
New Member
Aug 5, 2022
So, I actually agree with Skandranon, with regards to this censorship debate. Seems like the community here (and possibly 4chan), are slightly hyper-aware of any censorship being perpetrated on the official forums.
This might have been the case in the past, but recently it seems like the developers are more inclined to ridicule one for criticism (constructive criticism or not), and rile up the community to dunk on the one who supplied said critique, or just laugh at them - instead of outright removing the post.
Seems like they've more so given up on the official forums (if the bug reports are anything to go by, lol) in favor of the discord instead, as it appears to be an environment that is easier for discussions about the game, and possibly less negative.


Yeah, this seems to be in-line with the upgrade to the forums (XenForo forums) - it appears as though the official forums went from XenForo version 1.5 (or thereabouts) to XenForo version 2.0.0 (or thereabouts) - and it seems like from there the spam filter has been ramped up. The moderators on the forums are aware of it, so if one draws enough attention to their posts, they will be approved.
Unfortunate, but it doesn't look like anything is going to be done about it. As a "New Member", it appears that one won't be able to edit their posts, or include any links. Possibly will be resolved by the time one is listed as a "Well-Known Member" on the official forums - as at that point one would have posted more than 45 times, the threshold appears to be 5 - 10 for the spam filter.


To go back to the topic of criticism, I do dislike how it appears that criticism is generally not wanted by the developers (constructive criticism or not), whether on the official forums or otherwise. But the reactions exhibited from the developers (particularly Savin, The Observer and BubbleLord), seems to indicate that their egos might be tied to the content they've put in the game, or more likely to the character's they've created - seeing as Savin appeared to not appreciate criticism of Cait, even though the content in question was actually written by SomeKindOfWizard (the Atani wedding Cait content).
- Link (Savin Cait Atani wedding context - Previous post here): https://f95zone.to/threads/corruption-of-champions-ii-v0-5-10-savin-salamander-studios.11371/post-6147904

I dunno, it just seems like being critical of their content is not up for discussion, whether they're developers or writers, as Balaknightfang also doesn't seem to take kindly to people critiquing their content either (although maybe to a lesser extent) - not to mention the fact that there's a joke (amongst the forums / discord community) that every time someone asks about Nelia they add another month delay to her. Not really a joke when she still hasn't had any meaningful content outside of Ragnild's Quest - Blacksmith's New Clothes (written by The Observer, not Balaknightfang), and the Spidernets Quest (written by Gardeford, most likely for fishnets for Atugia as she has scenes with them - also not written by Balaknightfang) - well over 3 years since her release. Truly a worrisome prospect with Balaknightfang writing Viviane, and her seemingly going to be a companion and all...
View attachment 1990680
- Links (Balaknightfang joke / quote context, and Nelia release date):
1. Balaknightfang quote - https://forum.fenoxo.com/threads/what-content-would-you-like-added.13015/page-121#post-339700
2. Nelia release - https://wiki.smutosaur.us/CoC2/index.php?title=Version_history&oldid=19907#0.2.6_.28July_7.2C_2019.29

Another aspect that they seemingly also don't want criticism toward is how bad they are at addressing issues (bugs) - this goes for both Trials in Tainted Space and Corruption of Champions 2. One look at the bug reports sub-forums for the games showcases that.
They are incredibly bad at replying to threads with issues, and fixing said issues. It sometimes takes literally tagging them in the threads to see a response, and often there's no update after they ask for a save, and it's provided.
It's fine that they have an internal Trello that they add to, but it would be nice to give feedback to the members of the forum on the status of their bug report, no? Otherwise it feels like the onus is on the member who reported it to check whether the bug is still persistent after each patch (if they care enough to do so), instead of it being the developers responsibility to check.

To back this up, there's a bug in CoC2 that I know of, which has, no joke, been in the game since 2018. Yes, you read that right, 2018, nearly a full 4 years ago. I tried many a time to compile a thorough (semi-professional pdf) document with regards to the bug, but then I realized I'm putting in more effort than they do in the game, so instead it's now a bullet point text document that I'm debating actually sharing lol - it's seriously funnier the more time elapses without them actually seeing it. It's obvious (or should be, for the developers) from looking at the code, but it appears that nobody reviews the code, or even play tests the game for more than an hour or so.

