
SOTD: Philip Glass - Koyaanisqatsi
Oct 28, 2019
The chapters are pretty long, playing them all at once when the full game comes out might be a chore. Before I tried that I and got bored by a third one. I certainly do not regret playing them one by one with breaks in-between. I think I enjoyed them more that way.

Also It might take more time than expected, and by the time it comes out you might want to play it once more. At least that's what i plan to do, coz it's worth it.
there should be a function to make you able to get back at some point you progressed to, at a later time in your life, when you're not bored anymore. that would be nice. i would call it savegame or such, because if you have such a function, it will be safe to leave the game at one point and come back later without losing anything.
it'd be nice.


New Member
Apr 8, 2024
I wish other games had this type of gameplay, its decent fun and I wonder how it'll translate in another engine


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2020
Decided I would come back to this after however the hell long it's been since I last played, just finished Chapter 4 while beating Nyx/Nox at the very start of the game (Level 23, Nefris route, all trinkets, stat points distributed equally between fervor intellect and allure). Not sure if I would call it "challenging" or "tedious".
All I did was use the Bat Harpy covenant to avoid weaknesses and spam Vexing Slash for the slow, then alternated between Groundswell and Flameberry Cheesecakes (Or Medium Girlcum if I didn't need as much HP) to beat her down. Replaced Groundswell with Tempting Slash when I had to get rid of the enchantment.

This probably has little to no relation to the topic at hand (namely CK8's development progress), and I'm sure a strategy for beating her early on the Nefris route has LONG since been devised already (if it wasn't obvious enough by how this was basically the strategy for Nefris anyways minus the swapping to basalt), but I felt somewhat proud after doing it considering I was nearly getting instakilled by all of her attacks, and so I decided to share.

Anyways, excited for CK8. At least I am RIGHT NOW, anyways, that might change as I keep going through the games. But I'm going to be starting CK5... soon-ish. Whenever I get around to it. I might log my experiences with that if anyone happens to be curious enough to ask me to.
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Active Member
May 13, 2018
Decided I would come back to this after however the hell long it's been since I last played, just finished Chapter 4 while beating Nyx/Nox at the very start of the game (Level 23, Nefris route, all trinkets, stat points distributed equally between fervor intellect and allure). Not sure if I would call it "challenging" or "tedious".
All I did was use the Bat Harpy covenant to avoid weaknesses and spam Vexing Slash for the slow, then alternated between Groundswell and Flameberry Cheesecakes (Or Medium Girlcum if I didn't need as much HP) to beat her down. Replaced Groundswell with Tempting Slash when I had to get rid of the enchantment.
Most bosses in CK are designed as a sort of puzzle, when you figure it out most become incredible easy.

As for Nyx/Nox many players have a hard time with her because they fail to notice that she is different than previous Bosses, her Ai wll basically target you Covenant weekness most of the time, the only moment when you can't do that is when when one of her attacks is unavailable (she can't use it for 1 turn after the last time it was used) and when as you found out you use a covenant that is Neutral to all her skills (which each player have at least 2 options and 3 for some players).

But since you beat Nefris and got all the trinkets you have an advantage to others that picked the other route or didn't bought them (even if you could leave her be and only return in the end of the chapter even stronger what would make the fight even easier).

When these early chapters get Remade in Unity I hope she gets harder to deal with, at least for the fact that as learned already you won't be able to stay in the same covenant for the entire fight and because of other new mechanics and changes that will later be applied to the early chapters.

I hope you can keep enjoying the game and some of the future bosses will feel like a good challenge to you.
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May 2, 2020
Thank you for all the updated news, I've never played it and I'm going to give it a go. It looks fantastic and I was praying it wasn't nuked.


Active Member
May 13, 2018
Thank you for all the updated news, I've never played it and I'm going to give it a go. It looks fantastic and I was praying it wasn't nuked.
I hope you enjoy it. But keep in mind the chapters available to the moment are built in Flash and the "Dev Reports" are exclusive to the next chapter that will be made in Unity so expect some differences.
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Jun 5, 2020
so on chapter 7, it said that there are 2 hidden nyzerin's concealer on the obsidian imp's place, where's the one that's supposed to be on the right side exactly? i can't find it

Edit: Nvm, just missed the trigger
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Jul 4, 2020
KermitThyFrogith The Developer actually took break to learn Unity and created another game (Eld) to get hands on experience with it (which is released you can check it out). He's currently working on the 8th Chapter of Crimson Keep.
Regardless, the Abandoned tag will remain here until the 8th Chapter is released.


Jun 28, 2021
Do i have to find Rivan to get her second heart?I picked all the non-sexual options but i still only have 1 heart.

Also,have do i import my ch3 save into ch4?I tried using text load but it doesnt load it.I saved while on the glyph
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Active Member
May 13, 2018
Do i have to find Rivan to get her second heart?I picked all the non-sexual options but i still only have 1 heart.

Also,have do i import my ch3 save into ch4?I tried using text load but it doesnt load it.I saved while on the glyph
First question, you must had picked a wrong choice (“I will do whatever you say” and “Compliment her Personality”) or didn't reached the moment in story where you unlock it (iirc you should unlock both during the same sequence of events). If you picked the right choices then it may be a bug or I'm misremembering and you obtain it in other occasion.

Second question, you either didn't copy the full code (try Crl+A, Crl+C, Crl+V to make sure) or you didn't generated the code in the middle of the glyph (happens sometimes that even if you see the “ Congratulations - Export Save “ message, the code will not work because you are not centered in the middle).
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