RPGM - Daily Lives of My Countryside [v0.3.0.1 Bugfix] [Milda Sento]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    beautiful art and great story game! Best game I've even played. this game make me love rpgm game more and more. this is my first time experiencing a game that makes me really attracted to porn games !
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    v0.2.8.1 rating
    the last time I played this and gave a review for v0.2.6 v0.2.8.1was over a year ago.
    who the fuck still supports this?

    Neither the bad menus, nor the confusing progression system have changed.
    The main interests got little to no new scenes.
    There is nothing to do or experience for a long period of time.
    Instead the dev bloated the shit out of this thing with filler characters.

    Quick Guide to milk money with Adult games:
    -Always pretend to be working on something
    -Put out enough content, but not too much
    -(Preferably) never finish your game
    -Represent any kind of niche possible, which people can't find in other games
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent, has all the elements I love in a game.

    Art is pleasing, cute and nice.

    However, the only bad part is the navigation. It's really not the best. Another functionality I wish they'd have is basically a quick toggle to enter the phone, as it's a bit of a pain in the ass to reach out to P if you're using mouse only. Yes, I know you can access it via the menu by right clicking -> Key items but still.

    Great game over all. I'd take a star out for the navigation but the game is so good regardless that I'll give it the full rating.

    Would recommend if you're into it.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    version 0.2.4
    loving it so far. Only thing I wish to raise it to 5 is the milf (aunt) to be sexed (still no full penetration , just tip)
    other than that the animations and gameplay are quite fun
    You can tell that the dev put lots of love into it so I hope it will last enough to get everything finished
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    so the characters dont look like they are 18 at all, the play is really problematic because u need to be at the right time at the right place, some scenes are really cleaver but others are dumb and make no sense, Daisy for some reason sleep without panties in apron only even tho she is wearing them one picture before, people are forcefully creating fake accounts and putting on magical creature trying to turn this into Harry Potter
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    For Public

    The art style is really good and the animation is also really good. That's really why I'm giving it this high of a score.

    I played it a few hours, but I'm lost as there really is no real direction on what you're supposed to be doing. Even the listed guide isn't of any real help. It's a huge problem in the game when you don't know what you're supposed to be doing

    This can be fixed by incorporating some kind of journal that gives you tips on what you can do. Like, I tried for an ingame week to talk to the principal but she kept saying to come back later and I'd go wait an hour and come back, but she'd just vanish. I tried going back into the woods to talk to that witch after she invited me back, but she's just never there and I have no idea how to find her. She's not in her house or the woods and I don't really feel like checking the entire map, running home to game for an hour, then checking the whole map again every time I can't find someone

    Another problem is how big and spacious the world map is. You can never really tell where any character is at any given hour as they always change every hour so you'll have to wander around every zone to find them. This can be changed by having a phone contact system where you can find out where people are at any given time so you don't have to hunt for them

    Another issue I personally have is the whole aunt and cousins thing. I get the author says this isn't incest, but come on. Not my thing and I actively avoid those scenes whenever possible

    The farming bit seems extremely bare bones. There's like 4 crops and milking. There's really not much to it. No extra care, no other animals, no depth. Just plant, water, harvest. Toss in some fertilizer, more plants with different growth rates and stats, more uses for crops rather than just selling, more animals to take care of and make money off of.

    I see potential, but it needs work. I also hope the author changes the whole aunt and cousin thing. Just make it some family friends or something
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    I can't understand all the 5*, the playing is just awful. The characters and the stories are great but there are just too many bugs in this. So how can you give a 5* or does all of you have a good way to cheat you thru the game. I don't have so I'll just give this up. It's a pity as I sometimes is given hints that this is a good game. So, sorry, this was my thoughts for whatever they are worth.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I just started playing this game and it already my new favorite porn game.

    The art is fantastic. The way the characters as a whole and genitalia of both male and female is drawn is incredible.

    The story and sexual scenarios so far is also extremely good for my taste and there probably is a lot more to come.

    I dont know how hard this would be to implement at this stage of the game but something I would like to see in this game that I've seen in other porn games is the option to choose the relation to the characters or atleast the characters the mc live with so you can personalize it for your own taste, so you can choose for it to be incest or not.

