VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Dark Neighborhood [Ch. 8 v1.0 Super Gamer] [Psychodelusional]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Graphics are good, the light could be better tho

    I like the characters, except the litle sister i think shes a bit ugly (for me anyway)

    The story line its very rush, theres no tension built, and i dont know what kind of cloths MC uses but he must have holes in every pants, shorts, underwear he has cuz hes dick always through them...
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! Enthralling, involving. If you like very well written narratives, no typos, no misguided and inconsistent loops or dead ends without explanations - this is definitely a game for you!

    It is dark, it is bothersome - of course. It verges on the thin line between good and evil...

    What else to say beyond: JUST PLAY God dammit! ("God dammit" being operative words ;) )
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I can't believe I never reviewed this game before now. I have been playing and following the development of Dark Neighborhood since its initial release and right off the bat, you knew you were witnessing something completely different in the adult game genre.

    The game, at its heart, plays off some of the most outrageous, profane and just silly situations with such a level of earnestness and a straight-faced sense of gravity, that it almost becomes possible to believe you are witnessing a drama, instead of what is the genre's most darkly funny and subversive game. The writing never deviates. All of the characters are played 100% straight. The soundtrack accentuates the sense of tension and drama. This consistent set up and attention to detail almost never fail to contrast with the absolute batshit crazy situations being portrayed, and the result is usually belly laughs at the absurdity and admiration for the developer having the skill to pull this kind of balancing act off.

    As of this review, the game is at Chapter 5 and has a ton of content. Most of that content is fairly linear, with a special ending variant if you nail the best choices during a given chapter. While there are a few fetch quests, almost all of the content is sexual in one way or another, most ending in a lewd scene. The models are fairly unique and all possess the thickness gene. The dev absolutely knows what they are doing with posing, shot framing and lighting, and the game has its own visual style due to their competence.

    Long story short, this is the most underrated adult visual novel on this site. Play this game.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 900601

    This is a weird one. It would honestly be a 5/5 but there's just something off about this game.

    So the positives; The story is rather unique and actually decent. There's lots of scenes but it's paced nicely so you don't just jump into the sex. The render quality is great, and most of the images are great.

    The negatives and what pushes this game into a 4/5; while the render quality is damn good, the way the images are made feels weird. Especially in the first 2 chapters, faces are distorted. Also the younger sister's assets weren't exactly well picked, she looks like a woman in her mid-life crisis.

    The word I would pick for this offness, is simply "gross". It's a nice game, but there seems to a recurring theme of describing things in a gross manners for no apparent reason. Especially the scene with the younger sister while outside. That was just plain visually gross. So I dunno. Honestly I'd rate this a 3.5/5 just because of this whole gross factor, it turned me off quite a bit, and that isn't a tag that exists on this website.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    King Monkey Mon

    i gave this a 5 star review because i think its unrated and should me more popular

    the characters are really nice for i think someone who made this game by scratch

    the plot of the game is really unique a goddess of sex or succubus chose a boy to have sex with his family and the boy of the family resist alot which leads to someone unique moments

    this current update on chapter 5 two unique things happen that doesnt happen normally in incest games

    one the big sister demands her little brother fuck her pussy

    the other unique thing is how the little sister gets her v-card taken by her brother

    i also liked the someone of sound effects and motions when the characters are running away or something since i find that part quite hilarious :D

    the music of the game is really nice and fits the game well during certain scenes :D
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Definite change of pace from other games. Graphics are over the top with a different twist on the "demon" story telling genre. Models vary in size making it even better. Mother being all around busty. Elder sister huge tits. Younger sister fat bum. Easy to follow along and the choices have interesting results
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    it gets a four for good story and hot scenes, the mom is sexiest storyline hoping for a good animated scene with her later maybe (crossing fingers). I personally like the different from usual body types see In lewd games.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    game has a different concept compared to others.
    could have been better if the characters had some decent faces.
    faces can be improved.
    even younger sister looks too old.
    the only thing i didn't liked about this game.
    on an average this game is playable.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A truly unique experience. As the game is incomplete at this time, I would actually rate it at 4 and a half stars. Amazing art, and a bi-polar story make for a game you won't forget. The blend of satirical humor with undertones of desperation make it a one of a kind experience. If you have not played it yet, do yourself (though not necessarily your psyche) a favor and give it try.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Not bad but not great.

