
New Member
Mar 2, 2021
"Hey, wanna fuck?"
"I can't stand you."
"Doesn't answer the question."
"...Meet me in ten."

Now I just need to figure out how to get my art history professor to stop hitting me with the "this isn't professional" like we haven't fucked twenty times.
God, same. I'm on a crusade to fuck every faculty member but the only way to consistently fuck is via the goddamned bar but only if they're sitting at the bar and not a table and it's pissing me off that I can't just wiggle my eyebrows at them to take me home to make some mistakes.
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Dec 14, 2019
I like some of the ideas here but it gets too heavily bogged down by boring routine chores while you wait for the actual interesting events to trigger. I get it's a school setting and there should be school, but I can't believe anyone genuinely enjoys the main routine past the first few weeks of it.

Also I do agree with the comment that a lot of the events were written with the notion that the player chose a female or person with a female mentality. A lot of the humiliation and harassment events simply wouldn't happen or make sense with a male. Sexual harassment on the bus, harassment while stuck in the laundry room, stealing their underwear, etc.


Apr 19, 2021
So you want a mod that starts your FMC as overweight, looks-wise unattractive, with small breasts and slim hips. Then 10 minutes in the gym, with some fantasy pills that increase breasts, ass and hips, and our FMC suddenly becomes the ideal woman (except that she's still facially unattractive) and men begin to fall over themselves to fuck her? BOOOOOR-ING! this is a sim game not some cheap fast transformation cheese-fest for people with almost zero imagination. I like my women trim-athletic, even cuddly, but larger breasts isn't my cup of tea. Sure this is a game, a sexual fantasy game, but I'd much prefer character development stays slow and meaningful. Pills would be great for a clubbing event, or a stoner corruption path. But seriously what you suggest would sort of push this VN along the lines of so many other tropey, stereotyped games that it would be painful. You want something else, then find another game which suits you better.
No, he's right: for one thing, the boob/butt variables are fixed and don't change with weight, and for another, there's no variable that accounts for the character's overall attractiveness. The MC is just as attractive from beginning to end, the only thing that changes is his clothes. The fact that you don't like certain things doesn't make them unimaginative.


Apr 28, 2017
I think some personal improvement/looksmaxxing is fun in a game and seeing some progression in an 'attractiveness' rating with its (mostly negative) side effects can be rewarding - similar to DoL
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Apr 28, 2017
While true, biology actually dictates that men are attracted to indicators of female health and reproductive health. Mainly, a healthy amount of fat and things like long hair indicate they are getting enough vitamins etc. Large breasts and wide hips are indicators of a females reproductive health. Obviously some men have different preferences but there are some objective truths based on biology / sexual selection.

Anyways, I agree that an individual player having control over what is generally seen as attractive would be a good thing.
Though the inverse would also be true and that doesn't stop men from growing pot bellies, losing hair, terrible to non-existent grooming, and sloppy dress styles, and still expecting to get laid like that :LOL:


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
there's no variable that accounts for the character's overall attractiveness
The overall attractiveness is calculated dynamically on per-character basis, taking into account how close character's traits (height, breast/butt size, plumpness etc) match the observer's preferences. It's because there's no universal measure of attractiveness that all characters are forced to follow.

