I had less hopes about this game than I did with the first game. It turns out that many of us were right about this guy.
It's such a shame. I would've liked to see some semblance of results before being a Patreon supporter. Unfortunately, most are either too ambitious with their plans (lack of planning) or they are too focused on money (i.e. if Patreon doesn't hit X target). You can't focus on the money with these things, if you hope to get investors (patreons). Show people that you're trustworthy by pushing out content THAT ISN'T RUSHED and be TRANSPARENT. Sure you won't get EVERYONE to like your game, but the ones who do will stay.
Some people have a lot of artistic talent, but have no business sense. Sometimes life changes and you have to change your plans. With Monty, however, he didn't finish his first project, even though he had a ton of people watching the game, so he releases a second version? It made no sense.
There are lots of games that have done well by embracing F95zone and other pirated sites. It's all about the marketing. It's smart to get people to try your stuff. I'm supporting some people now.