Uhm you do know that this project only really started a few months ago, right? Before that it was a sad excuse of a demo for a project that I wanted to do. Since then a lot has changed. Initially the game was called A Broken Family, had no sexual content and would've had a different story to what it has now. It initially had premade characters, now a lot of them are completely custom. The code is much more complex than everything I've done before and so much more. As for the updates all of them that are listen in the OP were released in 2021, btw.
Maybe I should have just opened a new thread in hindsight, but it is what it is now.
Talking about Patreon though, I'm not worried about their ToS. I never was and I never will. I also just relaunched my Patreon page, so we'll see how it goes.
Also I couldn't care less about making money with the game, as long as I break even at the end of the month, I'm happy.