
Active Member
Feb 14, 2018
Who gives a shit about the lore or the fucking combat in these games. Never, in the history of these types of games has anyone with a lick of sense thought: "Oh if only they could have cut out more porn to put in more combat and item descriptions!"

Even more so than regular games, porn games are a method to deliver erotic content. The fact this one does so worse than its predecessor is simply a reflection of the worse team (and their lamer fetishes: the corruption of the elf queen is a good example of how they're more focused on the lame antagonist than the characters that matter. Lethice wasn't even part of the original game for most of its existence)

This leads to a bunch of weirdness that the elf shit really exemplifies: you don't do anything but react in lame and weak ways to what the actual main character of the game is doing, the complete opposite of the last one. Rather than you fucking the elf queen, you watch her give birth to what someone else fucked her with and are in a way double cucked because you then also don't get your trap outta chastity to fuck her or do it yourself.

The fact the two main characters are a slut who won't commit to you and a minotaur that tries to cuck you is another way this is exemplified and only partially saved by the fact that you can stow the whore and TG the minotaur into something good. Too bad that's literally the only fucking companion transformation aside from slightly growing your trap (that then has like, 7 scenes and in a dungeon that's literally their end only adds like 2 scenes)

the hyperfocus on bad ends is another dumb piece of garbage: in that dungeon there's more bad ends then there are fucking sex scenes you get for winning. Just dumb dumb dumb.


Jul 29, 2017
Who gives a shit about the lore or the fucking combat in these games. Never, in the history of these types of games has anyone with a lick of sense thought: "Oh if only they could have cut out more porn to put in more combat and item descriptions!"

Even more so than regular games, porn games are a method to deliver erotic content. The fact this one does so worse than its predecessor is simply a reflection of the worse team (and their lamer fetishes: the corruption of the elf queen is a good example of how they're more focused on the lame antagonist than the characters that matter. Lethice wasn't even part of the original game for most of its existence)

This leads to a bunch of weirdness that the elf shit really exemplifies: you don't do anything but react in lame and weak ways to what the actual main character of the game is doing, the complete opposite of the last one. Rather than you fucking the elf queen, you watch her give birth to what someone else fucked her with and are in a way double cucked because you then also don't get your trap outta chastity to fuck her or do it yourself.

The fact the two main characters are a slut who won't commit to you and a minotaur that tries to cuck you is another way this is exemplified and only partially saved by the fact that you can stow the whore and TG the minotaur into something good. Too bad that's literally the only fucking companion transformation aside from slightly growing your trap (that then has like, 7 scenes and in a dungeon that's literally their end only adds like 2 scenes)

the hyperfocus on bad ends is another dumb piece of garbage: in that dungeon there's more bad ends then there are fucking sex scenes you get for winning. Just dumb dumb dumb.
It's a fine line in regards to sex vs. lore. Too much sex then it might as well not be a game, too much lore and it might as well not be porn. Generally speaking I feel like the game does a decent job at balance.

The fact that you can bang Kassyra repeatedly is better than the original imo, when you never even saw Lethice until the last 10min of the game.

I'm not sure if I would call Brint a main character, he's just an early character. He also doesn't try to cuck you. And yeah, the fact that you can change him into an exclusive hot waifu gives the character more appeal.

I agree with you that the Winter Palace was kind of underwhelming. No scenes with Etheryn's sister and no way of removing the cage was pretty disappointing. Still, completing the dungeon does open up over a dozen new scenes so at least you have that.
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Sep 26, 2017
Who gives a shit about the lore or the fucking combat in these games. Never, in the history of these types of games has anyone with a lick of sense thought: "Oh if only they could have cut out more porn to put in more combat and item descriptions!"

Even more so than regular games, porn games are a method to deliver erotic content. The fact this one does so worse than its predecessor is simply a reflection of the worse team (and their lamer fetishes: the corruption of the elf queen is a good example of how they're more focused on the lame antagonist than the characters that matter. Lethice wasn't even part of the original game for most of its existence)

This leads to a bunch of weirdness that the elf shit really exemplifies: you don't do anything but react in lame and weak ways to what the actual main character of the game is doing, the complete opposite of the last one. Rather than you fucking the elf queen, you watch her give birth to what someone else fucked her with and are in a way double cucked because you then also don't get your trap outta chastity to fuck her or do it yourself.
While I in general agree that many porn games have a tendency forget people play them for the porn (Opala stands as a bad case), and only sometimes does a game actually manage to provide fun story/characters/setting (SEQUEL series of games for example). I don't find CoC2 to be too bad of a case of the former however, I think it gives just enough personality to their characters but still provide ample number of sex scenes.

