Jun 1, 2017
As Meblue said it's capped out, Though to offer the actual reason of how we got to this point of our max level being lower than that of Khor'minos...

The Dev's wanted to do a complete rework of the combat and finish off the new level abilities and the like, But they were also sitting on at this point a lot of undermountain/minos content.

Because math and game balance is hard and they couldn't do the new levels before perfecting the balance of the old, and they had no idea how long it'd take; They just released the content regardless before the actual new levels and combat rework were made.

Given that the rebalance isn't done yet... I'd say they made the right call, Story mode difficulty alone makes the mountain more than doable, And "fortifying" the experience with 3rd party tools isn't difficult for anyone either.

The first of what I think was suppose to be 2 parts of that patch came out quite some time ago, Blending Resolve and HP together in what I think was a smart idea honestly... Though I would of just called our new health Resolve personally, I mean its a stretch to say someone doing something real arousing would hurt another's physical health, But not so much a stretch to say taking an axe to the arm lowered ones resolve but I'm nitpicking at this point.
That also falls under "damned if you do" because even when it was the prior system you had sexual resolve damage and (not sexy older sister) Lovecraft monster resolve damage shared. They probably combined them less for gameplay reasons and more for less work. I like the revamped system and the old one, they would both work if they let the player actually be the level of the content and continue altering stuff like how the old frost Giants would one shot *someone* or the whole party, and were supposed to be a random encounter you'd defeat multiple times.

Hot take but honestly I don't see problems with the combat system in general, every rpg system eventually gets awful, boring and you want it on auto. If every game was arma or chivalry it'd be dumb and still boring AF, and even highly regarded games like persona are >put every element on character >use weakness >win, most every rpg is just a cleverly (or not) disguised puzzle game unless you try to put "a square in a circle hole" which makes fights painful. My standards are low though, people say Skyrim and the witchers combat was garbage but I liked them. Them using one of the most divisive models of dungeons and dragons as a base structure was definitely a choice, though. Imo however it only pops up because the writing choices, if they made less errors and didn't directly insult fans, and if people use the mmo healer, dps, tank trinity, it's fine and at worst would be mediocre.

They needed to raise the level cap a long time ago, however. You can still do it on normal on current stuff but it requires more effort than it should and there's no equivalent reward. You can go to glacial rift and free farm with minor care or go to km tunnels and risk dying for maybe 10 more currency a fight and 2x the length.


Mar 15, 2019
I agree to an extent that RPG's usually have an optimal strategy that people are going to default to, as it is easily achievable. Pokemon and Persona is basically choose the correct weakness for an easy win. Skyrim has the stealth archer build. And this is typically how people will play and easily win these games. Even more complex RPGs like Nocturne and Final Fantasy usually have a default strategy. And for secret bosses anything less than maxed stats and all abilities will make the boss fight all but impossible to beat for most people. (I figured out ways to beat ultimate bosses like the Ruby weapon as kid through trial and error without maxing out my character, which probably took longer than maxing out my party honestly. But hey I had more time on my hands when I was 10)

But, usually these games at higher level of play have creative and unique ways to play and this is usually why people get upset. I'll use Pokemon for this example, but I could make the same criticism of Final Fantasy, Persona and a couple of other JRPGs.

The reason people in recent years have been critical of Pokemon's battle system is because it is actually pretty well balanced and once again at higher levels require a great deal of understanding beyond use weakness to win. Many Pokemon have access to abilities or moves that cover their weak points. You can use Pokemon like Talon flame to scout out you opponents strategy and then use U-turn to get in a more optimal choice. Maybe you can set up traps like spike or destroy your opponents traps by switching in a rapid spinner. Or you could simply go for the classic one shot through weakness. Also what Items you give a Pokemon could make all the difference. Give you garchomp a berry to reduce ice damage and then sweep the rest of your opponents team. Pokemon has a really well thought out combat system, that is under utilized until you get to the battle tower. And that usually what most people complain about. The battle tower being the difficulty spike is not the problem, but the fact that the main campaign doesn't do much to test the player beyond use x type against weak type is very lackluster. You don't have to think.

