Collection Video Darklust Collection [2024-09-29] [Darklust]

4.20 star(s) 5 Votes
Aug 12, 2018
Ouch, I was grossly underestimating (the cost). It would mean on the range of 1500 USD for each video, and from what someone else indicated as his montly income from Patreon, it would mean around 720k budget for him for a full video.
I am certainly not minimising his skills (as I said, I like his work), which are certainly without comparison with mine (can do video editing, never even tried animation), and I admit it is somehow bad mannered and wrong to "make calculations in someone else's pocket" (if you allow the expression) but I am sure there is a decent number of "indie" film makers that would have to do with less budget for a movie with real actors.
- assets buy-in
- render rig
- voice acting
- patreon share
- taxes

I can ensure you, these alleged 720k are melting faster than a snowman in Mexico.
Also divided by the years he's working on each episode, which are quite a lot by now.
Still a decent income for sure, but definitly not 720k.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2020
- assets buy-in
- render rig
- voice acting
- patreon share
- taxes

I can ensure you, these alleged 720k are melting faster than a snowman in Mexico.
Also divided by the years he's working on each episode, which are quite a lot by now.
Still a decent income for sure, but definitly not 720k.
Hmm, you are confusing budget (what I was referring to) with income (you are referring to) - they are linked, but they are not the same - plus, I explicitly indicated the estimate of 720k is over three years for a movie (e.g. "Borders") based on information from this forum, so it is not about spreading it over n years (even because the amount received through Patreon increases over time, more years, more money).
Anyway, to follow in you line...

I have an idea of the costs for assets buy-in, render rig, I seem to remember even the Patreon share - for that kind of amount, they are a minimal part, despite Patreon percentage being substantial (I remember some 10%).
Assets buy-in and render rig are a fixed cost, whether you make a video over three years or in one year - so, on a budget of e.g. 7k they can be a huge percentange, on 720k, they are minimal.
The quality is good, I praise it myself, but we are not talkig about good Hollywood-level, so, it goes for the cost of the rig and hardware, I doubt DL uses audio and colour grading consoles at 20k each (he does not need them for the result).
With my desktop , I can do simple Iray preview almost in real time, and when doing video editing I can reencode in less time than the duration of the original video (the video software uses fully the GPUs) and it cost much less than 1% of that.
I know the cost of assets well, I have lots of them, even if for Daz, while I suspect he uses Blender, I am pretty sure the Rey model he uses is one that you can find on smut base for free (not a critcism, I like it, and why pay if he can use a free resource ?).
Video editing software, assuming he uses any, can get DaVinci Resolve, it's relatively cheap and used even by Hollywood (or you can even use the free version, does not have some functions and does not use all the GPUs in the computer, but for a single person without multi-GPU and/or a big media library, is enough).
Though I guess if he uses anything, it will be another free NLE.

The only two elements you are listing that could be indeed associated with huge cuts independenty from the amount, would be the voice acting, and the taxes.
But contrary to the popular belief, at least unless you take an recognisable "A level Hollywood star", voice actors are not paid huge amounts, and it links also to the quantity (i.e. how much they have to say, or dub) and quality (actors capable of real voice acting or not) - I liked "borders" very much, but the dialogue was not very long, so, I doubt the actress was paid a big amount.

The only thing left then is taxes. Indeed in some countries taxes can be even more than 60% on an high level occasional income (though in some countries, artists are taxed at around 15%).
To be seen if the income is even declared :), and if it gets to that level, it can make only sense to create a company/Ltd/sole trader (various forms depending on the country), which means cost (including Patreon's costs, "rig", assets) would be deductable and not taxable.
I assume you are living in a country where salaries (and cost of living) are very high - even if if you forgot all of the above and assumed he would get, e.g. 30% as real net income in the end, it would mean 216k USD over three years, which means around 72k USD net a year.
In many (I would dare to say most) countries in the World, that is a big net salary - not the CEO of a big company, granted, but still, much more than most artists have to live by.

But at the end, I admit it is a bit pointless for us to have this conversation :).

What matters is whether 1500 or so USD, even if over three years, are worth a smut video, even if one hour long, or not - I recognise the quality of the work and result, and would be willing to part some money to acknowledge it, but that kind of amount, sorry, no, too much.