What I do agree with is that it really does feel more like playing a spectator for someone else's oc than that I'm the main character. I don't at all understand why some people dislike Cait, but Kasyrra I detest. There's really 0 reason for we'd be so eager to suck her dick in every situation (as a side note, give us an option to turn off futa already) and there's some very poor 'morally grey' stuff showed in there where we're supposed to feel sorry for her infertility as she sexually assaults anything that breathes.

Lastly, can we please stop using the word 'cucking' to refer to "any existing female in the game so much as talks to another man but the protagonist"?
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Jan 13, 2019
Got to agree with some comments here compared to the first I feel like you have so little control and impact on the world around you. Too little corruption and the little that there is has nearly no impact. I do expect good things to come later but they are clearly jumping all over the place rather than finishing plot lines which drives me nuts. 1st game does a much better job of this.

However also agree with the defence of better written companions. I like Brint/Brienne more than anyone companion in CoC1. However the lack of evil followers is a real shame while some are so barebones I wonder why they are there like the dullahan girl. I didn't mind bro version of Brint and think he is much better than the other male companions like the trap Berwyn who is the least convincing dom ever. Just because you have a huge cock doesn't make you a great dom. Also agreed that cuck is being overused especially when it comes to Brint. However Brienne is best girl sorry Brint.

I also think that the observer is pretty pathetic to get mad at people on the internet who want to lewd the fox den because its far too wholesome for a game that is meant to have corruption in it. Seriously don't like either male romance option for my daughter Kinu. However it is more likely they don't want to upset patreon and lose tons of money which is funny since lewdgamer got kicked off patreon just for discussing games with rape and sexual violence and CoC 2 has tons of rape makes me wonder how they are still even allowed on patreon?

Edit: Yeah just checked 25k a month there is no way they are going to give that up that is more money than some people make in a year. Don't think they will allow anything truely degenerate to suck up to patreon.
Jul 26, 2019
Got to agree with some comments here compared to the first I feel like you have so little control and impact on the world around you. Too little corruption and the little that there is has nearly no impact. I do expect good things to come later but they are clearly jumping all over the place rather than finishing plot lines which drives me nuts. 1st game does a much better job of this.
I completely agree here especially in regards with Winter City, i thought it'd be this massive city with alot of shops and even potentially side quests, sorta like Tel'Adre? in the original, instead all you do is move 2 spaces up then 1 right into an actually not bad Dungeon. And it just felt like they were in a hurry to finish the dungeon and left out the city for their to do list. Just my thoughts though.


Jul 12, 2017
Is it time for another one of my Walls O' Text™...?

Probably not. Look, Kas is actually a character and not a vague bad Guy like Lethice was, so props for that. I personally find it neat we can choose to 'side' with the demons especially given how weaksauce CoC was about actually being a corrupt asshole as far as the main "story" went. CoC2 also has a more distinguished narrative beyond "go fight the demons and fuck things". ALSO there's as many options to fuck kas as there are to be fucked by her (absolutely horrendous initial release of the winter palace aside)

Agreed on Observer re: fox den, really would have fit better as his own short VN or something. Kiyoko is tolerable, I actually dig Keros because hs lolrandom asshole shit actually fits for a trickster god. The various foxes are fine individually, Kinu is ass and a bad attempt to appeal to daughteru lovers in a porn game (side note: the /cocg/ mod for CoC1 has this problem as well)

I think Brint is actually a good character because he fucks but he is never the focus of any scenes that involve him fucking someone else. I say this in like, cait/brint scenes are not "ha ha brint is fucking cait in front of you" its "oh cait is riding brint. what a slut". i may be misremembering but im fairly sure Brint is actually the broest of your companinos about this. also, you can TG him to brienne and get a cowgirl thirsty for you if you like so who cares?

oh look this ended up being a wall of text anyways. At least we got the hornet dungeon completed....months after release....i guess we'll see winter city content in february at this rate


Active Member
Feb 14, 2018
Nah dude; that scene was legit cuck because it's you watching others impregnating and fucking when the whole goddamn point is that it's you who's supposed to do it and it's literally happening to a characters sister that's required to be there.
The whole point of it is her taking the queen away from Tryn and you dude and then she turns into a demon and flies off

Kasyrra is in some ways not a bad idea: she's just terribly executed. Having an active antagonist is fine but making the actual player purely reactive is pathetic and makes it seem like all they do is catch up and is pretty sad when the whole point of videogames is to be active.

Up until the elf city I wasn't too irritated with her and actually quite liked the halloween event and other shit you could do, it's just fucking weak and lame that after that all you get is always "oh boy better show off how incredible and cool my OC is!"

