RPGM - Daily Lives of My Countryside [v0.3.0.1 Bugfix] [Milda Sento]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1263332

    One of the few very new games out there that I already have a lot of faith in its potential. Milda is an excellent developer so far and there is more content fairly regularly. Game looks beautiful and runs well. Really a gem and genuinely excited to see where it goes.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Daily Lives of my Countryside [v0.1.6.2 Bugfix 2] review

    Art seems nice, but when you center your game around skipping time using the phone and checking everyone's schedule (which isn't user friendly at all) then your game is gonna suck. Simple as that.

    Skipping time is and always will be a boring as fuck game mechanic. Finding specific timeslots where character X does Y to progress is also mind numbingly boring. The core mechanics of this game is pure ass, and not in a good way.

    It's really a complete waste of a good artist's time.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best I've played, even though its still early days. Game has absolute massive potential.

    Art is a 10
    Setting is a 10
    Story is a 7

    The only slightly negative thing I can think of are the slow updates since the creator is new to making games but this could easily change in the future with the creator getting better over time or hiring additional workers. Game is a must try in my opinion.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the best i´ve played here, the art is awesome, the animations, the story. I really want more games like this one :love:. Thanks to Milda for this wonderfull game and thanks to K3NJ1 for the thread.
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    memes memer

    this is the first time i'm leaving a 1/5 star review and i don't really think it deserves it. the art/scene setups/dialogues are all good but jesus fuck, i think often the problem with RPGM games is that they feel too much like looking for a needle in a haystack.

    especially when in this game there are these very specific prerequisites for events to happen, it feels like the game is very linear but since it's an RPGM, it's just hell trying to find the exact next step especially when there is no guide, and the cellphone info can be really vague on certain parts (which is hell since it's pretty linear). if you get stuck on one part, everything else is blocked. i actually kinda like RPGMs if they feel like how a free roam should be which is that you have options. you're free to pursue multiple paths of content freely. but it just feels like a linear game but way more annoying.

    visuals are also really pleasant too but yea the gameplay is frustrating and a real mood killer and clashes with the visual style being really pleasant. feel like i wasted 4 hours for nothing and the dream thing not having the actual dialogue/scene would be fine if the game itself wasnt so frustrating but having no dialogue/the actual scene on top of the game being the way it is just makes the problem worse.
  6. M
    5.00 star(s)


    I absolutely love this game. The art is amazing! Gameplay is great! Very little grammar issues at least from when I last played it. Updates are small but really well done. This is one of my favorites by far. I really hope that this developer has success and can build a team so he can expand on this game.

    You don't get many games like this one. I recommend it to anyone that likes this genre. =)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    loving the art style, looks like a really polished game! Sure it's still barebones but it's to be expected. Would love to support the creator if i had cash to burn. hope this gets more attention soon.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Game with multiple maps to explore, mechanics, heroines and events that will remind you of The Manor and Summer Memories.

    It has systems for the farm, and many mini-games with the different heroines that give each of its arches a personality.
    Not to mention her careful drawing style.

    It's definitely highly recommended.
  9. Q
    5.00 star(s)


    very surprising that only one person is working on it, very good graphics and animation, the only problem is that is a bit short for now

    i only hope that this project doesn't end with the ''abandoned'', it's really promising
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoying this game immensely, dev seems engaged and interested in keeping the game updated and adding new features, going so far as to have a trello with daily activity to allow the users to keep tabs on what's being worked on. I look forward to more.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh man, so this belongs with things like summertime saga and dandy boy adventures. Which is a good thing in my book. It amuses me much to imagine SS as a giant who devours the finite support of the market/community/whatever its called so the next generation of games/devs in this genre have a slow start. But hey, at least its a paved path for them! This game itself is a curious amalgam of western and japanese artstyles (hmm or it seems so to me) on the chassis of those jrpgs. I rarely see it. From what i saw, the gameplay or engine is nothing of note (unlike dandy boy adventures, i experience sorta fun with its engine). But the premise / art / execution is above 4 out of 5, at least my dick says so. Keep on struggling!
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Edit for the 2020 december update:
    I keep all I said but I'm taking out 2 stars.. The game can and will be good, I believe in it. But... both sexual interactions with Daisy are somewhat rape-y.
    Maybe...not somewhat. I don't like this at all. If it keeps going this way (and...that's what it seems)...I'm out. I'm against this the same way people here are against NTR. But it's not about fetish, it's about basic decency.
    This got some crazy good potential. A tad too short? Maybe, but when you consider the damn good art quality (positive points just by having non-giant tits girls on the spotlight) and the hella fluid animation, and this is being made by one guy alone, you gotta give it a chance.
    That being said... the dialogues are somewhat bland, the characters don't have much of a personality, and don't get me started on the grammar errors. Get a proofreader asap and it will be already a big step.

