After playing all 3 games I think the first girl escaped with the ugly old alien mimic from 1.5 in the escape pod. After neglecting the other aliens for his dick only, they attacked the ugly one/the bounty hunter and the ship (This is the recording you hear in 2 of the bounty hunter being attacked). Knowing the bounty hunter is unable to use her gun on the aliens due to the gun recognizing them as a endangered species she decided to escape with her lover in the pod. The cops then show up to the abandoned ship and are bred by the aliens from 1 who are now older and look slightly different, even the alpha (The long skinny one) from 1 and 1.5 is there. I'm VERY much looking forward to 3. I noticed some of the aliens for these previews are wearing what look like space cop uniforms, so I'm wondering if that means the 2 cops from 2 were knocked up by the aliens and these are there descendants working normal jobs as space cops too. As for why there are so many unique alien designs in this one , I think the bounty hunter and ugly alien mimic continued collecting rare creatures for money, but the mimic kept taking the forms of the new aliens to knock up the bounty hunter, which is why they still for the most part have the base creature look, but have flys/squid like appendages. And this game takes place on another abandoned ship by the bounty hunter and her lover after the creatures became too much to handle