It's like a mediocre DM with their own character who don't get that the point of the game is the players and not their dumb shit. Also the corruption just being "oh and your sloppy seconds from Kasyrra turned wholly demon good job" with the futaelf was beyond pathetic.

The other NPCs sorta show that; I don't care about slutcat but I resent her inclusion because she's again a missed chance for the player to enjoy.

And no, this game doesn't have a more developed narrative because it misses the whole fucking point of this genre of games. If the narrative is not moving you towards the next erotic encounter, it's shit. Versimillitude isn't gonna happen when you play with one hand and should only further the smut.

Sometimes it feels like these dudes want to make actual games and just, sorry, you ain't up to spec.


Dec 9, 2019
Is it time for another one of my Walls O' Text™...?

Probably not. Look, Kas is actually a character and not a vague bad Guy like Lethice was, so props for that. I personally find it neat we can choose to 'side' with the demons especially given how weaksauce CoC was about actually being a corrupt asshole as far as the main "story" went. CoC2 also has a more distinguished narrative beyond "go fight the demons and fuck things". ALSO there's as many options to fuck kas as there are to be fucked by her (absolutely horrendous initial release of the winter palace aside)

Agreed on Observer re: fox den, really would have fit better as his own short VN or something. Kiyoko is tolerable, I actually dig Keros because hs lolrandom asshole shit actually fits for a trickster god. The various foxes are fine individually, Kinu is ass and a bad attempt to appeal to daughteru lovers in a porn game (side note: the /cocg/ mod for CoC1 has this problem as well)

I think Brint is actually a good character because he fucks but he is never the focus of any scenes that involve him fucking someone else. I say this in like, cait/brint scenes are not "ha ha brint is fucking cait in front of you" its "oh cait is riding brint. what a slut". i may be misremembering but im fairly sure Brint is actually the broest of your companinos about this. also, you can TG him to brienne and get a cowgirl thirsty for you if you like so who cares?

oh look this ended up being a wall of text anyways. At least we got the hornet dungeon completed....months after release....i guess we'll see winter city content in february at this rate
Yeah, in my opinion Brint is the less likely follower to cuck you. Even when you propose a three some with him, you were given a choice who he should focus on either you or the other partner. Brint is lile the only follower I can tolerate. As much as people loved cait it is she who would cuck you. Almost any scenes she would took the spotlight from you. I just use her as a virginity shield at this point for my f/m pc. If you are a sub to arona yeah she would fuck anyone of your companion without any question asked.

I also agree with the feeling of this game is like playing as game about someone else oc with you being the main character in name only.


Jul 29, 2017
Nah dude; that scene was legit cuck because it's you watching others impregnating and fucking when the whole goddamn point is that it's you who's supposed to do it and it's literally happening to a characters sister that's required to be there.
The whole point of it is her taking the queen away from Tryn and you dude and then she turns into a demon and flies off

Kasyrra is in some ways not a bad idea: she's just terribly executed. Having an active antagonist is fine but making the actual player purely reactive is pathetic and makes it seem like all they do is catch up and is pretty sad when the whole point of videogames is to be active.

Up until the elf city I wasn't too irritated with her and actually quite liked the halloween event and other shit you could do, it's just fucking weak and lame that after that all you get is always "oh boy better show off how incredible and cool my OC is!"

It's like a mediocre DM with their own character who don't get that the point of the game is the players and not their dumb shit. Also the corruption just being "oh and your sloppy seconds from Kasyrra turned wholly demon good job" with the futaelf was beyond pathetic.

The other NPCs sorta show that; I don't care about slutcat but I resent her inclusion because she's again a missed chance for the player to enjoy.

And no, this game doesn't have a more developed narrative because it misses the whole fucking point of this genre of games. If the narrative is not moving you towards the next erotic encounter, it's shit. Versimillitude isn't gonna happen when you play with one hand and should only further the smut.

Sometimes it feels like these dudes want to make actual games and just, sorry, you ain't up to spec.
tbf she's not taking the Queen from you because Etheryn hates her and you've never met her. You're reactive to Kassyra because she's the main villain, it's kind of necessary to the plot. It's premature to criticize before we know how the story ends imo.
Last edited:


Dec 9, 2019
Nah dude; that scene was legit cuck because it's you watching others impregnating and fucking when the whole goddamn point is that it's you who's supposed to do it and it's literally happening to a characters sister that's required to be there.
The whole point of it is her taking the queen away from Tryn and you dude and then she turns into a demon and flies off
Although I agree with you points below, this one about this scene I disagree. It was not even a cucking scene. You were supposed to dethrone the queen for Etheryn since she found out she made a pact with demons to have an "heir" strong and of demon origins. Etheryn don't care her evil sister fucks a demon. She cares about the elven heritage.

