People Please, how who download 0.9! faster please upload in here! very very want play in beta scenes in new update v0.9! We and so very long wait 6 mouth minimum and resultate 2 days! very long Developer! very! You developer buy and send many money! be kind make new versions faster please! I with 3 beta scenes faster make games 1 mouth=1 episode with 3 minimum sex scenes! Sorry if I offended anyone with something, but we are really waiting for a very long time, I really hope that the author will improve and release new updates faster, otherwise he really did it for 2 days and I’m sure again there are no more scenes 3, but in the end we waited for a long time as at least 6 months in order to play for an hour or 2, for a very long time, no offense, the author of the plot makes it very interesting in beta scenes, and of course, I want a new black man to appear and fuck his sister and mother and girlfriend, but at least more interracial and beta sex scenes with Emma, Emma is the best cute girl in the game