The last 150 or so porn games I've tried were pure

...a little early for praise. Unless you think vn is a good game or can even be called a "game".
Since the tavern is the main and the only component of the gameplay (for now), I would like the dev to consecrate more on its refinement and balancing.
Especially when it comes to corruption element:
- The indicators of desire are growing too fast. And it’s quite difficult to figure out where that desire is growing from. - Maybe dirty talk phrases should also have icons corresponding to body parts, next to the drink icons.
- From the very first day, visitors ask MC to move her buns apart -
this is too rough.
- The day MC loses her underwear, visitors will probably immediately start massaging her anus -
this is too rough.
Irritating moments:
- The blocking messages with one possible option (in the early stages) to choose from -
this suxx (the answer should be automatically tied to MC's corruption/intoxication).
- The blocking cut-ins, and to remove them from the screen, you have to click strictly on them -
this suxx.
- Facial expression during a blowjob... - I try to deliberately reduce the mouth desire
not to see this.
The economic part has not been worked out either: money is very easy to collect. The weight of certain situations is devalued. For example, after losing panties, you can immediately buy them back.