    I wished the neighbodhood was an actual neighborhood and not just your family plus fugly neighbor.

    The models are ugly, the renders are okay, no animations of any kind.

    The plot is okay. The chapters are real short. I don't think I'll be following this game.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is a complete trip. The visuals are really good, the story and premise is crazy,'s hilarious! I haven't laughed so much from a game before, porn or otherwise, so it's amazing. I cannot recommend this game enough, it's just so amusing.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    really fucking weird game
    you know how "the room" is so bad that its good ? (i've heard, havent watched it)
    well this feels like, its so weird that its good... in some really weird way.
    i have no idea what the hell is going on, i have no idea what this game is supposed to be, i have no idea why i find it enjoyable to play.... but i do...for some weird reason.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Chapter 1 alone is worth 5 stars.

    This game has a different set of visuals and appeal that separate it from other games that are similar. There aren't a ton of choices, but the ones that are there give you slightly different scenes and outcomes. This makes it much more straightforward and more friendly with replay and outcome exploration without feeling like you're getting lost down the rabbit hole.

    The static imagery and situational lust development are so well done that the lack of "animated" scenes are completely excusable in my opinion.

    Oh, and Diablo font. Well done.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Even as a incest fetishist I found this position to be weird.. how to describe it. It has this light horror vibes, weird renders position, almost comic. The only character I find sexually attractive in this game is second sister and ass/body of slim energetic little minx.. Mother has nothing attractive, neighbour even less. Our Mc.. is typical weakling of a guy, without any charisma and luck in life. The only luck is that his younger sister likes him and trusts him, somehow. Anyway emotions are over the top, shock is shown to shocking degree other emotions in similar way. Add to that it has little content, about one day of story plus big size of rendered images makes it a game not worth this much data.. it should fit in one tenth of that at most. Waste time with it if you are curious fellas, for me it does not have charm needed for erotic games.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few worthy porn games out there, the story and the renders are on point. Cannot wait for a good chunk of the story to be released already, good stuff right here, support it peeeeeeeeeeople.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall one of the few reeeeaaaaly good games on this Website .
    It captured my interest from the beginning and managed to keep the tension to the end.
    Nice story plot, good ideas and the implementation of the naughty scenes are great as well,
    I did't encounter any bugs.
    The quality of the models are great (BIG BOOTYS! YEAH BOOOIII!!), the dev will even add animations in chapter 2,
    after what he delivered in ch. 1 I am sure he will rock the next release!

    The naughty scenes are not difficult to get, the dev even supplied a fap version (Thank u here @Psycho Delusional) !
    Remarkable is the attention of the dev, great bro keep up !!
    His presence and quick reaction towards the questions (thumbs up)

    Overall: I'm loving it!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is Chapter 1...

    (12/11/2017 - Original Review - Chapter 1)

    This visual novel/game was strange yet entertaining to read, as it did have a lot of dialogue/monologue and the graphics were alright... It starts off dark and mysterious, and ends with a bizarre (maybe oh-so laughable) scene near the end... Can't tell if this is intended as a comedy or if they are being serious and it just ends up being slightly funny on accident... Who knows...

