i've got corruption and fitness at 100% and no option for the gym w/bother comes up? i did buy the gym wear but its not in the inventory?
Certain things don't appear in the inventory, this is intentional. In 0.0.5 items now disappear from the menu when bought
So i'll tell you guys this, You need to grind to 100% attractiveness 2% a day from Gym/Park meaning you have to grind for atleast 48 days before you can even invite him to the gym.
You only need 5% attractiveness, need to have not worked out that day, need girly clothes, "manly" is meant as a joke, and it has to be a reasonable time.
I tried adding the quest tracker to make it easier.
Wow, this game is a mess.
Mechanically, the balance is monstrously poor per the current version's content. The bugs run through much of it, ranging from being able to be trapped unable to do daily tasks (like working) no matter how many days pass by in-game, to some passages being dead ends despite them not even having anything to do with progression, to promotions not working, to some items not being purchasable/not giving the same feedback as other items you can purchase do. There's also the exceptionally annoying choice that some options don't show up if you don't meet their requirements despite the game suggesting in it's intro that options you don't qualify for will be visible if not accessible.
Narrative-wise, everything is immediately extreme from go, with your first encounters with characters being so over-the-top that they'd be mid-to-late game encounters in almost any other game. Even off-hand encounters can be extreme, like my first encounter with the step-brother was peeking on them in the shower. On top of that, even the love/trust/positivity routes in this game are written in a deeply negative/aggressive/hostile way that makes them feel honestly even more negative than the corruption/exploitation routes.
This jarring juxtaposition of sudden and extreme with slow mechanical progression only adds to how off-putting of an experience it is to play, and although promoted on this basis: the entire game is intensely focused on classic IR fetishized racism material. The extent and uniformity of it was certainly more than I was expecting, even having played multiple games of the sort. It was to the point where it almost reads like parody to me.
IMO, with extensive work not just in adding content, but in reworking existing content, this could be a good game at some point. It certainly has the blueprints, but at present I'm not sure what there is to actually like except the media and imaginings of where it might be at some point in the future.
Thanks for the critique. If you find any bugs, send me your save game and I'll be able to fix those bugs in the next version, report it on the discord, or here if you prefer.
I really appreciate your criticism on the trust routes being aggressive and negative, they are severely underdeveloped, and I'll keep that in mind when I finally decide to expand on them.
Additionally in terms of pacing I definitely agree with you. The sister quest is a prime example of this. It was one of the first I wrote, and hasn't really had a second pass over. In my vision I see I don't want there to be too much explicit content in the beginning, but I sort of just write it as I go along with the general idea being something like this
Act 1 finale: You bang them
Act 2 finale: They are "enslaved"
Act 3 finale: You're basically whoring them out
We'll get there at some point, but it's a long way away.
Any ways thanks again!