It's a porn game don't ask questions
Always love when someone is telling people to turn off their brains. Just consume content. Don't ever think about it. Now this is nothing against you Teddidiah, I more frustrated with this argument. As I hear it regularly in my line of work.
As Quintillus already pointed out this thread is mostly for discussing/questioning the game, so naturally where going to think about it. But, even in fiction we have this thing called suspension of disbelief. Where the reader/viewer willingly accepts the rules of this fictional world even if they do not completely match up with our own. We accept that Super Man just so happened to be sent here to Earth and the yellow son gives him his powers, we accept that Jedi can use the force, we accept that vampires are near immortal magical beings that mainly fear the sun. There's rules and we accept them. We know that suspending some rules from reality is necessary to engage with fiction. We accept the new rules and just go with it.
But, when those rules are broken it takes us out of the whole experience. Force ghost being able to interact with the real world in Rise of Skywalker despite Star Wars establishing they can only pass on knowledge or be moral support, fuck it. Don't think about it. It's cool and fun. Of course Yoda would wait over forty years to use that power, when Luke might have needed his help in the fight against Vader or Palpatine. Its not like the fate of the galaxy was at risk. Super Man suddenly being immune to Kryptonite. Fuck it. Batman Judo throwing Super Man through a building despite Super-Man being able fight literal gods through space with ease. Don't think about it.
The reason we think about it, is for some people, the fun is in the role playing aspect. Enjoying a fictional world, that makes coherent sense and expertly maintains that fictional world. Its part of the reason Tolkien, Lucas, Araki, Miyazaki (both the anime and game director) and George R.R. Matin are respected, because they put effort into making a world that is believable. And it is why people call out modern Star Wars, comics, anime, and fiction as amateurish.
Now if Savin and Co want the Baroness to be an immortal force for good, that only feast on semen. Fine. But they have to work for that.
Edit: Right now its really fucking stupid. (and while minor) It just adds to list of really weird writing decisions, as I said in an ealier post Vampires already get energy through sex, psychic abilities and blood. Making that distinction is just kind of unnecessary. As is her rivalry with Lady Evergreen. So much of this story feels contrived and poorly thought out.