if you're still here, a summary of the relevant guidelines to your question:
-You are expected to have sex in your submission; pure infrastructure is the privilege of staff and a couple trusted community writers, and rare at that. Since you do not belong to either group, having no sex in your submission is going to get it binned. We expect a reasonable amount (4-5 scenes per character, suggested ~1500 words in a scene after parsing, strongly recommend scenes for all genital configurations unless they have particular tastes).
-You are strongly suggested to consider steering your submission away from well-trod ground; this is a sentiment that's not just shared by me, but also creative control in the form of Savin. When it comes to such content, you should be aware that the bar for review will be set much higher, cetris paribus, than it otherwise would be. While we won't pass up absolutely stellar content, you'd have to do a truly novel spin on the subject matter and work on Alypia's level.