, just a couple that would be satisfactory for majority of people.
Right now we only got 2, toss the orb or pick it up. Not much of a choice to be honest.
An alternative route would be nice. One that rewards tossing the orb, since we already got one that rewards picking it up.
So if some futa demon showed up and permamently gave you horse hooves and dog head and altered your mind against your will, you'd be like "nah this isn't traumatic at all"? It's basically like unwanted surgery. Even if you'd be cool with magic changes, it's really easy to see how some characters in CoC would be extremely upset and feel violated.
That's an unfair comparison since all Eryka got is a dick. No dog heads or anything. ^^)
If i walked down the street and suddenly got a pussy as a gift i'd throw a party to celebrate.

Imagine the possibilities!
Plus when you fuck Eryka she seems to rather enjoy having her dong, not to mention that it fits her ripped figure rather well.
Now, i know that some peeps are into ripped females so i guess that's why they added de-dicking for her in the first place.