left a suggestion in relevance to this convo
I'm thinking about giving people the ability to easily add events themselves with the next patcher. It seems like 90% of mod requests are just requests for more "anti-patreon" "anti-family friendly" events. Something that should be easy for people to make.
The game's event system is well designed and seems to be working well for the dev but overall it seems to be a real pain in the ass as modding has been around for half a year now and nobody has really made any event mods aside from 3 or 4 creators at most (correct me if I'm wrong), when I feel like there should be many people making their own events by now.
This is what it would look like setting up a custom event:
Tags: river rat server, another round, mean flirt, friendly flirt, partner, friend, friendly
Frequency: 60
Prerequisite Checks: setup.RiverRat.professionalism() lt 75 and $eventtable.people.length gt 1
As you return, the woman smirks at you. Why don't you grab a drink for yourself and join us for a few minutes?
You glance around the room uncertainly, then look back at the woman, "Okay", you say.
You don't have time
"Great", she says. She sets out a few bucks, and you use it to grab yourself a beer from the bar before returning to the table. You take a seat, which feels a little odd since you're on the clock... but the customer is always right.
That is pretty much it. I've set up a procedural passage system for my own game so doing this wouldn't be too hard. I'll make a guide so people who have never coded before can easily make a custom event mod. If people are onboard with the idea, I'll make it.