    That being said again, this is part of the reason this game got crazy good potential. Third update and it's already something, and on the points that it sucks, it's still early enough for it to be passable. Hoping that when (and if, but this got potential to do it even though they are kinda greedy) the goals are beaten, he gets someone to help with stuff like the writing and story (after all it's a porn game but still a game, good H-Scenes are a must but only this won't make it maybe only for me but it's MY review).
    Looking forward for it, a 3,5/5 for now.
  13. 4.00 star(s)



    Despite the odd arrangment of its title, which reads rather like a mistranslated Chinese-to-English soap opera concerning rural America, Daily Lives of My Countryside is anything but odd. Mimicking the stylings of cult-classic Harvest Moon, and its more contemporary darling, Stardew Valley, Daily Lives appears to aspire toward a place in the farming/life simulator genre with genuine erotic content intertwined; having played through the entirety of the content presently available, I've never before been so keen on milking, plowing and planting some seed as I am right now.

    Character art is superb, stylized yet with ample detail to inform the player of relationships (such as mother and daughter) while also serving to adequately differentiate between the cast. Excellent sprites are also employed, neatly representing the characters more lavishly drawn dialogue-images. Erotic scenes are also prolific, ranging from the merely provocative to explicit, all in the same soft, beautifully handdrawn style. Most endearingly, however, is the artist's commitment to creating animations for events other developers would dismiss. Simple peeping sequences feature multiple animated scenes; mundane activities, such as milking the cows, are brought to life by the fluid visuals.

    Some care, however, should be given to addressing the script; the author is clearly unfamiliar with English grammar and has committed a few glaring mistakes.

    "(sign)" when they meant "(sigh)"​
    "Daisy is in her confusion" as opposed to "Daisy feels confused"​

    The primary shortcoming of Daily Lives, a lack of content, is an entirely excusable flaw given the present release version. The grindy progression, lack of guidance and limited interaction opportunities will likely be addressed as development continues.

    GRAPHICS ----------------------------------------- 10 / 10
    + Crisp, clean pixel art that is highly reminiscent of classic farming/life simulators.
    + Consistent style, even across unique areas; tilesets flow together without noticeable seams.
    + Gorgeous, soft yet stylized character art. Lines are clearly defined, colors organic and alluring.
    + Animations are fluid, handdrawn and cleanly looped. Animated events are surprisingly frequent.
    + Character designs are alluring, with beautiful curves and a variety of bodytypes.

    DIALOGUE ----------------------------------------- 4 / 10
    - Choppy and inconsistent writing with some obvious grammatical errors.
    - Terse discourse, where present at all.
    - Characters lack much by way of personality or development.

    GAMEPLAY ---------------------------------------- 4 / 10
    +/- Content, at present, is severely lacking and genuine interactions are limited.
    INNOVATION ------------------------------------- 6 / 10
    + Farming and life simulator elements are promising, "Stardew Valley with Sex" is a phenomenal concept. Activities in this regard are clearly already in development, with skills such as Milking.

    SCORE ==================== 24 / 40
    Daily Lives of My Countryside features some of the most brilliant handdrawn art of any title in recent years, with animations that display a genuine dedication to the craft and are featured in places most would disdain. Keep an eye on its progress and, if possible, support the developer.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent drawing and environment :love: . The Summertime Saga came to mind a bit, but I think you're going to get over it, of course, if you don't keep up with it. I hope there will be plenty of options and content for the game...:)
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    The Aligator

    one of a kind, the first game ever who got me to support it, so fucking nice dude. awsome art work, very good gameplay, crazy beautiful models, big tits. all u can ask is here. the only problem is the game that eventualy ends. looking foward for more updates as soon as possible.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very enjoyable game so far! Good dialogue excellent artwork overall perfection. It is a very chill and calm game. From what the dev had said and from playing so far only MC gets to bang the girls with is a big plus!. If you like milfs try this game out, it reminds me a lot of Summertime Saga. Good luck to the dev.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I do not understand the existing of this game.
    7 hours wasted and the gameplay remained the same as the first second into this game. Nothing to do, walking around the map with no characters 90% of the time, all there is to do is playing games to skip the time to where the characters appeared and when you interact with them they say the same thing and you can do nothing with them then what the hell is the point to have them on the map ??

