
Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
Regarding Ryn, I still hate the fact that you can't fuck her with a big dick. At the start of development, they still had that tits-mindset where dick sizes locked characters, but quickly abandoned that idea. Now you can fuck whoever you want with whatever dick you want, everyone just balloons in size to accomodate.
Actually, you can, buy only in specific scenes. In such as first one you can have with her, you can ruin her ass with dick of any size. If I remember right. Only in her standard anal scene does your dick size become a problem. Even in some later ones, such as Winter City Halloween dungeon, you are able to have anal sex with her.

That is probably a left over from a period where they were considering such things. Thank god they removed it.

Edit: Interestingly, Savin sucks, but he is better at choice than many of his writers. Just this patch, you can refuse to be Ryn's noble or whatever. It's at least a thing.
Tobs is also good at giving the players choice. Only time he shits the bed is in his Kitsune content. As he says, he does not like giving players illusion of choice. Such as in classic RPGs where you have yes no answers. Or in this games case, character saying something but it accomplishes same thing as all other answers. He likes for your choices to have a meaning. Which in a lot of his other content can be seen. It is just to bad that his biggest batch is lacking in that department.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
Actually, you can, buy only in specific scenes. In such as first one you can have with her, you can ruin her ass with dick of any size. If I remember right. Only in her standard anal scene does your dick size become a problem. Even in some later ones, such as Winter City Halloween dungeon, you are able to have anal sex with her.

That is probably a left over from a period where they were considering such things. Thank god they removed it.

Tobs is also good at giving the players choice. Only time he shits the bed is in his Kitsune content. As he says, he does not like giving players illusion of choice. Such as in classic RPGs where you have yes no answers. Or in this games case, character saying something but it accomplishes same thing as all other answers. He likes for your choices to have a meaning. Which in a lot of his other content can be seen. It is just to bad that his biggest batch is lacking in that department.
Yeah I realized that you COULD fuck her in some scenes, but not in the main actual repeatable scene. The fact that they still didn't change it is just sad.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
Yeah I realized that you COULD fuck her in some scenes, but not in the main actual repeatable scene. The fact that they still didn't change it is just sad.
I find it hilariously lazy. But yeah, it does take me out of experience with her somewhat. Whenever those anal miracles happen, I check if my PCs dick did not suddenly shrink or something.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
I had a good chuckle when Elthara and Deliza showed up at the Wayfort and offered my MC "lands and titles". The WC is in no position to offer anything to anyone, and it's only by the grace of writing gods that I'm letting them patrol the area (my headcanon is that my MC only cares about the fort). Ah, but I do hope one day that I'll get to claim the bailiff as my concubine. That seems like fair remuneration for trying to annex my house.
Regarding Ryn, I still hate the fact that you can't fuck her with a big dick. At the start of development, they still had that tits-mindset where dick sizes locked characters, but quickly abandoned that idea. Now you can fuck whoever you want with whatever dick you want, everyone just balloons in size to accomodate.
My MC rather likes torturing Ryn like that, and the fact that she did that with the WC's monarch multiple times brings her no small amount of joy. If only they knew...
Plus, i'm not a big fan of stretching, myself. I keep having Sparrow flashbacks.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
I just refused the envoy of Winter City. Good God, that felt good. Saying no in such brash yet firm way made me actually somewhat proud of my PC.

Ah, but I do hope one day that I'll get to claim the bailiff as my concubine. That seems like fair remuneration for trying to annex my house.
That is probably never happening but yeah, that would be sweet. Just picturing this noble chained/pregnant fills me with images that are leading me to be disapointed in the reality that I am currently living in. But I have to say,I love Moiras design of her.
Her attire filled with blues and black/grays looks so nice with her light blue skin color.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
I just refused the envoy of Winter City. Good God, that felt good. Saying no in such brash yet firm way made me actually somewhat proud of my PC.

