Seems game is bugged, the ghost sofia is supposed to give you a key that can unlock the other cells. Also in easy difficulty it seems you are missing one of the rooms with the bones.
The best solution is to complete the Ganon Queen ending and do a new game+. This way you can change the difficulty to normal and keep some of your skills. When choosing where to start NG+ from select just before you rescued Jeane so that you can rescue her yourself (if that is what you picked / wanted).
An alternative solution is to keep doing the ganon gangbang without becoming the queen enough times and then you will eventually get an option to teleport outside of the castle directly HOWEVER you don't get to keep the scepter of death if you do this.
Note / Weird Quirks of NG+:
1. After rescuing Jeane yourself if you go back to the Pink Lady Club you can do 1 more round of that "routine" but afterwards you will immediately be given a Slave Contract (of Jeane) and Prostitution Permission License. (This doesn't happen in a normal run, receiving those items immediately that is, at least on easy mode)
TL;DR: Prostitution Permission License and Slave Contract are given immediately, your debt is forgiven, even after rescuing Jeane yourself.
2. If you try to work again at the Pink Lady Club after that first routine you will find you cannot because your corruption is too low.
3. You will be a virgin again, you cannot fix this by dying to one of the monsters in the city because well they do no dmg to you now after NG+ cos you're too OP.
Even if you use a save editor to set your health to 0 it will just end the game without causing the lose virginity scene.
The soonest you can fix this is at the Torres City questline if you chose to "search the artifact by yourself".
4. Royal Courses, you will be a bit more progressed in these areas, I don't think you will miss anything (I hope) but I got the equestrian scene for the knight immediately, and it didn't show me the scene were we meet the knight's son who was the brother of your past lover.
5. A lot of story scenes and recollections will have the option to skip them. So BE CAREFUL, you might accidentally skip new content from now on.
6. Your infamy will be "reset" to 990 so you won't have to deal with getting arrested after entering a house at night.
7. Just a note about normal difficulty the skeletons are a LOT faster than in easy difficulty so be sure to save (as always

Does anyone know how to "find the ghost on skeleton, mark to get rid off Backfire." in Capital Ganon quest
Excerpt from Wiki:
"You have to touch each bones you will meet between this floor and the deepest floor. So go downstair, there is a bone here. 3 floor under this one, there is another. The next floor is the dungeon, filled by bones. BUT you must avoid to be touched by monsters ! If one touch you, you will have sex. If your SP gauge is full, you are gone for a gang bang with king and his subjects and you have to start from the begining... but you can see the Ganon Queen ending if you want : go to the throne and see it. You will gain Crystalization of Ganon Queen who will be useful after this (but you can skip it if you want, we explain it later).
Once you touched each bones you met, have sex to fill your SP gauge and trigger the gang bang. You will break the spell. Behind the throne, you will find the death scepter. Then go upstairs."
I have pressed spacebar on 4 skeletons but I can't seem to get rid of the Backfire status.... This is very frustrating :/
First skeleton after taking the 2nd stair down.
View attachment 3060405
2nd, 3rd and 4th skeleton after taking the 3rd stair down.
View attachment 3060410