Yeah, they are like the first characters who appear in the game. I would like to remake their story too, or go deeper in details of their family. Maybe you still don't see them wild enough. But I don't know if I can change one's opinion on them. I don't try to make her or them warriors. I know I can't write good characters. I only focus on their purpose in life. Maybe MC is just a part of their story. Maybe he is their slut.So, no explanation about what happened between them ?
I want to know because I think I see Luna in the wrong way.
I think we have to see Luna as a strong warrior woman, but for me, everytime I see her I just think " Meh, she just a slut, and Okemia and Haya too, they are not important "
You reworked Yasuko story, maybe you will do the same witl Okemia-Luna-Haya.