My curiosity got the better of me... Savin sounds... Oddly normal? Though the first video I've clicked on is him making fun of his buddy's character's name. It's Hashat btw, like 90% of the characters in these games, they're just someone's D&D characters.
SkoW sounds Br*tish, dunno if they hail from there or not.
There's also a CoC D&D game featuring Adjatha and Fen. Fen's voice kinda reminds me of Cory Spazkid with a cold.
I tried to find a session with Tobs in, but alas, I couldn't find one.
I'm not too familiar with D&D or how long sessions typically go, but some of these videos are 7+ hours long. Like damn, no wonder they barely add stuff in updates...
Honestly I think Savin and friends would've been better off trying to be Critical Role copycats than game devs.