In theory, the overall attractiveness could be calculated by taking average of individual evaluations of the whole population, but like all averages it'd be largely meaningless. (and also pretty slow to compute, which is quite important when it'd frequently need to be re-calculated)
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Jun 5, 2021
The overall attractiveness is calculated dynamically on per-character basis, taking into account how close character's traits (height, breast/butt size, plumpness etc) match the observer's preferences. It's because there's no universal measure of attractiveness that all characters are forced to follow.
I feel like this is a great example of taking a good idea and turning it into a terrible one by taking it to the extreme. In this case, the idea is that not everyone is attracted to the same things - that's both realistic and a good thing for the game, as it makes for some much needed variety among the NPCs. But at the same time, anyone who's not operating in bad faith should be able to recognize that some people are objectively more attractive than others - it's not just a matter of personal preference. And in a sim game where the main elements of progression are working on your stats and seducing NPCs, the lack of an ability to work on your attractiveness sticks out like a sore spot.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2017
Also I do agree with the comment that a lot of the events were written with the notion that the player chose a female or person with a female mentality. A lot of the humiliation and harassment events simply wouldn't happen or make sense with a male. Sexual harassment on the bus, harassment while stuck in the laundry room, stealing their underwear, etc.
That bus scene made me so uncomfortable. Also a scene when losing the game with one of the guys with no skills where he asked my MC to show her breasts. Thankfully, it can be avoided. This game have some realistic men's behaviour, yikes.
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Apr 19, 2021
The overall attractiveness is calculated dynamically on per-character basis, taking into account how close character's traits (height, breast/butt size, plumpness etc) match the observer's preferences. It's because there's no universal measure of attractiveness that all characters are forced to follow.

In theory, the overall attractiveness could be calculated by taking average of individual evaluations of the whole population, but like all averages it'd be largely meaningless. (and also pretty slow to compute, which is quite important when it'd frequently need to be re-calculated)
Again, "in a real world" there are people who are objectively more attractive than others - the fact that there is no universal measure doesn't mean that there aren't any, let alone that one can't be defined. Finally, it wouldn't be at all slow to calculate, since you're not going to calculate an average every time, you're going to define a series of new modifiers that you'll add to the others.


Aug 16, 2019
Is there some way to make you and your girlfriend OK with open relationships? The guilt tripping is killing the buzz. I'd prefer to just use cheats, save editing, or whatever if the process is ridiculous or impossible in normal play.
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Dec 30, 2017
Is there some way to make you and your girlfriend OK with open relationships? The guilt tripping is killing the buzz. I'd prefer to just use cheats, save editing, or whatever if the process is ridiculous or impossible in normal play.
In one of my games, my Best Friend is a Fuck Buddy, I 'think' because I already set my MC as losing their virginity in High School and doing things around college and finding out because of rumors, I tried to set them as girlfriend but she turned that idea down and wanted to be fuck buddies instead.


Sep 28, 2019
I think the one thing I'd love to see explored(though it would DEFINITELY be a bit code-heavy depending on implementation) at some point is certain characters having behind-the-scenes stat changes over time, possibly even skills similar to the player - with visibility gated behind how well the player knows them (independently of opinion) like other things already are.

It makes sense that freshmen on varsity sports teams for example, would mostly start off less competent (similar to the MC) and would be the first to end up behind them on the pecking order, but would improve over time alongside them. That might make the sports stuff a lot more interactive and deep while also opening the way for light TF content. After all, swimmers have a particular physique as do soccer players or the various positions in american football.

It would also be very cool if you could use that sort of feature to gently nudge an NPC towards the MC's tastes/interests or have quirks that feed off that; if you spend all day in the gym, constantly, maybe you get the option to become a 'trainer' and get extra income or events that increase the likelihood of your varsity team winning. If you study a particular subject all the time, maybe you can start your own study group among friends of acquaintances to ensure you can meet them in routinely in the same place each week.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Again, "in a real world" there are people who are objectively more attractive than others
"More attractive" meaning "attractive to larger group of observers" which doesn't contradict anything i've said. Also, in real world there's factors which are attractive (almost) universally, like facial symmetry. Something the game doesn't model.


May 12, 2020
Is there some way to make you and your girlfriend OK with open relationships? The guilt tripping is killing the buzz. I'd prefer to just use cheats, save editing, or whatever if the process is ridiculous or impossible in normal play.
You can use a save editor and give the GF the " Non-Exclusive " inclination. Some NPCs are given that trait from the start, so you can easily look it up in your save.


Aug 16, 2019
You can use a save editor and give the GF the " Non-Exclusive " inclination. Some NPCs are given that trait from the start, so you can easily look it up in your save.
I tried to do this, but the stored NPC data doesn't seem to have inclinations/traits defined clearly. This is the entry for the GF; what would I need to change to get that result? I'm guessing that "archetype" is what determines traits, but is there a list somewhere that'd facilitate making this change? Ideally I'd just like to add "Non-Exclusive" to her without changing other variables, but I honestly have no clue how this would work.