I would say amongst these games I've listed Persona and Final Fantasy might do the best to test players. While I don't really like the Elizabeth boss fight as it can be a little to restrictive to the point that using Orpheus Telos is essentially the most consistent strategy, both games usually give more freedom and choice to deal with opponents. I'd say the same of Kingdom Hearts. While you can just mash attack, most bosses actually have a weakness that could make the battle more complex. (Though stop/gravity is the best abilities in KH1)
Edit: Elizabeth and all the velvet siblings usually teach how to make unique persona's through their request system, and typically in new playthrough I'll try to do unique things with my persona's wether it is optimal or not. But yes I understand that Yoshitsune in P4 onwards is pretty busted. Izangi-No-Okami is busted in P5 royal. And techincally once you unlock certain persona's there is technically no reason to go back to using something like Pixie. But these games give you that option to experiment and sometime beat bosses the game intended you to lose to, through effort or ingenuity.

Right now the combat in this is pretty brain dead, and I'm mixed on the combat changes since the update. This game right now is a step down in comparison to CoC1. As, CoC1 allowed you to use all sort of abilities. Correct me if I'm listing builds that weren't in vanilla as I've been playing the Xianxia mostly, so I don't remeber to much of what was in vanilla. ( Still a bit of a condemnation if the modder made a better combat system) But you have access to to spells tied to things like your lust level, so in combat against monsters trying to seduce you, you can turn their abilities against them. You could be a paladin with an incredibly low libido so seduction doesn't work that well. At the cost of losing some sex scenes you can beat your opponent through raw power or magic. There is so few choice in this game. From how you interact with companions, to how you build your character. Nothing really matters. Also you have classic games like Baldurs gate and Diablo that give you descent amount of choices. Once again there's optimal builds, but there are alternative viable strategies that you can use without being punished for try something different. (Traps and ranged weapons are busted in Baldur)

Edit: Also before anyone says this is just a porn game. Then they could just remove the combat system, focus on writing sexy content and drawing sexy images. This game being a porn game does not excuse garbage mechanics. Just look at karryn's prison. Combat system way better balanced then this and feels like less of a chore.
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Active Member
Sep 6, 2019
Hot take but honestly I don't see problems with the combat system in general, every rpg system eventually gets awful, boring and you want it on auto.
Hard disagree. To add on to Shiro's points, it's extremely satisfying getting to the end of an RPG and seeing how far you've come. Spamming Wall, Haste, and Regen(which regens faster with haste) on the fight with Sephiroth, or being able to spam Limit Breaks with Aura in FF8 is honestly a ton of fun. One-shotting everything into giblets when you start out not being able to hit someone 5 feet in front of you in the original Fallout games is fucking great. Working your way up to almost god status in Divinity Original Sin and taking down a dragon that literally EATS THE TIMELINE is empowering and cool as fuck.

I never wanted combat to be done for me in those games even once because they were fun. They forced you to game the system until you were strong enough to actually face the enemies head-on. You had to actually decide if some fights were worth taking because you wouldn't know if you would even be able to survive, let alone win. Encounters actually had weight to them, which is something even TiTS and CoC1 get right because you can't just heal yourself up so easily in those games. Sure there were healing items but using those in combat is really dicey in the first place and you also had lust to think about as well, which forced you into either having sex with someone or going all the way back to base and masturbating. Even those games managed to mix the porn into gameplay better.

On the other hand, this game is a slog to get through. Every encounter is exactly the same because you're not forced to change things up. You don't have to think about enemy weaknesses, your parties weaknesses, turn order, etc., because it's just so piss easy. You spam every ability you have because there is no cost to them besides ultimates and you just steamroll everything like that. There's no strategy, no planning, no variation, just hit the same buttons over and over again because it just works[todd_howard.png].

and even highly regarded games like persona are >put every element on character >use weakness >win
We all know Persona isn't highly regarded for revolutionary gameplay but I'll bite anyway. The weakness system is there to get through trash mob fights way faster than say something like Dragon Quest. Hell, the game further encourages that by not only dealing more damage and giving you an extra turn, but also by being able to use All-Out Attacks if you knock down every enemy by hitting their weakness. Have you used an All-Out Attack on a boss? It doesn't do that much damage to them. Relying on hitting weaknesses for an endgame boss with no strategy for anything else will quickly get you killed.

