Like I said, post any of these three lines - and there are dozens and dozens more, almost all of the dialogue has minor errors here and there - straight into any kind of spell checker or Gramma checker program and it would find all of these problems. So to me this isn't just a problem of not speaking English as a first language, it is either laziness or you just don't recognize what is wrong with the writing (which based on what you said, does seem to be the case). It reads like something someone wrote on the fly and never checked. Considering the updates on this game seem to come out at a glacial pace and the writing seems to get done long before anything else, it would really behoove you/the Dev's in general to double check the writing in some basic ways, because it has noticeably declined over time to a level that is frankly kind of disgusting at times. And one way or another writing is what is fundamentally kind of the more important element to a game like this.
And yeah, I know that it's super easy to criticize rather than do something yourself. But there are a ton of free, braindead tools you could use to improve this with relatively minimal effort. Hell, you can even post all of the dialogue into ChatGPT and tell it to rewrite them with proper English (edit: I did it for you in attached; you can do dozens of lines this way at a time, it takes seconds. These still aren't perfect because they lack surrounding context, but if you did a whole script in sequence it would be even better, and as is it's already a big improvement.)