Besides you have no emotional attachments with the queen at all. And Etheryn always wanted to fight back against her sister for the mistreatment she endured before she ran away.

The elf queen is already a tyrant since she also supposedly banished other elf kinda and dryads from winter city. Like why would you feel cucked when kasyrra fucked her and gave birth to demon hybrid?

Even if she didn't get fucked. Etheryn would banished her anyway for abusing her power and most players that rooted and sympathize on etheryn just want to break her sister's arm at this point.


Jul 12, 2017
Also, wouldn't having the main villain be the one doing the SUPER NO GOOD TERRIBLE VERY BAD FETISH be....actually good writing for making you hate her? Like, unless you're literally so antithetical to NTR that the very notion of its presence makes your dick wilt, isn't that actually clever? To be clear, I don't like NTR and don't find it sexually or emotionally arousing but I also had no connection to ryn's sister beyond "wow she's a dick, sounds like"

Also, if you think about it, if Kas fucks someone, but you fuck Kas, then you're still ahead!


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
Woah, Kas arguments?

Idk. I don't think Kas fucking the queen was meant to be cucking in any sort of way, at least I didn't feel that way at all and I rly hate NTR content. There's no connection between you and the queen.

And I actually quite like Kas. I'm hyped for her repeatable dream-world scenes whenever they finally get into the game. Sure, the MC is purely reactive but just like the other dude said that's kind of a given.

My only problem with Kas isn't even the character's fault, but I feel like Savin and Co are focusing way, way too much on side shit and just not caring at all about the main story and the main antagonist. And I like the side shit, but it's been years and all we got is uh...wayfort and winter city. Both of which have like, 2 seconds of main story content. Hell, Winter City isn't even done and both the queen and ryn still have a story to go, so another arc for them. The pace of the main story is bad, really, really bad. Not TiTS kind of bad (fuck you fen, you incompetent living failure), but bad.

And with that kind of pacing and so little main story content, Kas has no development, and not much of a character to really criticize or scrutinize. I think the only things that set her apart from being just a horny demon is that one scene where you sit on her lap and she's like "wow we ain't fucking? thats actually cool", or that other one where she seems to give a shit about her lab rat dragon/lizard children. Both of which are cool, but there isn't enough.

I fear this will bloat like TiTS, or worse end up like CoC1, half baked and half-finished.

Also lol at the team forgetting to put in Kas's vaginal scene in winter city. How exactly do you "forget" that? Or am I missing some sarcasm?
Jul 22, 2019
Also, wouldn't having the main villain be the one doing the SUPER NO GOOD TERRIBLE VERY BAD FETISH be....actually good writing for making you hate her? Like, unless you're literally so antithetical to NTR that the very notion of its presence makes your dick wilt, isn't that actually clever? To be clear, I don't like NTR and don't find it sexually or emotionally arousing but I also had no connection to ryn's sister beyond "wow she's a dick, sounds like"
I don't think that was an NTR scene really at all, but no, a character forcing in a fetish that people generally aren't into to make you dislike them isn't really a good idea in a porn game. These characters and plot only exist to connect porn scenes, not for some legitimate deep emotional reaction to a villain (generally, there's a couple exceptions that are more "game with porn" than porn game). Trying to force the latter by doing shit that people find disgusting is just a really, really poor idea in a game like this, and would take a way higher caliber of writer than anyone they've ever had working for them to pull off without just making people dislike the game as a whole.

Definitely agree with whoever was saying the interactions with Kas are way too passive so far too, you never really feel like you're an actual threat to her plans at all. She just kind of toys with you and then there's a fight with something even worse? I don't think she ever even takes you seriously.

Also entirely unrelated but the phrase "double cucked" was used last page and I just think that's worth highlighting. Peak f95 lmao


Jun 10, 2020
And with that kind of pacing and so little main story content, Kas has no development, and not much of a character to really criticize or scrutinize. I think the only things that set her apart from being just a horny demon is that one scene where you sit on her lap and she's like "wow we ain't fucking? thats actually cool", or that other one where she seems to give a shit about her lab rat dragon/lizard children. Both of which are cool, but there isn't enough.
There's another nice scene for Kas, though it's a hidden in a specific bad end that occurs during the Hawkethorne Cloister sidequest.
It could even be considered a good end (if you like Kas), but it's a game-ender nonetheless.

