Google Drive2.7 full save is good, but where can I get a working 2.7 version of the game?
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Google Drive2.7 full save is good, but where can I get a working 2.7 version of the game?
Many thanks!
Be warned that using another save using this version 2.7 causes the game to just shut down and disappear off screen, anyone else have this issue?
u need to re-download and turn off ur internet connection before open Game.exeBe warned that using another save using this version 2.7 causes the game to just shut down and disappear off screen, anyone else have this issue?
Actually it also crashes the game when you click new game regardless of save, 2.6 does not do this. There is an error in the google drive version.
Good point I forgot to use my firewall to block the game.exe thanks for that.u need to re-download and turn off ur internet connection before open Game.exe
maybe he got enough paetrons and decided to stop production and start on a new game, it's not as good as the first one so don't worry there's plenty of games better than his out there like Mature Quest, slave sword 1, 2, Melty's Quest, and Tina swordswoman of the scarlet prison now these ones are really good.its a real shame he prematurely ended it to work on another game
Definitely not enough Beryl for more liking
Nvm I found itMega game2020@wolfzqteam. Link to the new version and password to the archive. It costs $ 1 a month, support the developer.
Good news for the Android joiplay for this one apparently you don't have to change the file turning the internet off is enough for you to play the gameMega game2020@wolfzqteam. Link to the new version and password to the archive. It costs $ 1 a month, support the developer.