I really would emplore you guys to visit their discord and listen to what they actually say.
Savin and Co can´t wait to be
done with Coc2. They rather make cuts to content thant to keep writing for this game.
Conclusion to some charakters? Dropped in favor to finish main story.
Corrupted Khorminos? Also dropped.
Post Corrupted hive stuff? Will probably also get cut because nobody wants to write it.
We are lucky if we get corrupt centaur village.
They only thing they really look forward to is writing for their pet ocs. Something like Evelyn and Kalysea

for Wsan, Hana for Savin and Kinu

for Tobs. (But I haven´t heard from Tobs in a while So idk).
The only things I am still looking forward to are stuff from community writers like Jstar or B. Aury also exists but he is a Tobs lite who rather shit posts and mines salt than acctually write erotic content.
Their is much stuff they could still write to extend Coc2 life span but they won´t.
Savco wants to be done with the setting because they A. hate TFs, B. hate corruption and C. hate writing for the blob champ.
They want to make a new game. Where all of those things won´t exist.
When will that be? Who knows.