Have fun !
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Jan 24, 2022
Calculating an income of $740k in 3 years is very inaccurate. In fact, DL has packages ranging from $6 - $50 per month, with different benefits. Regular posts on the subscriberstar site only need to cost $6 to be accessible, and it seems that the most people subscribe to this package. 40 - 50$ packages are very few. A few months ago he released a Full render version only for members with $40 or more, and I saw that only 4 people liked it, proving that there were only 4 people who reached this level.

Most users just watch silently and wait until he finishes his work before subscribing to the high level to see the full version of lara or rey. Therefore, all the comments here complaining that he is taking too much money and defrauding his followers are not true. Plus, almost everyone here doesn't spend money on DL, so stop complaining.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2020
Calculating an income of $740k in 3 years is very inaccurate.

[...]Regular posts on the subscriberstar site only need to cost $6 to be accessible, and it seems that the most people subscribe to this package. [...]A few months ago he released a Full render version only for members with $40 or more, and I saw that only 4 people liked it, proving that there were only 4 people who reached this level.

[...] Therefore, all the comments here complaining that he is taking too much money and defrauding his followers are not true. Plus, almost everyone here doesn't spend money on DL, so stop complaining.
The estimate indicated is coming from information here, where someone said he could see on Patreon how much DL receives a mont (various thousands of USD).
You can search for it, I had asked explicitly if the person indicated the monthly amount because they could see it on Patreon, and they confirmed (in some profiles on Patreon is possible to see how much they get a month, in others, not).
Someone else indicated it took three years to do "Lara" at that monthly income, which gives the estimate.
It is simple maths, though at the same time, I completely agree that the estimate is a very broad one, because it assumes the monthly budget was roughly constant over the three years, and here I have no evidence for or against this assumption.
It was the time when I was deciding whether to sponsor.

How much each person gives becomes irrelevant when the conversation is about the overall budget, and your indication about "proving that there were only 4 people who reached this level" follow a fallacious logic.
You assume everybody that is a certain level will like the post. There is hardly such a rule (I am also sponsoring some games on Patreon, so I have direct experience), so, using the likes to a ascertain how many people are at a level on Patreon or Subscribestar, is at the very least as approximate as the 720k estimate you rejected.
Additionally, you are talking about Subscribestar, but the other sources spoke about Patreon.

About accusing him of taking too much money, or even worst, "defrauding" (which is a crime), don't put in our "mouth" words we did not use, especially heavy ones like accusing someone of a crime.

The 40 USD a month I indicated for my own individual reference on whether I would sponsor him or not, were based on information from this forum.
If I was wrong and one can get access to the full video without having to be on the 40USD level for the whole three years development period of e.g. "Lara", happy to know it, though what you indicated does not really seem to contradict this information.

At the same time, putting aside the crime reference, even about "taking too much money" are also not our words.
I said if it is 40USD a month for three years to get the video, is too much for me , and probably others like me, not that it is too much in absolute and that he is asking too much in absolute, I cannot talk for everybody else, and he is free to set what he deems his work is worth.
If people are paying for it knowing how much they are paying and what they are getting, they cannot claim being "defrauded" (to use your reference).

The forum is about the videos, to express appreciation for the work, share it, but there is no rule forbidding to also express criticism or do a certain degree of speculation, a certain degree of freedom of expression is still guaranteed :)


Jan 24, 2022
Ouch, I was grossly underestimating (the cost). It would mean on the range of 1500 USD for each video, and from what someone else indicated as his montly income from Patreon, it would mean around 720k budget for him for a full video.
I am certainly not minimising his skills (as I said, I like his work), which are certainly without comparison with mine (can do video editing, never even tried animation), and I admit it is somehow bad mannered and wrong to "make calculations in someone else's pocket" (if you allow the expression) but I am sure there is a decent number of "indie" film makers that would have to do with less budget for a movie with real actors.
I don't want to get too argumentative, but I'm on here quite a bit, and I've definitely seen complaints about DL getting too much money for his efforts. I just want to clarify again that he doesn't make that much, and being creative takes a lot of work. Also, DL doesn't work on patreon, he only works on subscriberstar
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Mar 23, 2020
If you want broken limbs. I would want them to break it one by one while they put her in awkward position for deeper fxcking. Thats the most brutal way since she would savour the pain. And for throat fuck, getting her to swallow disgusting stuff and forcing her to lick their asses and jizz on the floor would be the most brutal. Humiliation and pain goes hand in hand. I'm not a fan of atwt. I'm a fan of them slowly expanding her holes until they are bloody and prolapsed. I would also love to see her struggling some more and them giving her hope of stopping on raping her and torturing her and then crushing that hope over again by a much more extreme fxck. A good brutal penetration is them trying to rip her holes. No one has ever portrayed a ripped hole before. A remastered version would be nice. Where they show her holes black and blue + bloody. Piercings are also nice. And also add her stomache deforming from too large insertions that are slowly damaging her inside and killing her.
First i wanna say as lady i find licking butts prolapse and stuff disgusting but since i trained karate i got one fetish where breasts and my hole are hit or stretched or punched , so if you want ideas would be to pull nipples hard or twist them or labia lips, but most brutal would be while they fuck her to pull her clit hood and mby pierce clit or tie clit , or use electroshock dildo :) i personally tried electricity on myself low voltage is okay and make me wet , high voltage i never tried ofc but i would guess it hurts and increase the "juice"