    No indicator to tell what i'm supposed to do, no mission, nothing to unlock, friendship points are useless they don't do anything, i milk the damn same cows everyday and still made no progress, the character when interact with repeated the same dialogue.

    I wasted 7 hours try to unlock more scenes. Eventually i got tired so i go in the files to looks for the images of scenes which i might have yet to unlock turned out i've pretty much already seen everything .... seriously there are like 5 scenes to see and like 3 scenes where you can play with the females like massage or molest them....

    IF it was not for the fact it has pretty graphics for what it is and good animations, i would consider this to be one of the worst game i've played.
    This game is a pure emptiness. and should not be released until there are more contents in it period.
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    chad hypercock

    needs alot of improving, more characters and more diologue. other than that, the art is beautiful. I expected more, but now i understand why the name of this game makes sense. You play video games, talk with your family and be a bad member of society, peep on girls and get caught. 6/10, but i read a new update is coming, so potentionally 8/10 or higher
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Daily Lives of my Countryside [v0.1.9.0]

    I will give it 3 stars. But why? As I remember, this game was, and still is a big promise, at least on this forum. The expectation was to high back then on 2020. Yeah, is not that old as I tought. My excitment about the upcoming updates is not the high now that it was when the game just came. Why?

    Story development. The game is primary focus on the art, the rest of the elements are on background.There is no need for a very complex story. Only a story that can link the events, and dev of the characters in order to increase the atractive of the game. Instead, there is no characters development, just a succession of inconsequential moments. I don't see any interest on improve the story. Being on an early stage is not an excuse. The story is the first thing you make when you create a game, or comic, etc. There's also a forced feeling about the H-Scenes, where the MC try to fullfill his needs no matter what. So, he goes and rapes his cousin and aunt, blackmail and rape college partners. The MC, is basically an asshole. No charisma at all, he only goes around making dance his dick. If it wouldn't for his appearence, he would probably be considered a netorare character. I don't know if there is something to do about that, since is a very personal opinion about the MC.
    I think, the dev needs to start focussing on the story developing and spend an update for that, and not focus only on art. That's why I feel a kinda empty product.

    : Probably which surprised me more than the other things. It seems that "lesbian" content is a kind of weird thing for the dev. Something that an old countryside man could say about homosexual things of now a day. Is weird when a game advertise you about the most usual material of an adult game. I would do advertises only about scat, or gore, but not about lesbian stuff. I think is unnecesary many of the other things. Imagine a game advising you if you want to see threesomes or orgy, like a weird thing, or something you would probably avoid if you can. In that case, you wouldn't play porn games.

    About the next and last 2 points, I don't have so much to say, since there is not much to say, cause the users already know about them very well.
    Nothing to say about, the art is great, and by far, the strongest point of the game.
    Gamepley: Very simple RPG. Nothing remarcable yet. Only a few things to do, like exploration, work on the farm, etc.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    As of version
    Game has a lot of potential. As controversial as using RPGM is, this game is proof that you can do a great game with it, or at the very least that the potential is there.

    - Excellent art: Not only the CGs and character portraits are good, there are not RPGM stock assets, so the overworld looks gorgous and the little character sprites are adorable.
    - Incredibly good animation: I don't like animations in games because they tend to be low quality. But this game manages to deliver small loops of very well animated art, somehow.
    - Interesting mechanics: The quest system can be quite good if used correctly.
    - Good characters: All characters are well designed, even if they appear briefly.

    - Barren world: The world feels completely empty. Understandable since it's a very early build, but it leads to the second problem.
    - Nothing to do for long periods of time: Even advancing time, it feels like there isn't a lot to do. A lot of events are for a single specific day, Friday more specifically, and the others are very repetitive.
    - NPC disappear: During a big portion of the day, both the mother and the sister seems to disappear completely, since they are nowhere around the farm, house or school. Same with other NPCs like the teacher. Again, both previous problems are mostly due to being an early build.

    As I said, the game has a lot of potential and I hope it will keep getting better. Right now is around 20 minutes long, so it's worth checking out to make a verdict of your own. 5 stars all things considered.