Seems again there is a misunderstanding here you seem to think that all of the complaints come from NonNTR players or NTR haters as you call them, and I will grant you some of the stronger anti NTR ones probably do.
But despite some NTR players and NonNTR players thinking there are only two types of players, NTR players and NonNTR players they are infact wrong.
There are also Players that neither like or dislike NTR and a therefore more than entitled to play either type of game and then moan and bitch about it if they so choose.
And most DEV's dont complete because they either get a job or work out its not that easy to get rich just making games,
If it was just because of the bitching as you claim The Engagement would never of been completed.
And some of the complaints do come from thoughs players then there are others who were led to beleive the game was supossed to have 3 routes NTR, NonNTR and a mix of both called Diplomtic.
But since some of you only ever play NTR I wouldn't expect them to know that.
I could tell you that the game was originaly presented more as a game where the MC could become the Alpha and dominate all other males with the option to steal their girls if he wanted or risk being NTR'd if he messed up and failed to do so.
But I don't have a copy of the original OP for this game so don't expect you to believe that or for King of lust to agree thats what it was since the game turned into an NTR feast with only lipservise to the Alpha path.
My personal opinion is completing an Alpha path before the Beta path makes more sence but I don't make games.
I'll freely admit I much prefer not to play NTR but only because most of it is so badly writen or thought out it makes fuck all sence.
But the Idea of dominating all other males in the game (essentially being top dog and owning all the women) did appeal to me.
And It started out fine but quickly started to go almost exclusivly BETA path and I had already figgered out it was gonna continue that way. so I have been waiting to see if the DEV plans to update the the Alpha path properly possibly once he completes Beta path or if he just dosn't bother and calls the game complete.
And if he do's complete the Alpha path I will then have to decide if i want to play a game when knowing the mom and sister are the bigest sluts in the game.
Just saying.
When the game first appeared, there were promisses of it being a choose your path type of game, where you had 3 options, ! NTR, 2 Harem/Non NTR and 3 Diplomathic,that was sell like you could choose some girls you want to pursuit or not. If I remember it right it was stated in the game description.
Then it seems like the first writer shared the same like for kinks like KIng do, that are NTR, and the promissed game with "routes" became, mostly focused in NTR while the other "route" was you chasing away the other guys all the time and not progressing with anyone. Then the new writer came much later and tried to solve the problems of the game, meaning putting real content in the alpha path. But the problem is that he kind of forgot about the main girls and they are only developed in the beta. A side girl is nice, but if you don't get progress with the main girls in the "alpha" route while they are fucking all the guys in the beta route, it just seems like the side girls are like scraps that they throw to the people that play the alpha route to keep them quiet, saying things like it has content, it has more than the beta, things like that, when in reality the disparity between paths is huge.
One of the huge problems that I see with this game is character discontinuity. Meaning that the characters, to be characters need to act the same, no matter if the MC is alpha or beta, they must be the same to be called characters and not just blank dolls. So if a girl is shy and hard to get in the alpha route, it should be the same in the beta for the other guys. But the problem is that it doesn't work like that in this game. The problem is even huge when it affects main characters, the mother and the sister, if the discontinuity in the way the characters act were with a side girl, then it won't be a huge problem. But when you know that the mom is a slut quickly in the beta while in the alpha she is a prude woman, it is a mistake. Same problem with the sister, she can't do shit with the MC in alpha, but she is happily fucking and doing other sexual things with Marcus in the beta. If they wanted to not make continuity problems with their characters, they should have made the mom and sis hard to get in the beta path, or make them easier to get in the alpha.
If they had done that, then it wouldn't have that much problems, but when in one path they are sluts, easily, and in the "alpha" we aren't even close to get anything sexual with them, it's distastefull. Right now if you came for the incest you don't get anything, at all, well almost anything since you can get some with the aunt (another bone to the alpha players to shut them, she has no problem with incest, but then with the other family members, devs said that it must be slow because incest isn't normal, but well the aunt must be different then). Hell you don't get incest at all with the main characters, no matter if you are in beta or alpha, since seeing your family members fucking isn't incest, no matter what DS said

To me the worst problem is the romance, the game is tagged as romance, it has romance in the genre and the problem is they are making it wrong. In romance you are supposed to care about the partners you are romancing and want to be with them. The thing is that if you don't progress the romance with the main characters before you progress the NTR of the main characters, then it becomes a huge problem. Since why should I want to pursuit a character that I know is a slut? Or a character that I know it's easy as fuck to get for others? Why should I care for them if I know how they would act if I don't hand guide them out of trouble? Right now I have lost all the interest in the mom and the sis of this game, in a romantic way, since I know they are sluts who has no problem to fuck with the first player guy they see.
By the time we get something with them in the alpha path I won't care at all about them, why should I? By that time they would have fucked the whole island, minus MC, in the beta while you are holding hands in the alpha, and since the characters are the same, same traits, same personality, etc. It makes a huge problem, because targetting the romance crowd and then making it wrong won't get you far. They should have made the romance with the girls and the MC first, with the main girls, before than the NTR, because it ruins the charater for those seeking a game with romance, no one wants to romance a slut, fuck her, yep, romance her, nope.
At the very least they should have make the romance sex in the alpha with the main girls and the NTR with the main girls in the beta at the same update, that way you don't ruin them to those seeking romance, otherwise you got this, a side loving it and other side hating it and you also lose future support to your game. Must be because they don't really get how the romance genre works and how making the NTR with the girls before the romance ruin the want to pursuit them romantically.
But well, that's my opinion, since devs don't want to answer to any criticism of their game, unless it is NTR, then KIng will answer you. Otherwise no answer, but they should know better than me, since they are making a game and I'm not, so I may be wrong, we will never really know.