
Aug 17, 2016
You know....if these Games at least had a lot of Scenes i wouldnt mind, but every single one of these are just a collection of 100´s of softcore GIF´s with about 0,2 % porn pics.....
Not to mention the cancerous Background Voices and total lack of Structure, because how the Hell are you supposed to "Play" ?


Aug 19, 2016
You know....if these Games at least had a lot of Scenes i wouldnt mind, but every single one of these are just a collection of 100´s of softcore GIF´s with about 0,2 % porn pics.....
Not to mention the cancerous Background Voices and total lack of Structure, because how the Hell are you supposed to "Play" ?
Those are alpha I think, or rather proof of concept. If you really want to play it wait.


Dec 1, 2018
On the subject of people arguing about feminism here: I thought it was obvious after playing this game that the game is promoting a fetish viewpoint of the world. If you do the social policies it basically makes women slaves to men for sex. The job one in particular, it seems clear by the end that all the women are just sex slaves for men.
Obviously the creators of this game don't want to all women to be made sex slaves (and I think a bunch of the creators are female actually). Its just a fetish thing. In the games they hate feminism because it gives women the idea that they are equal and not just sex slaves. It's clearly an extreme, unrealistic viewpoint of the world that can only exist in a porn game. Nobody should take it seriously.

On to the review of the game: Honestly pretty disappointed because when I saw the description about 'trying to figure out how to play the game' i thought it was intentionally made to be a puzzle-like game, but I guess the description writer wasn't the creator so it was a joke lol.
Anyway the game was actually pretty easy to figure out but the disappointing part is that literally nothing you do matters.
It's less of a game and more of a series of porn vids/pics with some story thrown on to the videos. I mean it's not bad, it's good for a quick fap too because unlike most porn games that take forever to get porn, you get porn straaaaight away in these games.

So far my biggest complaints about not just this game but selecta corp in general is all the games are timed so you can never have a full playthrough of all unlocks, the 'overall plot' is almost always nonexistant, and nothing you do really matters.

Like you unlock social policys which are supposed to be changing the country but you don't see any of the effects. You can kidnap AND sell a girl as a slave with the click of one button. The 'possession' choice lets you 'train' girls for money but regardless of what 'level' their sexual traits are, it does nothing. You get a sex video when you train them based on what you trained them in but the levels mean nothing, you just wasted cash.

For anyone who hasn't played this: Always pick the third option on sitrep at first. That lets you see the only 'real' story of the game, where you slowly turn the girls into your slaves and earn social points to create policies and get videos from the policy.
The only reason to buy/sell the girls is to see the 1 video from each sex type, but the videos are rather disappointing because they are very long and very slow and you don't really know what to expect from them. You can't skip ahead and there is no sound.
Plus i've only seen the girls for like 5 seconds before they are naked and having sex so it doesn't feel much different than just watching porn.

That said I really enjoyed the blackmail/punish/humilation storyline you could do on the girls. It was worth playing once.
All the other info in the other pages was useless though.

They really did a chop job on their editing too.
Do you guys realize on the screenshot of 4chan they have on the first girl, 2nd page has the uncensored N-word on it? Nice editing guys
And the 'cheering' sound effect replays for over a full minute every time u unlock a social policy, suuuper annoying
Plus the third girl's sitrep is glitched and only shows the second girls sitrep so I don't even get to read what's going on with her story and I have to guess based on the other info presented

Cool game idea though wish it was longer than ten minutes long
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Dec 10, 2017
I not can earn any Credit point. You can buy 3 Politics and the game is over. Nice try but not a game.


Dec 1, 2018
I not can earn any Credit point. You can buy 3 Politics and the game is over. Nice try but not a game.
You can earn credits by selling one of the girls, the second option. But no matter what you can't buy all the politics because you have limited resources. That doesn't make it "not a game" it just means you can't ever reach 100% unfortunately, you have to play through several times if u want to see all the content and you never get a 100% dream complete
Unless u use a cheat


Dec 10, 2017
If you sell a girl, you have the Credits, but then you need no more Credits, because you have only 3 Girls from start. You can Train 2 Girls mit your Startcredits. Sell one Girl is completed useless, because you have then only two Girls.

The 1★ Dude

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
The preview images tells really how this game is -> no sex -> garbage. Add some better and not this...


Dec 1, 2018
The preview images tells really how this game is -> no sex -> garbage. Add some better and not this...
man just cause YOU personally dont like something doesn't mean it should be removed. Also there is plenty of sex in this game you just clearly didn't know how to play. In fact selectacorp games usually have more porn than almost any other game, I recall a near 10 minute porn video that just plays uninterrupted at one point. I mean, kinda boring game design since i could just go to the hub for that, but saying there's no sex? You couldn't be further from the truth.

Also reiterating the website doesn't "cull" games you dont like, plenty of people did