    The visuals were average, not the best, but not bad either... Some of the characters had disproportionate size body parts compared to their body frame, which is probably something the author/s are just into... The backdrops were alright, about the same as the character visuals in quality... The UI was a bit substandard, as the interactions with everything were big letter boxes rather then some other method... They served their function, they were just primitive looking compared to other things I've seen in other vn's; like glowing items when hovered over or perhaps the words appearing in bold letters as you hover over them, etc... Instead it was almost like generic web buttons... It's one of the few Unreal Engine visual novels I've experienced, so perhaps that is just the limits of the software, dunno... Also, the protagonists doo-dah was WAY too oversized for his body frame, but I'll assume that was some supernatural thing going on, otherwise it was definitely a break from reality/immersion...

    The story started off very strange, although it began to make some sense... There were some occasional spelling/grammar errors, but not a whole lot, as I could understand most of the script with ease... The story was going in some strange directions, and I started to feel a bit sorry for the protagonist as his mother and definitely his older sister were kind of verbally abusive towards him... The mother's emotions were just all over the place, and I couldn't believe how oblivious she was to his warnings concerning her dress code prior to the sudden realization, only after he started having pain in the car... The older sister, I can only assume she is super controlling and mean... Maybe because she's sexually frustrated and totally in love with her brother, and being overly mean in an attempt to shut out those feelings, but that's just me making a guesstimation... If I'm wrong, then she is just a jerk i guess... The story did flow well, and shows a lot of potential for an interesting albeit somewhat disturbing story...

    This visual novel/game is in early stages of development, only being Chapter 1, although it felt more like a Prologue... If the authors can work out some of the kinks, however minor they may be, and continue to make it interesting and even sometimes farcical, then it might turn out alright... Have to wait and see just what the author/s have planned, will it get way out of hand or be rather entertaining? Have to wait and see...

    (03/06/2018 - Review Update - Chapter 2 Bonus Ed.)

    Well, this new chapter is definitely taking on a more dark flavor... In chapter 1, due to the visuals and so on, I had an inkling that perhaps it might be going more for a slightly dark comedy vibe... But in this newest version with Chapter 2, I don't really see much in the way of comedy at all, as it is taking on a darker feel...

    It feels more like the other family members are becoming more corrupt in spite of the protagonists attempts to fight the darkness within himself... As though his actions are not directly influencing their behavior, so much as being victims of his attempts to stop the corruption from taking over himself... Not sure that was an intentional process, or just a byproduct of what is actually occurring in the story... In the end of this content he even attempts to take things to the extreme to stop himself, right before the content ends for Chapter 2...

    Overall, Chapter 2 shows more of how this story will develop... More of an internal struggle between his inner demon and his desire to protect his family... In some instances he gives in a little, and in other ways he takes ahold of his destiny... Such as with his older sister, she had beaten him into submission so many times, you can decide to fight back or continue to cave in... But with that newly found strength, also comes the price of giving in a bit more to his desires... This whole story is a power play between his inner desires, his unwillingness to hurt his family, and the struggle of the people around him to deal and cope with his changes and their own needs/desires...

    There is definitely more erotic events in this new chapter, which really is the focus of the content... Throwing erotic events at the protagonist, and letting the reader/player make decisions on how the story evolves during each event... How will the protagonist react, will he cave in to his desires, will he run away, will he take things too far, will he be strong, will he be weak, will he win the fight, or will he carefully seduce those he loves the most? There is a lot going on, all depending on the character he interacts with... There are still some adventure type elements, not many, just a few in each chapter, but enough to give more depth to the story... This isn't a hugely deep story, but there is a enough to keep me interested...

    This chapter took a while to get released, or at least to appear on this site... I will most likely wait a while before checking back with this VN/Game... Give it time to grow a little bit more, content wise... Perhaps after a few more chapters are released... Give it some time to expand before doing a review update again...
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I do not think that saying "my goodness" is appropriate when one is a wondering. The desing of characters do not like me, there is something too "doll" in them. Multiple choices are poor. Anytime the kind of likes, the story is interesting and I'm waiting for chapter two. I like the disproportionate side and iréel of measures and quantities. What will be the next power of the kid? The author focuses on the scrotum, has he planned physical transformation? The sperm fetish on the body is rare, it deserves to be raised.