Which is another issue I have with the game, why is it that the developers can't seem to play through their own content? Or at the very least review it themselves? And even more so for Savin - how is it that the project lead / project manager can be unaware of content, for their own character might I add - for what appears to be years after it was added? I'll tell you my theory - Savin doesn't actually review content (as in, in-depth with regards to the lore and setting etc, and how it will relate with other established content) from people that are trusted (either by Savin or within the community) - so, any community writer that came from TiTS and FoE in the last couple of years... That appears to be how the Etheryn Hashat scene happened, which SomeKindOfWizard was once again responsible for. Which is even funnier if you consider that Hashat is super into Ryn for being a feminine elf, yet a "dickgirl" / "hermaphrodite" elf player character is basically ignored by Hashat - the player character has to instead be "fully female" for her to be interested in the player character. The reasoning? SomeKindOfWizard "forgot" to write that possibility. And that was said (incorrectly, didn't seem to know the "hermaphrodite" possibility) by Balaknightfang around a year ago, which is more than a year after it was added - so, now it's been 2 years since then, and no changes still (also a year since Balaknightfang's post (incorrectly, once again) acknowledging it).
View attachment 1990686
- Links (Balaknightfang's post): https://forum.fenoxo.com/threads/your-gripes-with-coc-ii.19814/page-38#post-353799

I dunno man, I don't mean to go on a rant about this game, but it's seriously depressing how much these developers act like amateurs, despite doing this whole game development thing for a decade, if not more.
Jesus Christttttttt I am a new player and reading the recent thread of this game just really kill my mood mann......WHY TF is the majority of sex/erotic based indie games always so disastrously messy in their development and commnunity.It's been THOUSAND,THOUSAND like these and they just keep coming, they don't stop coming like they hit the ground runnin' .
LIKE CHEESSEUSSSSSSS these MF are supposed to be full time developers with years behind their back(even if they are indie),right?RIGHT?

Okay actual game question. At the end of the Dog Days quest the (outdated wiki) said that you could peek into a conversation between Garret and Garth but in my playthrough, after Hethia ( the elf lady) offer her cussy wussy,nothing.....happens,it just turn to the next day. Is the conversation removed?


Aug 2, 2022
It's also that COC2 and TITS are really the only coherent games with enough content like this, so they really win by default. Which is also the reason why I doubt that any of them really see a reason to change anything.
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Conversation Conqueror
Dec 4, 2019
Jesus Christttttttt I am a new player and reading the recent thread of this game just really kill my mood mann......WHY TF is the majority of sex/erotic based indie games always so disastrously messy in their development and commnunity.It's been THOUSAND,THOUSAND like these and they just keep coming, they don't stop coming like they hit the ground runnin' .
LIKE CHEESSEUSSSSSSS these MF are supposed to be full time developers with years behind their back(even if they are indie),right?RIGHT?

Okay actual game question. At the end of the Dog Days quest the (outdated wiki) said that you could peek into a conversation between Garret and Garth but in my playthrough, after Hethia ( the elf lady) offer her cussy wussy,nothing.....happens,it just turn to the next day. Is the conversation removed?
First time? :KEK:
You're better off playing NOT-GENSHIN than this piece of shit but I shouldn't gatekeep you, this is an experience that is different for all players so you should at least complete the current CoC2 content.

(Doesn't even take a fucking day to complete the "important" quests.)

I'll be waiting for your reaction after you experience...**THAT INCIDENT** in this game.


May 26, 2021
Jesus Christttttttt I am a new player and reading the recent thread of this game just really kill my mood mann......WHY TF is the majority of sex/erotic based indie games always so disastrously messy in their development and commnunity.It's been THOUSAND,THOUSAND like these and they just keep coming, they don't stop coming like they hit the ground runnin' .
LIKE CHEESSEUSSSSSSS these MF are supposed to be full time developers with years behind their back(even if they are indie),right?RIGHT?

Okay actual game question. At the end of the Dog Days quest the (outdated wiki) said that you could peek into a conversation between Garret and Garth but in my playthrough, after Hethia ( the elf lady) offer her cussy wussy,nothing.....happens,it just turn to the next day. Is the conversation removed?
So, about the Garret and Garth scene(s), it seems to occur randomly - either via entering the tavern, waiting in the tavern, or via sleeping (should occur randomly upon the player character waking up).
Think it might be a two part scene, the first scene being Garth and Garret getting into a fight, which Garret then talks about with Gwyn and then the next scene which is Garth talking with Garret to look out for Gwyn. Think these two related scenes (might) have to occur in order for Garth to offer the player character the Shades of the Past Quest - or at least from a lore perspective it might make sense for them to occur before the Quest offer.
Last edited:
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New Member
Aug 5, 2022
First time? :KEK:
You're better off playing NOT-GENSHIN than this piece of shit but I shouldn't gatekeep you, this is an experience that is different for all players so you should at least complete the current CoC2 content.

