I've tested compressed version only.
There is some bug in Gallery.rpy about day 31 due missing scope values in alpha path:
GalleryEntry(img="images/Day30/Day 30 Mc and Tracy cleaning/tan mc_and_tracy14.webp", replayLabel="day30_mc_tan", scope={"stepmom_love" : 60})
GalleryEntry(img="images/Day31/Animations/sunny kiss jerk mc252.jpg", replayLabel="day31_movie_sunny", scope={"SunnyDating" : "MC"})
GalleryEntry(img="images/Day31/Animations/sunnyxmc shower1.jpg", replayLabel="day32_tr_morning", scope={"SunnyDating" : "MC", "stepsis_love" : 20})
As reported before there are some issues about escaping from replay hitting exceptions or end of release, but I think they'll be fixed in next release as minor bugs
$ EmmaDating = "MC" is never triggered but it should stay in day26morning function in day26.rpy after or before
$ charDict["Emma"].dateimg = "stats/mc dates emma.jpg"
This will require new assignment in day 26 - 32 to fix saves
6th_sense is not enabled in replay but I don't know how to check this value in Gallery.rpy, it has to be enabled during the replay each time or pass it as true in scope ignoring user settings
The game is nice but the only complete walkthrough is the source code and the gallery, plus for some reason there is a dating reset at day 26 with some missing choices and it breaks some path