View attachment 2733025
Thats a straight up lie.
While its possible that they have magical uber engine that they feed text scenes and description where it, uber engine, should put them and such shit, overall architecture of code give obvious hints that chances of it infinitesimal. It most definitely coded by the javascript programmers, that know jack shit about programming, in general term.
Just imagine that somebody builds skyscraper without sewerage system, argumenting it absence with something like 'when we finish it we will add it'. But it will turns out that it reqiure breaking main/bearing walls/floors, creation of additional technical floors, breaking/redesigning from scratch electrical system, etc. It will be building it all from scratch.
Nobody, from those who know how to do it, will do it for....what, 5k $ month?!
Proper mods support requires engine to have more or less working compiler. And its...hard.
Im currently stuck on parsing step (collection and sorting of data with, and by, specific parameters) which looks like this
and it still dont ready for the next step, syntax analysis (look for, and reporting as faulty, all cases of operations like "'this is string' - 13", as an example).
tl;dr savin just 'damage controlling' saying that 'mods will be there'. Dont believe to the man who have disturbingly...disturbing thing for a futa....and that doesnt know anything about programming.
Its possible to implement
some kind of mod support (read as 'really bad') by using a source map. Electron (node) is able to interpret and launch it, after all.
But its literally digging into mangled and obfuscated code for a.....what? Its not a skyrim, quake or doom (old) to justify it by the fingertips gameplay. Porn is really 'ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh', unless you have like two or three fetish that overused there. A chance to get shitted on by the devs? There are 4chan for that kind of things. Or even better, twatter....I mean twitter, where such thing is automated.
And thats omitting the fact that its hard, of course. Mapping BEE BOP BIP to minimized values representation, I mean.