(Doesn't even take a fucking day to complete the "important" quests.)

I'll be waiting for your reaction after you experience...**THAT INCIDENT** in this game.
Mate I just read the #700+ thread about the Wsan debacle..........man what a fuckin' shithole I have just fallen into, this game look so good when I found out about it too......
Your warning make me scared....while also making me giddy at all the sewage tier hate-writings that I'm gonna read from this game. I LOVE DUMPSTER FIRE LIKE THIS NGL CAPS


Conversation Conqueror
Dec 4, 2019
Mate I just read the #700+ thread about the Wsan debacle..........man what a fuckin' shithole I have just fallen into, this game look so good when I found out about it too......
Your warning make me scared....while also making me giddy at all the sewage tier hate-writings that I'm gonna read from this game. I LOVE DUMPSTER FIRE LIKE THIS NGL CAPS
It gets even better if you yourself experienced everything this game has to offer.
Hell, Look at me, I turned myself to a cactus!

Salute to those who get the reference.


Active Member
Sep 6, 2019
Jesus Christttttttt I am a new player and reading the recent thread of this game just really kill my mood mann......WHY TF is the majority of sex/erotic based indie games always so disastrously messy in their development and commnunity.It's been THOUSAND,THOUSAND like these and they just keep coming, they don't stop coming like they hit the ground runnin' .
LIKE CHEESSEUSSSSSSS these MF are supposed to be full time developers with years behind their back(even if they are indie),right?RIGHT?
Well for other projects that don't make almost half a million dollars a year, it's pretty understandable. Making a decent game, even in something like Ren'Py or RPGM, isn't that easy and is really time-consuming. This one though? Yeah not really any excuses can be made. Savin has worked on the previous games, but I don't think he was ever in a leadership position like this before. He isn't a natural leader and it REALLY fucking shows.

Really, everything wrong with this game wraps back around to the culture and precedent he's set throughout developing this game. TOBS' garbage is in the game and normalized because Savin has allowed the guy to run rampant with no editing or oversight. Every character has a "super duper special OC donut be meaaaann!!111" feel because that's exactly how he treats his own characters(evident even back in TiTs with Anno, aka Cait 1.0). And that leads into a big part of why there's no corruption content: you just can't be mean to anybody. Why do I not have an option to fucking murder Hashat to coming onto MY elf slut? Why can I not influence Cait into corruption Ala Palpatine style when her religion is already halfway to being corrupted with all the sex and child grooming they have? Why can't I tell Quin to shut his fucking trap about wanting to fuck every single girl he sees? Why can't I tell Azy that she can go back to her god damn hive if all she does is want to fawn over Liaden all day?

Simple, because the project lead does all this shit himself and has no self-awareness. If Savin does it, then why shouldn't the rest do it? Corruption of Champions? More like Corruption of Dev Team, fucking christ.

I would love to be wrong on this. If Savin comes in here and gives a logical explanation to the shit he lets fly, I would be the first one to listen and really try to see things from his side. But considering he let that Brienne rape scene in the game behind Wsan's back, I don't think he can even come close to that.


Conversation Conqueror
Dec 4, 2019
Well for other projects that don't make almost half a million dollars a year, it's pretty understandable. Making a decent game, even in something like Ren'Py or RPGM, isn't that easy and is really time-consuming. This one though? Yeah not really any excuses can be made. Savin has worked on the previous games, but I don't think he was ever in a leadership position like this before. He isn't a natural leader and it REALLY fucking shows.

Really, everything wrong with this game wraps back around to the culture and precedent he's set throughout developing this game. TOBS' garbage is in the game and normalized because Savin has allowed the guy to run rampant with no editing or oversight. Every character has a "super duper special OC donut be meaaaann!!111" feel because that's exactly how he treats his own characters(evident even back in TiTs with Anno, aka Cait 1.0). And that leads into a big part of why there's no corruption content: you just can't be mean to anybody. Why do I not have an option to fucking murder Hashat to coming onto MY elf slut? Why can I not influence Cait into corruption Ala Palpatine style when her religion is already halfway to being corrupted with all the sex and child grooming they have? Why can't I tell Quin to shut his fucking trap about wanting to fuck every single girl he sees? Why can't I tell Azy that she can go back to her god damn hive if all she does is want to fawn over Liaden all day?

