I said it before and I'll say it again, if I wanted heart warming stories about how families work and the struggles they face, there are far better authors out there that could tickle that fancy, plus their writing makes Tobs' own seem like the mad ramblings of an angsty 8 year old. That stuff has no place in a game that has everyone fucking everyone else for any reason they can pull out of their ass.
Sadly, the only way the kitsune den (and race in general, barring a select few characters) can be fixed, or at least salvaged, is if modders step in and turn that entire plotline into something playable and pornable (that's a word now) instead of something to be avoided like the rona, just to spite Tobs, if nothing else. Or if Tobs is given das boot, which is not going to happen because his content, despite being the literary equivalent of a stinking pile of feces, still constitutes the majority of what they release, unless that changed recently.