That is probably never happening but yeah, that would be sweet. Just picturing this noble chained/pregnant fills me with images that are leading me to be disapointed in the reality that I am currently living in. But I have to say,I love Moiras design of her.
View attachment 1073859
Her attire filled with blues and black/grays looks so nice with her light blue skin color.
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Yeah, it's sad when I'm looking forward to Savin's content, but maybe /hgg/ can make a mod for this game, too. See him try to shut that shit down.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
I think that game usually avoids it. Most of enemies want to fight you so that they can rob you, rape you or play with you. Or in case of glacial rift, to get you to leave. I can not really think of a lot of characters that introduce themselves as best. Manticore girl and that shaman horse are ones that come to my mind. Now, them showing up constantly is annoying. But game does make a lot of hostile encounters progress/change through the game. Such as Tanuki witch and Vaush. The only ones I am personally annoyed are Kitsune gang, Berwyn and the mercs. First ones because you can not make them stop attacking you without Kiyoko in the party or as Keroses champion. Even if you are accepted by rest of committee, or are officially married to Kiyoki. Latter two, we already talked about it. They try to rape you and game expects you to forgive them.
Funnily enough the only ones i don't hate from that forest are the Kitsune Gang because i use them as an XP Punching Back *whenever i'm trying to get to level 6 BEFORE WC content* if anything i hate the RIDICULOUS amount of NPC characters that pop up in that area, it would be nicer if you could toggle the rate of appearances because frankly the saturation of NPC's made grinding in that area a literal pain in the ass.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
How do you turn Cait into Half Leothran btw? curious about it/wanna see her as leopard woman now!


Engaged Member
Aug 14, 2020
I will patiently wait until Cait reaches her Super Fat Ass transformation before trying any new anal content with her. This is an important event and it needs to be special.


Jun 26, 2020
Cait's Asshole is designated "Dryder anal gestating womb," i'd tie her up and leave her with the fuzzy big tiddy spider bitch if I could.
Cait's always been "meh" to me, there's no reason for the MC to form strong emotional connection beyond "fuck buddy" with her and she tells you that in the first five minutes. She treats herself like just a hole, why wouldn't the MC.

Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
Idk man, I can't stand Cait either but based on how new players are very quick to whine about ntr when she starts slutting around she must be good at evoking feelings of protectiveness on some people. I mean she's pretty much designed like a JRPG heroine when you think about it:
  • You have to help her in the tutorial
  • She's the only healer you'll have for a while (unless you're one yourself)
  • She displays some measure of affection from the MC almost immediately
Also she's a pink catgirl and a shortstack, clearly intended to be moe.

It sure doesn't get me going but eh, such things are subjective.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
Cait's Asshole is designated "Dryder anal gestating womb," i'd tie her up and leave her with the fuzzy big tiddy spider bitch if I could.
Cait's always been "meh" to me, there's no reason for the MC to form strong emotional connection beyond "fuck buddy" with her and she tells you that in the first five minutes. She treats herself like just a hole, why wouldn't the MC.
I only keep her around because she's my white mage. Other than that, I don't touch her. I know it's kind of hypocritical since my MC will screw just about anything that moves, but Cait's kinda grody to me. That said, I'd definitely toss it to her if she were a demon, like in that one dream scene. Brienne will always be my bottom bitch, though.
Idk man, I can't stand Cait either but based on how new players are very quick to whine about ntr when she starts slutting around she must be good at evoking feelings of protectiveness on some people. I mean she's pretty much designed like a JRPG heroine when you think about it
Eugh, it's more territorial than protective, I should think. Like, they feel like she's part of their harem, so she doesn't get to fuck just anyone even though they can. The thing is, she isn't, and that's okay; I'll keep her around for when I need healing and not touch her otherwise. Sloppy seconds is for the plebs.
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Jun 26, 2020
yeah she is obviously carefully constructed too portray a certain sense of vulnerability that the player will want to "white knight" and protect, and she's the only real healer/cleric option for the party, so she will likely be in all parties (unless you're a white mage)
So the MC/player is pathed into protecting this pink cat, only to then watch her fuck and suck every NPC she comes across. There's scene's where Cait emerges from an alley in Hawkethorne after blowing a villager, wipes the cum of her face and makes a sassy quip about it. I guess we are supposed to give this an "oh, you.." reaction, but I think most people will just feel revulsion. The MC/party isn't hurting for cash, and yet Caits still acting like the dirtiest two dollar whore too ever grace the Vegas strip. They could claim she whores for religious reasons, but the MC has personally met with 3 of the 7 "gods" so for, including hers, and they are all total sham impostors, who just assumed the roles and are parasitically feeding of there worshipers. So her whoring in Malikaths name is worse than pointless, so why is she constantly degrading herself like this? Fuck NTR content
tl,dr. Cait is a whore for no reason, it's annoying, Savin-Works.TM.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2020
You have to wonder, narratively, how corrupted she really is, for not only is she a huge slut already, but she is easily talked into sexing full-blown demons. Future plot thread, maybe, fingers crossed?