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Engaged Member
Aug 14, 2020
Speaking of Kas, if you have a relationship with Brienne and are on the romantic path with Kas. During conversation with Brienne about demons she will state she's not mad at you if you like Kas and if you can fuck her to win so be it.


Active Member
Feb 14, 2018
Nah dudes, I wanted my trap to hatefuck his sister while I fucked the trap.

Turning a climactic scene for the side character into another boring "isn't our villain great" is fucking boring and misses the whole point of a porn game, that you are supposed to be the one having fun. As for making you hate the villain, uhh, it's a porn game. I don't hate anyone in it and them doing the cucking isn't even the bad bit.

The fact they then have a fucking multi-stage boring shit fight where, again, you do fucking nothing and only watch is goddamn idiotic. This isn't voyeur simulator; it's meant to be a goddamn porn game. What part of game involves us gormlessly staring at boring bullshit?

Kas being all vindictive and shit to the Queen is an issue because we the player are supposed to be making these calls and choices and instead we get a supremely weak one with the futaelf instead which uhhh, is just pathetic. Why are we a side-character in a story supposedly about us? Why the fuck aren't we just playing Kas if she's the one having all the fun?
Maybe we did want her to birth a lot of imps and turn demon (personally I could not envision a less shit outcome but sure, whatever, cater to all sorts) but why not let the player choose? Where the fuck is the player agency that changes this from a kinetic novel to an actual game?

The fact that the entire second half of that "dungeon" had less content than the first fucking dungeon in CoC1, that it might as well have been a slideshow compared even to dungeons in the same game and the fucking trap literally got nothing but an ~alternative armorset~ which YOU DON'T EVEN SEE AND FEATURES NO SCENES is weak weak weak.

It's dull and unoriginal writing and the fact that almost half the writing in it is ~bad ends~ about their ~perfect villain~ again shows their priorities.

You don't even preggo the fucking priestess or the futa-elf, which in the tainted option literally turns into another boring fucking demon.

I don't know about you lot but I find the whole demon angle boring as fuck, oh wow, they're very degenerate and only give birth to imps! I really need a third or fourth character with exactly the same archetype and theme because it wasn't boring and dull the first time!


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
Nah dudes, I wanted my trap to hatefuck his sister while I fucked the trap.

Turning a climactic scene for the side character into another boring "isn't our villain great" is fucking boring and misses the whole point of a porn game, that you are supposed to be the one having fun. As for making you hate the villain, uhh, it's a porn game. I don't hate anyone in it and them doing the cucking isn't even the bad bit.

The fact they then have a fucking multi-stage boring shit fight where, again, you do fucking nothing and only watch is goddamn idiotic. This isn't voyeur simulator; it's meant to be a goddamn porn game. What part of game involves us gormlessly staring at boring bullshit?

Kas being all vindictive and shit to the Queen is an issue because we the player are supposed to be making these calls and choices and instead we get a supremely weak one with the futaelf instead which uhhh, is just pathetic. Why are we a side-character in a story supposedly about us? Why the fuck aren't we just playing Kas if she's the one having all the fun?
Maybe we did want her to birth a lot of imps and turn demon (personally I could not envision a less shit outcome but sure, whatever, cater to all sorts) but why not let the player choose? Where the fuck is the player agency that changes this from a kinetic novel to an actual game?

The fact that the entire second half of that "dungeon" had less content than the first fucking dungeon in CoC1, that it might as well have been a slideshow compared even to dungeons in the same game and the fucking trap literally got nothing but an ~alternative armorset~ which YOU DON'T EVEN SEE AND FEATURES NO SCENES is weak weak weak.

It's dull and unoriginal writing and the fact that almost half the writing in it is ~bad ends~ about their ~perfect villain~ again shows their priorities.

You don't even preggo the fucking priestess or the futa-elf, which in the tainted option literally turns into another boring fucking demon.

I don't know about you lot but I find the whole demon angle boring as fuck, oh wow, they're very degenerate and only give birth to imps! I really need a third or fourth character with exactly the same archetype and theme because it wasn't boring and dull the first time!
I still think you are making this a bigger issue than it is, but I'll agree that the MC of CoC2 really does not feel like a protagonist, and you are entirely reactive and passive way too often in the game.

Looking back on it, it is true that our interactions with Kas are pretty...railroad-y. And bland. There's really nothing particularly good or special about them, and you get very little say in many of them.


Sep 3, 2018
I feel like this game can best be described as Fallout 3 (loaded up with a ton of Loverslab mods), but you're Dogmeat to Cait's Lone Wanderer. Although, in a fight, you're the first one to run in because Cait is fiddling around in VATS, and she gets to benefit off of everything you do, fight, and find.
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