Once again just to be seriously anoying and piss some people off and also just to clarify.
The MC in games refers to the Main character
you actually play as in said game and not the one you might like to think or would like to play as.
Now I freely admit I don't play the NTR route's but unless your telling me at somepoint you get to pick what Marcus chooses to do.
He's not infact the MC he's just at best a Antagonist (adversary or rival) that may be willing to share But still wants to fuck all the girls.
At the very least he's could be classed as just another NPC.
However since the game doesn't start with you being Marcus and unless you start to make decisions for him (actually in game and not in your head) he's not never has been and never will be the MC.
Feel free to ignore this post only if and or when you actually get to make choices in game for MARCUS! and not before
Just sayin.