Most of William's stuff got added though, right? I'm a bit out of the loop to be fair, but did anything he submitted get outright rejected aside from the Sophora stuff?
But yeah, the impression i'm getting of the Fenoxo and Savin work environments is that it's very unprofessional, wouldn't wanna work for them either.
Wonder who, if any, they have for HR.
They are nowhere near large enough to have anybody for HR. Unless there's been major shifts behind the scenes in employment, there's around 10 people between both games. Off the top of my head CoC2 has Savin, Wsan, Tobs, Drake, Balak and Moira. TiTS has Fen, Adj, and Gedan. Then there's maybe Leek, donkey, and Jacques.
While I would definitely agree TiTS has had a major management problem for the past few years, I really don't think that's the case for CoC2. Anything could always be run better in some way, but when it's already better run than well over 90% of the games on here it's hard to justify any major changes. People really need to keep in mind that it is a passion project built around a medium where sheer output isn't an objectively positive metric of production. There will be issues when you have a bunch of different writers and having their styles clash, but that is the price you pay for getting more content on a regular basis that isn't just generic four sentence sex scenes that look like they belong in unnamed text game from over a decade ago.