I still don't get the inconsistency with Meiras dick. In the description and in scenes its made out as if she was lugging around a massive log of schmeat but in the art its tiny pp
LOL, LMAO even (to be fair tho she is a dick witch that absorbs & shares dick size with her sisters? so when it comes to size Meira pretty much is "yes" and that's it)
Also at the risk of sounding like a boot-licker I do enjoy Livrea content, I like the bubbly cow bard, her preg content and her mission (granted I don't see myself using neither the armor or the wyrm tooth on any build but fuck it, I learned cool powers from the quest and the Wyrmslayer title sounds cool so is all good in my book)
Also on a plus side if you helped her out first you don't have to spend a whole day in Khor Minos to start dating her/can get to the good content faster so over all? I aprove (I might not like Savin's work ethics but I do enjoy his content, kinda the main reason why I'm still hanging around? this game took CoC's name as a bait and is not a good sequell true, but there's enough content that rubs me the right way for me to keep playing)