New Member
Aug 30, 2023
Just wait other few people to end the subscription and *boom* an ancient spell gives DL the strenght, time and will to complete the new 25 seconds of video to upload the same day.

This movie is going since the last Lara bonus updates.

Why do I think that he already has those few seconds ready and he just wants to milk them every 2-3 months?
I mean: his product, his price, his business model.
But just let me think this way, I don't trust creators anymore and I'm not going to support them upfront again. I just pay (if) when they release something new
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Feb 27, 2019
Just wait other few people to end the subscription and *boom* an ancient spell gives DL the strenght, time and will to complete the new 25 seconds of video to upload the same day.

This movie is going since the last Lara bonus updates.

Why do I think that he already has those few seconds ready and he just wants to milk them every 2-3 months?
I mean, his product, his price his business model.
But just let me think this way, I don't trust creatore anymore and I'm not going to support them upfront again. I just pay (if) when they release something new
Indeed, why buy bread before you know the grocerystore has bread?
Of course you assume they have that, but that's still a guess.
Buy bread when you have it the your hand/basket, just as usual. Buy one month sub when you see DL has bread, not if you think he has or will deliver.


Mar 19, 2022
Well I always defended him but I think something with him has changed.

Special that he has a family now makes me feel that he is not focused anymore. I mean sure family is always number 1 no problem with that but at the end animation is his job and he gets money every month from it.

I know he is a perfectionist and his content looks incredible but if you see Radeon and what he makes in short time. Sorry but these "it crashed and I lost the file" is so Wildeer move. I never worked wird SFM but he always sound it's like a pain in the ass. So why not moving to blender?


Aug 16, 2018
Sorry but these "it crashed and I lost the file" is so Wildeer move. I never worked wird SFM but he always sound it's like a pain in the ass. So why not moving to blender?
Auto backups have been existed in the major 3D tools like Blender/Maya for at least 8 years now. Any creator using that excuse is completely full of shit. I do a lot of hard surface modeling and that shit just doesn't happen anymore, even if your rig is trash.


May 1, 2020
So why not moving to blender?
I've been producing 3d smut since before 2014, it's not as simple as "just move to another program bro". If DL switched to Blender they'd be starting be starting from square one again on something much more difficult and completely alien to what they're used to. Shit, I still use Victoria 4 rather than the Genesis series of figures because that's what I'm used to. Luckily I don't have to cater to a paying audience, now imagine you have to start all over again while keeping the money rolling in!


New Member
Aug 30, 2023
I've been producing 3d smut since before 2014, it's not as simple as "just move to another program bro". If DL switched to Blender they'd be starting be starting from square one again on something much more difficult and completely alien to what they're used to. Shit, I still use Victoria 4 rather than the Genesis series of figures because that's what I'm used to. Luckily I don't have to cater to a paying audience, now imagine you have to start all over again while keeping the money rolling in!
It's not like I want to argue with you. Actually what you said makes a lot of sense for me, but... but the money is/was still rolling in for the past 6 months just to upload a couple screenshots, no more than 50 seconds of new video and the promise that "something new is coming soon" (and he said it december 31, 2 months ago).

So, as much as I wanted to defend him, it's crystal clear that he ìs maybe following some kind of pattern where he drops 25-30 seconds of stuff every 2-3 months and only after the community is going out of patience
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4.20 star(s) 5 Votes