But even something that simple is enough to make the combat fun and engaging most of the time. CoC2 does absolutely NOTHING to make combat interesting. No text that makes the moves your party does seem cool, no sex-based combat besides the shitty tease attacks, and absolutely 0 interesting enemy designs. If they're going to put this little effort into the gameplay, it makes me wonder why they even bothered.


Jan 23, 2020
But even something that simple is enough to make the combat fun and engaging most of the time. CoC2 does absolutely NOTHING to make combat interesting. No text that makes the moves your party does seem cool, no sex-based combat besides the shitty tease attacks, and absolutely 0 interesting enemy designs. If they're going to put this little effort into the gameplay, it makes me wonder why they even bothered.
I'm super glad you mentioned Divinty original sin when comparing the gameplay because Divnity has all these neat rewards for learning its system with the combinations of elements, like if you wet a person before shocking or freezing them with magic it'll do bonus damage, or if you straight freeze the floor of an enemy there's a chance they'll slip and fall and lose a turn if they move in that area. Hell in Divinity 2 your allowed to beat the endgame with an exploit and you get an achievement for it.
Unlike Coc 2's combat where I honestly belive Savin makes worse with each update out of pure spite for the player because he simply can't handle the fact that nobody likes fighting the same endless waves of enemies or some demon futa woman with over five million hp. I can regail in the memories of "playing" the combat of this game of doing a action and having to always scroll up past the twenty enemies I'm fighting and the short paragraph of Cait draining the cum out of her ears to see if my move even fuckin do anything.


Mar 15, 2019
We all know Persona isn't highly regarded for revolutionary gameplay but I'll bite anyway. The weakness system is there to get through trash mob fights way faster than say something like Dragon Quest. Hell, the game further encourages that by not only dealing more damage and giving you an extra turn, but also by being able to use All-Out Attacks if you knock down every enemy by hitting their weakness. Have you used an All-Out Attack on a boss? It doesn't do that much damage to them. Relying on hitting weaknesses for an endgame boss with no strategy for anything else will quickly get you killed.

But even something that simple is enough to make the combat fun and engaging most of the time. CoC2 does absolutely NOTHING to make combat interesting. No text that makes the moves your party does seem cool, no sex-based combat besides the shitty tease attacks, and absolutely 0 interesting enemy designs. If they're going to put this little effort into the gameplay, it makes me wonder why they even bothered.
Off topic
For anyone playing persona 4 Golden and onward I highly recommend a challenge. Beat the game using only Izanagi and Arsene. You can bring your party and use any item including persona ability cards. After the tutorial were you forced to use a different persona you have return to using Arsene or Izanagi respectively. (haven't tried this in P4 vanilla or Persona 3fes or portable yet. When I get the chance I might.) But playing this way taught taught me to value my teammates/items and other aspects of the game. I do agree at base the persona series rpg mechanics are worse than Pokemon. And I also would agree having to cripple yourself just for the game to provide a challenge is pretty dumb. But, it was probably one of my more enjoyable playthroughs. I think the Persona series needs to do away with the wild card mechanic as it completely breaks the game. This is due to the series constantly giving the player new mechanics that makes them stronger. (Baton Pass, all out attack, attack again, none of this existed in P1-2, but I think not having those mechanics made it Final Fantasy just in modern Tokyo.) I would say the persona series has the complete opposite design philosophy to CoC2 where every new installment gives the player more power while the enemies stay effectively the same. But my main point is a good game provides multiple ways to play and having a power fantasy can feel really good or be really boring depending on how you design it.

Personally I don't mind feeling weak in a game if overcoming the challenge is fun.Souls series, CoC1 and doing (personal) challenge runs of certain games (DMC, MGS, Fire Emblem, Nozlockes and Persona) taught me that. And I think that is what is missing from CoC2. Being a overpowered is no fun. Being weak is no fun. I don't ever have to think about my descisions. There is no real depth that I can see in the combat. The game doesn't inspire me to explore its mechanics like Pokemon or Persona. There's just nothing. Its like a steak, but half of it is just fat.

I really think they shouldn't bother with combat, but then that only leaves the story, and the story isn't strong enough to carry this game.