Simple, because the project lead does all this shit himself and has no self-awareness. If Savin does it, then why shouldn't the rest do it? Corruption of Champions? More like Corruption of Dev Team, fucking christ.

I would love to be wrong on this. If Savin comes in here and gives a logical explanation to the shit he lets fly, I would be the first one to listen and really try to see things from his side. But considering he let that Brienne rape scene in the game behind Wsan's back, I don't think he can even come close to that.
He's one of those types of DMs if you know what I mean.
So you can't really convince 'em to change for the better side.


May 26, 2021
XenForo stuff quote - which I may have removed from the original post.
Damn, I don't know if this is just an unfortunate coincidence, but of course after I posted this there was spam that began to occur on the official forums.
I just want to say, it certainly wasn't me, and I don't think it would be anyone else here - or at least I'd hope not.

To the Fenoxo Forums lurkers / FenGames Discord folk (who may potentially be reading this): it wasn't us (again, at least I'd hope not), but feel free to come to your own conclusions about it.

Really unfortunate though, and apologies for the inconvenience. Sorry if my post had anything to do with motivating anyone else to do so.
  • Haha
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Conversation Conqueror
Dec 4, 2019
Damn, I don't know if this is just an unfortunate coincidence, but of course after I posted this there was spam that began to occur on the official forums.
View attachment 1991203
View attachment 1991207
I just want to say, it certainly wasn't me, and I don't think it would be anyone else here - or at least I'd hope not.

To the Fenoxo Forums lurkers / FenGames Discord folk (who may potentially be reading this): it wasn't us (again, at least I'd hope not), but feel free to come to your own conclusions about it.

Really unfortunate though, and apologies for the inconvenience. Sorry if my post had anything to do with motivating anyone else to do so.
The hell's happening there, what's with the airlines spam? :KEK:


May 26, 2021
The hell's happening there, what's with the airlines spam? :KEK:
Not sure, hence the post.

Just wanted to mention it here first, just in case there's speculation.

I also edited the information about the spam filter from my initial post, just in case as well. Really unfortunate imo, because it might only add fuel to the fire of how they view us here :/


Aug 2, 2022
I'm not banned... I just don't want to go there since outside of William's stuff, I mostly don't care about what they are working on since they are going to take a long time for that content to be actually made.


Feb 10, 2020
I don't know about any f95 folks going to the official since I'm pretty sure most if not all are banned already.
Me included. :KEK:
I'm not banned, but that's just cause I don't care enough to post elsewhere. I'm not that dedicated.

As for why it seems like everyone involved is a bit of a basket case... well, let's be frank here: CoC 2 is a bit of a niche game. It's a porn game (already a niche) with furries and futa galore (so more niche), and it's text-based. So the kind of people who would be willing to work on it is already small, and a lot of those would be the "OC sexy furry donut steel" sort of people. Throw in the the fact that the lead dev can't lead for shit, and you have a recipe for an asylum run by the inmates.
Jun 1, 2017
So, I actually agree with Skandranon, with regards to this censorship debate. Seems like the community here (and possibly 4chan), are slightly hyper-aware of any censorship being perpetrated on the official forums.
This might have been the case in the past, but recently it seems like the developers are more inclined to ridicule one for criticism (constructive criticism or not), and rile up the community to dunk on the one who supplied said critique, or just laugh at them - instead of outright removing the post.
Seems like they've more so given up on the official forums (if the bug reports are anything to go by, lol) in favor of the discord instead, as it appears to be an environment that is easier for discussions about the game, and possibly less negative.




Active Member
Jul 4, 2021
Is he finally realising that his content is 100% bs? LOL hard to notice when you bann anyone who says it isnt.
Jun 1, 2017
Off topic some sorry, but would someone mind giving me cliff notes or pointing to a link which shows how to give stuff the spoiler drop down tab thingy? I have free time and would like to kinda collect "interdasting" comments for posterity or whatever from skimming through the devs threads but I don't want to flood or overtake anything
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