A tale of avoiding criticism and a lack of communication, starring the SavCo dev team!
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"Your gripes with CoC II" thread.
-Link: https://forum.fenoxo.com/threads/your-gripes-with-coc-ii.19814/page-125#post-403212
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Having to delve into the code oneself to try and fix a bug that was reported on the 20th of August, and first reported on the 5th of August - which has now existed for a full 2 public patches and several backers patches!
1. To the above seen in the screenshot - https://forum.fenoxo.com/threads/0-5-11-to-0-5-16-the-well-hung-perk-doesnt-appear-to-be-working-as-intended.32000/#post-403313
2. To the first instance of it being reported - https://forum.fenoxo.com/threads/0-5-7-well-hung-perk-not-applying-correctly.31655/
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The last time the devs actually marked a bug report as "Fixed", ya'know the entire purpose of having the category in the first place. Also as can be seen by how infrequently it gets used, yeah...
-Link: Can't link because for some reason the CoC2 dev team decided to make the "Fixed" CoC2 Bug Reports section require an account to view... Hmm, wonder why they decided that... - but yet the TiTS dev team let one see the "Fixed" TiTS Bug Reports without an account...?
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The last time the devs actually replied to a bug report, which, hmm, was over a month ago. At the rate they're going, the bug reports might reach 100 pages (100 pages of outstanding / non-"Fixed" bug reports) by the end of the year! Some bug reports from 2021 (with legitimate bugs that are still occurring as of the latest patch) still to be addressed...
-Link: https://forum.fenoxo.com/forums/coc2-bug-reports.26/page-4
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Savin's last online activity and posts. Too spooked to address the state of the lack of addressing issues that have been reported.
1. https://forum.fenoxo.com/members/savin.6/
2. https://forum.fenoxo.com/search/683559/
This is so sad, please donate to Savin's Patreon to help with the trauma of such a troublesome situation.
Nah, but for real, it's hilarious how the devs are literally incapable of addressing anything that doesn't make them look good when it comes to legitimate criticism being directed their way (seems they can only dunk on opinions, not facts
). Literally scared of a post on their own official forums.
Oh well, they'll no doubt retreat back to their hugbox on Discord.
Anyway, sorry, guess we must just let them have their game remain a buggy mess - they seem quite happy with that arrangement.