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
That is probably never happening but yeah, that would be sweet. Just picturing this noble chained/pregnant fills me with images that are leading me to be disapointed in the reality that I am currently living in. But I have to say,I love Moiras design of her.
Did savin say or imply that she wasn't getting any sort of sexual content?

I'm not sure what the point of characters like these are in such a case. Why bother designing and drawing an avatar for a character if she's just going to be a lore dump with no scenes?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
You have to wonder, narratively, how corrupted she really is, for not only is she a huge slut already, but she is easily talked into sexing full-blown demons. Future plot thread, maybe, fingers crossed?
Holy shit, yeah I hadn't realized. She bitches and moans if YOU fuck demons, but she easily fucks demons if you so wish.

But Savin sure as shit will not put her in any negative connotation, so no. This probably wont happen.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
Did savin say or imply that she wasn't getting any sort of sexual content?

I'm not sure what the point of characters like these are in such a case. Why bother designing and drawing an avatar for a character if she's just going to be a lore dump with no scenes?
No I mean as in making her our personal concubine in vain of Harem Cats/Brienne. She will have sex scenes.

yeah she is obviously carefully constructed too portray a certain sense of vulnerability that the player will want to "white knight" and protect, and she's the only real healer/cleric option for the party, so she will likely be in all parties (unless you're a white mage)
So the MC/player is pathed into protecting this pink cat, only to then watch her fuck and suck every NPC she comes across. There's scene's where Cait emerges from an alley in Hawkethorne after blowing a villager, wipes the cum of her face and makes a sassy quip about it. I guess we are supposed to give this an "oh, you.." reaction, but I think most people will just feel revulsion. The MC/party isn't hurting for cash, and yet Caits still acting like the dirtiest two dollar whore too ever grace the Vegas strip. They could claim she whores for religious reasons, but the MC has personally met with 3 of the 7 "gods" so for, including hers, and they are all total sham impostors, who just assumed the roles and are parasitically feeding of there worshipers. So her whoring in Malikaths name is worse than pointless, so why is she constantly degrading herself like this? Fuck NTR content
tl,dr. Cait is a whore for no reason, it's annoying, Savin-Works.TM.
She likes to have sex for her own pleasure and everyone elsses. That is how she is designed. She is a part of religion that is all about spreading love with everyone. She is not doing it for money. And there is nothing wrong with being a slut. Especially in CoC2.
And she does not know her God is fake. Only the PC and few others know,

You have to wonder, narratively, how corrupted she really is, for not only is she a huge slut already, but she is easily talked into sexing full-blown demons. Future plot thread, maybe, fingers crossed?
Being a slut is no sign of being corrupt. Fucking Demons? Now that is debatable. Probably. But then again, our entire party seems fine with it.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
No I mean as in making her our personal concubine in vain of Harem Cats/Brienne. She will have sex scenes.

Being a slut is no sign of being corrupt. Fucking Demons? Now that is debatable. Probably. But then again, our entire party seems fine with it.
Our character being fine with it is a choice, and it actively has negative effects like increasing corruption. It is obviously not meant to be an action that is to be taken lightly. She is pretty much a hypocrite, both bitching about demons but also being quite willing to fuck them for whatever reason.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
Our character being fine with it is a choice, and it actively has negative effects like increasing corruption. It is obviously not meant to be an action that is to be taken lightly. She is pretty much a hypocrite, both bitching about demons but also being quite willing to fuck them for whatever reason.
I mean, with Kasyra she has a point. She is not only a demon, she is a Queen demon trying to take over the world.
But as we can see with her interaction with Cat demon, she is not entierly hostile to them. She is just wary of them. Honestly, her biggest fault is that she is way to easy to sway. Especially if it is coming from us, the champion. Like with us letting Quin live with us. But then again, so is rest of our party. They are way to trusting of us.
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