Chit chat and all that...
Hallelujah..... not to mention that the women pretty much look like "real" women. No huge balloon tits or "I could set a serving tray on that" or maybe "hold my beer" asses..... will try it....
uh, Some do. Some appear as Macy's Christmas parade floating balloon thingies. I am not a fan of thicc (or whatever term is being used this week) and some of these females have huge boo-tehs', plenty big enough to put your lunch tray on. I didn't know 1Thousand was into such things. Maybe he had some type of infection.

But, oh well, will have to complete the mission so will have to tolerate said excesses.
Can I get another Hallelujah...?
Sorry, not from me. I will admit my harem bias as being way negative. I suppose that when I was a teen I would have really liked the concept, but now....nada. Regardless, the mission objective is to screw over all the women we encounter in this sim. Or at the very least, use them like dish rags and throw them away. I suppose there will be a choice to rebel against Aegis, but remember that you're supine on a table in their lab. Given that, plus the fact we have entered a simulated existence (the purpose of which has yet to be fully elucidated), what's the point? The simulated women are doomed to be rejected at some point. If I were writing the story I would create tension by increasing the threat level with each female we start banging. A delicate balance would have to be maintained to keep them from becoming jealous and possessive. Think about it...the don's wife would not tolerate sharing as she's accustomed to having whatever she wants. Once she found out about the MC sleeping around, whack goes the mole. At least, that's how I would see logical behavior.
Also wt-pdf/mod would be helpful since 1st didn't annoy Nina and talked to Ms Delano instead waiting and not totally sure that mc played cards right with doc.
Will likely get one at some point. Thinking back to his previous work, seemingly small choices early on had profound implications late in the story. I have little doubt it will take multiple playthroughs to see and experience everything. Also, at least in part to what I wrote above, I'm rejecting numerous women, so it will be interesting to see how it plays out. I think I will do the first pass or two without any help from a WT.