Sexual teasing counts as sexual content. It should be clear that the tag 'footjob' implies sexual content. It would be plain paradoxical to think otherwise. So, anyone removing the 'no sexual content' tag or not?
After playing through it, it's the footjob tag that needs removing. The closest thing to a footjob in it is a girl putting her feet near a boy's crotch.
Separate thought: I had mixed feelings on the first Crazy GameMaster game and they're back. I understand that not everyone can be perfect at english, though I think your writing would greatly benefit from getting someone else to read it over before release. A lot of the sentences just feel weird.
As a game, it doesn't hold up in gameplay. As a story, it's fine. As a piece of adult content, the fetish sections are always too short.
As with the first one, I feel like there's a ton of potential here to be amazing, but...right now it feels like something I'd download for free on itchio and abandon forever after an hour or less.