    I 100% want to support Milda Sento and this game but unfortunately my bank wont allow me to subscribe on SubscribeStar and I dont think there is anyother way to support this game, I hope it comes to steam or something.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Played V0.2.2, and I'd say this is a great game for the most part. Story is about what you would expect but have a few nice twists and kinks added for good measure. The art and animation is beyond amazing quality also being unique from other 2d/adult games. Which as well you can completely see all the art and animations at the start of the game if you choose to. Some issues I have though is that it's a bit of a grind, especially without using any cheats (was doing it without cheats for a while), you also have to repeat and wait for characters who don't always show up which was a bit tedious for me, and I don't really see my self replaying it in the future for the stories or characters. Maybe with a few more updates to the game at some point.

    If you don't usually like 2d games, I'd recommend at least trying this one and supporting the developer for what they do, if you at least enjoyed your time of course.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game but incredibly slow development. Art is good, scenarios are interesting and story is decent. School stuff is boring but everything else is good. Getting money is a bit too grindy (without the content to justify it) but you can cheat to get around it. Provides walkthroughs within the game or atleast good enough hints to figure it out yourself.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Ended for me real quick again this time, played a couple years ago when you couldn't plant crops so you couldn't advance. Played again this time and couldn't advance because Theo disappears after agreeing to go to lunch.
    It would seem the entire cafeteria is locked to the MC.

    The game has a great concept but relies on cheats to overcome the bugs.

    Gave 1 Star because it is not playable without severely cheating, not just getting money to overcome the grind, and because of the Tho lunch bug, which cannot be overcome.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent quality content with in built gallery and cheat(money,relation points,etc), so no grind required if u choose not to.

    Characters and scenes are very well drawn and are well detailed.

    All scenes are animated with proper animations and not 2 frame transitions.

    Updates are slow and small but Milda makes it up with the quality( basically quality over quantity) and that's good so we don't have to play half ass quality content.

    Finally NO FUCKING NTR(This shit ruins every game that has it(in my opinion) and luckily this one doesn't...ThankGod).
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on this site. Its fairly low on content as of now but its very early. Worth playing for sure. I'm not a huge fan of 2d games in general but this one caught me by surprise.
    Just hope the game itself will be a few hours long and have more sexual content in the future.
    Now that it has come a long way, the game is a bizarre fetish game that make 0 sense. Almost all content released now is very strange and not appealing. I gave the game a 5/5 before but because the game has taken a turn for the worse and the updates take almost half a year per time, ill reduce the score to a 2/5. It was promising but now it's just weird AF.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game, despite not being finished, is one of the best I've ever seen when it comes to overall presentation. The story is plain and simple while properly taking us from point A all the way to point P(panties). The art style is genuinely amazing and unique compared to most games in its genre.

    To top it all off,
    I'm the 69th vote
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    good visuals, sound, character elaboration. The only drawback is that updates are not released as often as we would like. The game can please with a variety of scenes. The only game it can be compared to is Summertime Saga, I think they are equal in quality.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all the time i'm making this review the game isn't finish so let's start. You're not gonna see big updates or story line plots so need to be patient. The game honors its tags so you'll be satisfied with what where you expecting, seriously it has the potential to be a great game and i've got faith on it, let's wait together
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is over all good. The animation is well made, the characters are amazing, the history is good, the gameplay is better than many other RPG styled games i saw out there, and not to mention the sounds, they are in sync with the action, and the mods which was put in the download links makes it even better, thanks for posting this game here!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is going very well, I expect more content just as good. So I leave my 5 stars for you to continue on that path. The only thing I would miss is the Spanish language, few RPG games have it, but if it were possible it would be great.
  19. 3.00 star(s)

    McDonald’s Sprite

    A very promising game that fails to grow due to stubbornness behind the scenes. The art style is inconsistent with models, the gameplay is barebones and boring, no way of knowing what you are doing and every update makes you restart from the beginning (Edit: Now can transfer saves however latest one requires you to start over anyway). Updates take forever for about 10 minutes of mediocre content with LOTS of teasing that doesn't go anywhere. Dev is incredibly stubborn and refuses to communicate with anyone. He only likes company that never actually message him and that level of closemindedness is seen in this game as the game is actually for him and not for anyone else. I wouldn't even say come back to this as in the 1.5 years it's been out, almost nothing has actually changed.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    :love: Art & animations are brilliant
    village layout is very good as well
    Easily in my top 10 of all time

    very decent story progression and there are lot of characters hence there will be variety of content and update time is also decent giving developer also has a job

    Good luck to dev Milda Sento and i hope you get enough support so that you can do this full time