Edit: In short I agree with Moneyman, just wanted to talk about Persona a bit. For all its flaws I really love the game. CoC2 does nothing to endear itself to me. And when looking at the story lots of content apparently exist to actively annoy me. I would have to go digging through the forum, but Savin actively weaking certain items so you can't beat Kas or Tobs introducing content into the Kitsune storyline to make the champ look like a chump is what bothers me the most. As people have already said the game seems to only exist to make the writers self inserts seem cool. They get to have the power fantasy. While the champ who is supposed to be the hero of the story is backseating in their own story, both in combat and writing.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 11, 2021
I put Jstar in in the fenoxo forum search bar and somehow was linked to this post. Interesting discussion here (also a little Tobs bashing). Has nothing to do with Jstar unfortunately lol.

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Ignore the attachment below, guess I messed up somewhere.
... I am feeling stupider for having just read it.
fucking seriously? proudly declaring how they ban content submissions that don't contain any sex?
and then resorting to various logical fallacies to dismiss complaints about how they have ghost towns.
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Dec 10, 2019
The only choice you have in this game is to take cock up the ass. And this isn't me trolling. The game gives you an option to default lose scenes to being anal. But as far as I know there's no block for other content.
Damn, thanks for letting me know. Disappointing you can't disabled it thou.


Engaged Member
Jun 22, 2019
Can I disabled the Futa or FxF content?
Outside of combat, you can choose not to interact with it, but you can't outright disable it, no. So you might still see naked futas occasionally, but you don't need to have sex with them.

In combat, yeah, if you lose, there isn't much you can do. So you can either just reload every time you lose (and it's not a scene you want), or you can set the combat difficulty to "easy" or "story".
Jan 18, 2018
Steam beta key: eNN6ku5vs5k42Pku4W42
0.5.13 Patch Notes:
  • There are several new scenes at the Milking Barn in Khor’minos: if you’re fucking Livrea, she’ll show up for some fun; if you’re romancing Kasyrra, she’ll show up for some fun; if you bring Cait along she’ll now (optionally) join in on your milking adventures with you, with new variants for all the girls (except Kas; she’s shy). Cait sucking titty at the barn will trigger her enthiccening content, the same as her sucking a billion minotaur dicks with you at the guard post.
  • You can now build a dungeon to hold prisoners in the Wayfort once it’s been renovation. The dungeon doesn’t have any occupants at present, but there’s a couple of individuals in Ryn’s upcoming quest that’ll start filling it out…
  • Sandre & Caera can be moved to the Wayfort. They have new talk & interaction options there, including new sex scenes when you gamble with them. (By Fleep)
  • Vari is now a persistent character rather than a random encounter. She occupies a new tile north of the Wayfort a bit. You can now go to Vari’s village whenever you want, even when she’s pregnant, by talking to her.
  • New Busts: Hotaru, Kas at the Barn, and Spirit Wolf’s combat bust.
hotaru.Moira.0.png kasyrra_pure_clothed.Moira.0.png


Jul 12, 2017
Sure wish they'd have any degree of telling us how to proc a new scene, in this case kas at the barn. Random chance? A certain choice + random chance? Who knows!
Jan 18, 2018
Sure wish they'd have any degree of telling us how to proc a new scene, in this case kas at the barn. Random chance? A certain choice + random chance? Who knows!
Yea it's ridiculous. Skimming the code it's a 25% chance for Livrea when you select Milk Girls, and 10% for Kas, if you're romantic with her + done Calisequest 2, on a 6 day cooldown.
Console commands for the scenes:
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Jul 12, 2017
Unapologetic shitpost but damn I wish I had someone a thousandth of a percent as loyal to me as the CoC2 writers (not you Wsan you're a saint) are to their OCs. You feel me? Damn. Kas scene isn't even all that for the record.


Jan 23, 2020
Yea it's ridiculous. Skimming the code it looks like you need to be romantic with Kas + done Calisequest 2. Then you have a 1 in 10 chance with a 6 day cooldown?
Console command for the scene: KhorminosMilkersMilkKas()
Ah my favourtie kind of update. Updates for the most specific playthrough and choices and said update can only be accessed through random chance.
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