But devs read this topic and (super)compensate by saying that we all dickheads and mentaly disabled, because we dare to critique this "12/10 GOTY metacritic must play game".
Compared to the first one, this game is pretty lackluster. I'd say that... save for a couple scenes, it's a 5/10 at best, and that's being generous.
Also, I don't think you should act like they do. While I may laugh at the stuff some of the people write here about them, you shouldn't lower yourself to their level. They know that if it wasn't for the hugbox that is their worthless Discord server, the game(s) would be in a much more different state.
Toddler? That's odd, normally your lot stick to 'soy boi' or complaining about being 'woke'. Don't worry, give it ten years and you'll look back on this version of you and wonder what you were thinking. Or maybe not, after all growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional.
Still waiting for an actual response instead of buzzword after buzzword. I mean, you kinda lost me after "soy boi", so I can kinda see you are one of those cool, edgy kids. Not worth anyone's time.