"Ansley Knox": {
"special": false,
"archetype": "Gamer",
"type": "student",
"species": [
"attraction": "bi",
"major": "history",
"year": 2,
"cohort": false,
"residence": "off-campus",
"roommate": "Alma Serrano",
"schedule": 2,
"virginity": [
"nightlife": [
"Master Blaster Arcade",
"Riverside Community Thrift",
"Master Blaster Arcade",
"JT Ult",
"Chamberlain Hall",
"Porn Shop",
"Master Blaster Arcade"
"attitude": {
"friendship": 220,
"romance": 846,
"lust": 483.72082922791606
"lastInteraction": 17,
"gender_known": true,
"allrelationships": [
"known": true,
"phone": true,
"skin color": "light brown",
"hair length": "short",
"hair style": "in a pixie cut",
"eye color": "dark brown",
"hair color": "raven",
"style": "Hipster",
"breast size": "768",
"ass size": "566",
"displayname": "Tasmin Sadir",
"milestones": [
"first date",
"first kiss",
"made cum",
"had sex",
"third date"
"witnessed": [
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May 12, 2020
I tried to do this, but the stored NPC data doesn't seem to have inclinations/traits defined clearly. This is the entry for the GF; what would I need to change to get that result? I'm guessing that "archetype" is what determines traits, but is there a list somewhere that'd facilitate making this change? Ideally I'd just like to add "Non-Exclusive" to her without changing other variables, but I honestly have no clue how this would work.

*removed code to save space in reply*
I'm pretending to be working so I can't go into all the why and how, but this should just add the trait without effecting the archetype. You have to go into the html to see all that, so hopefully someone smarter than me, with time can explain better than I can! ^^

Ok! Make sure you back up your save and do this on a copy first!

Directly under "attraction": "bi", entry paste this exactly:

"inclinations": [

I am editing this to help other people who'd like to add more than one inclination - for more than one you MUST add a comma after the first trait, immediately after the quotation marks. Every successive trait must follow the same format EXCEPT the last one, the last added trait will have no comma. You need to follow this example format:

"inclinations": [
"First Trait",
"Second Trait",
"Third Trait",
"Last Trait"

I wouldn't add more than 3 or 4, and don't add opposing traits like forward and insecure to the same NPC. Also, make sure you are using the exact spelling the game uses for the traits! And always remember to make a back-up save before you start fooling around with the code. :)
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Aug 16, 2019
I'm pretending to be working so I can't go into all the why and how, but this should just add the trait without effecting the archetype. You have to go into the html to see all that, so hopefully someone smarter than me, with time can explain better than I can! ^^

Ok! Make sure you back up your save and do this on a copy first!

Directly under "attraction": "bi", entry paste this exactly:

"inclinations": [
Awesome, thank you so much! I did a test and it worked wonderfully! I did run into a little issue; the previously discovered inclinations (namely "Voyeur", which is very much a desired trait for me, and the much less desirable "Distinct Smell") disappeared from her profile. I tried adding Voyeur back on a new line in quotes, but got an error from the save editor when I did. Is it just hidden, or is there a way to add it back in? Thank you so much for your help on this, I genuinely appreciate it, and apologize for my coding illiteracy.

EDIT: I think I was missing commas, after the quotation mark. It saved at least, will boot up in a bit and see the results.

EDIT 2: I had to go back to a slightly earlier save from before we started dating, but I tried it and I got the request for an open relationship! Awesome, thank you so much! I added her other traits to the mix by adding a comma to the end of the line, and it seems to work like a charm. Thank you for your help, it'll really make playing this a lot more pleasant for me!
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  • Yay, new update!
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Mar 28, 2018
screw you devs! you won't keep me from my raceplay kink

now i just need to figure out how to make the game display one's phenotype + have women tend to have longer hair... shame i have zero programming experience
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