
Game Developer
Aug 4, 2023
There was a

There was a release in November and the game dev updated as recently as mid-December. Their Patreon is quiet but that doesn't mean their Discord is. I suspect that, based on some of the feedback above, the game dev is doing their best to provide a substantial art and content update, given the last update was dedicated to necessary improvements to the gameplay loop and sprites.
Mhm, I'm more so struggling with designing a gameplay loop with minigames that won't hinder the experience rather than help it. I went into detail about it on discord.


Game Developer
Aug 4, 2023
I'm sad to not see a one-time purchase option. I don't support subscription based monetization but I would pay for this in a heartbeat if there was a way to buy it as a product rather than a vague promise.

Here's hoping it becomes possible in the future.
I'm honored to have your interest ♥
You may support development one-time through itch.io, but if you prefer, wait for it to be more completed. The game is offered free anyway. It's just the one month early access that asks for munies.


Game Developer
Aug 4, 2023
- Finally, Some poetic justice for ALL those disgusting Bigoted Alpha-males and Wanna-be's!
(the Really Sad part Is I Do not wanna be playing as, or be asssociated with these 'sick f*cks')
Can I just watch instead??

Who is Sacha (Futadomworld game dev)?
and where can I find "Futadom World"
I like the idea of playing as the villain of the story. That's partly why I chose this character as the protagonist. Otherwise, the witch would have to be callously evil to curse you with cum vampirism or something along those lines. Though I understand that it makes it hard to relate to, for some. That's a sacrifice I'm willing to make lol

Sacha is one of my bosses over at futadomworld. I work on that game too. You can find it on itch or steam for free. It's about a dystopian world where futas have mind control jizz, which has the unfortunate gameplay consequence of punishing you for too much sluttery.

...And I took that personally! I reversed the concept (you need cum to survive) and birthed cum vampire. Yay!


Game Developer
Aug 4, 2023
I agree. It would HAVE to be a finished product though.
- I Hate being bled monthly by DEV's, who May already have a finished product, but continue to bleed Us Subs;
just because they want to make $$, instead of working a 'Real job'.
Valid complaint.


Game Developer
Aug 4, 2023
big and nice bulges should be added under those nice dresses ;) That's a big + for me and Im not the only one I bet.

and I second that. Nice dialogue and characters look hot but no illustration ? wth.. black screen with the shop owner and same with evelyn.. is that so during the whole game ?
Yes yes. I understand. Will be addressed when feasible. Sorry.


Game Developer
Aug 4, 2023
Erotic game (eroge) development can very much be a real job. The problem are those devs who don't treat it like a real job. What I mean by this is that there are eroge devs who set targets and deliver. They define milestone goals that are an aggregate of lesser goals. They have at least some sort of visibility for their subscribers into their incremental progress towards those goals as well. They have a reasonable finish line in sight for their game, and once they reach that finish line, they already have a new game ready to slot into their dev cycle to justify maintaining a subscription.

That's how you treat eroge development as a real job rather than a hobby or side hustle. Unfortunately that's not often the case, but understandably so. Subscribers are fickle. Players are fickle. And this site website is testament to the rampant piracy in erotic game development. It's incredibly risky to try to make this industry someone's sole source of income, and few are truly successful at it.

So, I can't speak for everyone but I cut a lot of game devs a little slack when it comes to subs and how well they deliver, but I also recognize that as you said there are those devs out there who are truly milking their subs too.

So far it seems like Cum Vampire is not one of those games, and Enrayne is not one of those devs.

Fingers crossed!
So far :p

But yeah, I'm honored to hear this appraisal. Thank you for your faith in me. I haven't promised a release cycle but will stay committed to it.


Game Developer
Aug 4, 2023
Yeah, well what I am referring to are those that do not,..
for every One or two 'Good' DEV's out there; doing or trying to do 'Good work',
there are 10+ bad ones who just create quick pervy Fap games,
or think that making a game Is an Easy, quick way to make $$$ without putting in much effort (and eventually it shows), then get upset(disenchanted) when they are not 'raking in the money' as quickly as they should (or think that they should).

For the mostpart, I give DEV's 'Benefit of Doubt', until they prove that they No longer deserve it.
For what it is worth, I enjoyed playing "Cum Vampire", and Hope for the Best!
Thank you for interest and faith. It's humbling to hear.


Game Developer
Aug 4, 2023
Personally I'm okay with paying for an "early access" product, as long as it's a single time purchase that I will then receive any and all future updates for automatically. Of course, I'll assess it based on what is there at the time of purchase, not what they promise in the future. My issue with the subscription model isn't that I'm opposed to paying for something that is still being developed, but rather that it encourages developers to lie about the state of the project in order to keep the money flowing even if development slows down or stalls completely.

Game development is hard and projects fail for all kinds of reasons. I'm okay with that reality. But I'm not okay with being lied to, and I will not support any monetization model that encourages that practice.
Ohhhh... now I get your complaint. Well, whatever the case, the game will remain free (except for one month early access) for publicity. So you needn't worry about losing access to it.


Sep 12, 2018
Ohhhh... now I get your complaint. Well, whatever the case, the game will remain free (except for one month early access) for publicity. So you needn't worry about losing access to it.
I am going to take full advantage of that. And I wish you every kind of luck with the process.

Just know that if you ever find a way to make it available as a one-time purchase, whether through steam or some other platform, I will pay for it without hesitation. I want to support the projects I like, but I'm also picky about *how* I support them :)
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Dec 29, 2021
Maybe make a smaller updates but more regularly? Release a very tiny part of game (like 5 minutes max) and then more than 3 months of waitning for ANY news and ANY updates, make my interest slowly dissapear. Sorry. It's too much, especially when I have a fellings that AI generated pics are easier to obtain than real drawings (you are not dependent on the drawing worker), so work should be more smooth. Maybe make some deadlines to updates? Which you can break, but at least I will know when to check game page ;)

And I'm still VERY interested in the game concept.
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