I'm not planning on adding body hair or body transformations like that unfortunately ;; (but if anyone ends up modding it in I don't mind)mhhh I don't know, let's almost say something classic for now and not be strange, something like hypnotizing, not if you're not interested in the pregnancy,Bimbofication and Protucion or Slut state either.
(For me, in my opinion, it would be strange to see, but just in case I say it, that the protagonist has some hair in the pubic and the strangest one in the armpit. Does the game Princess Knight Claris sound familiar to you? Let's say the same thing, that there is a place where let's say there is not much hygiene and a lot of drugs. And our protagonist is exposed to too many drugs and dirt. His nipples or pubic become dark and some hair grows.)
But like I said, it's just my opinion, you are the creator of the game and you can do whatever you want. Great game by the way.
but I am going to add a small undercity-type of town at some point that'll cover the dirty and shady aesthetics a bit!
as far as transformation content there's gonna be some optional scenes for temporary body changes ("oops I drank the wrong potion and my boobs are now twice as big", that sort of thing)